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So, again, that can look like something that is inactive offline, or damaged and the Solar Dragon, Solar Reisha-Rishi come together and create Ouroboros Rings to circulate and distribute certain levels of Dragon Breath or Rosetta Breath Spirals, in order to run that frequency through one of these layers of the Gel Rings in the planet, which is a part of having a corrected, running, circuited Rasha Body. The Rasha Body is being, you know, being breathed with a life coming from the [[Cosmic Spirit Body]] through our [[Solar Dragon]], [[Solar Rishi]]c Families. <ref>[ Ascension Class- January 2023]</ref> | So, again, that can look like something that is inactive offline, or damaged and the Solar Dragon, Solar Reisha-Rishi come together and create Ouroboros Rings to circulate and distribute certain levels of Dragon Breath or Rosetta Breath Spirals, in order to run that frequency through one of these layers of the Gel Rings in the planet, which is a part of having a corrected, running, circuited Rasha Body. The Rasha Body is being, you know, being breathed with a life coming from the [[Cosmic Spirit Body]] through our [[Solar Dragon]], [[Solar Rishi]]c Families. <ref>[ Ascension Class- January 2023]</ref> | ||
==Rasha Spans== | |||
Transcript: Now from within the caves of creation, there are passageways to the dark matter body sections of the rings which make up the [[Rasha Spans]]. Now this is an atomic layer of the external creation that goes from external to internal creation fields. So there are passageways in the dark matter between the external worlds and the internal creation. This is the external domain and the internal domain creation. So in the Rasha body itself there are 15 gel rings. Now these gel rings appear like gel rings but there’s also a way of looking at the Rasha body through an architectural level. And looking at it at an architectural level it looks a lot like if you cut down a tree, an extremely old ancient tree and you looked at the rings in the tree trunk, this is what the Rasha body looks like. It’s spheres within spheres within spheres but these rings create a type of tone and there is an instruction set of which each of those rings create a plasma gel. It’s like a plasma gel ring that becomes the solar rings of the Solar Dragon Ouroboros and this is how the Solar Reisha or the Solar Dragon Kings, move around in their rings. They are literally rings which can move in all kinds of different sheets of light. It’s a travelling vehicle that is connected to the ankh body and what’s known as the Djedi. It is the rings that make up the power source within the internal portions of the ankh body itself. So these rings emit incredible like fission, fusion, nuclear power and this is, again understanding the Solar Rishi, the Solar Dragon Kings are that power and so this is how they move around in space. So the gel rings are also a travelling vehicle as well as a body part like a lightbody part within the Earth. We have gel rings in our dark matter body, the Earth has gel rings in her body – it’s a part of the mechanics of creation. | |||
So these gel rings, we could say they exist in dimensional spaces but they’re not necessarily that because they’re instruction sets of sound tones and these sound tones play music and in the span of which that music is played, there’s a ring tone within a span and that is like a watery body where the sound tone is played. So within that, let’s say that dimensional space where there is a sound tone in a span watery mass, that is a music that is being played as a ring tone and that space is called a span. So the rings themselves are grouped in sets of three – just like dimensions are – and they have a sound tone instruction for the dimensions. When we understand all of the problem with the inverted female and the corruption with sound in music, then we get this importance of the dark matter because this is the corrected music of the [[Christos-Sophia]] – the corrected sound tones. | |||
So in the center of these spans, again understanding as well let’s say, let’s talk about the Earth spans in her gel rings … So the Earth has her own gel rings. So let’s say, in the first three spans, this would correlate to the first three dimensions, the first second and third dimension or the first, second and third spans. And these spans are connected to the Crystal Core of the planet. | |||
Now the next section is what would be the soul layers, Right, the 4th, 5th, and 6th dimensional layers but this would be 4th, 5th, and 6th dimensional spans. And in that span, is this is the aquifers now. This is the watery fluid vapors, the watery fluids of the underground aquifers of our planet correspond to the soul layers. So this would be like understanding, if you infect the waters, you infect the soul because the soul layers are directly receiving the sound tone messages from the 4th, 5th, and 6th dimensional spans in the underground aquifers of the planet. So again, we’re going through a clearing of this right now right, with the creation of the corrected Rasha body but understanding just again how massive this is, ‘cause this is just the planetary Rasha body, this is not a universal Rasha body, right? We have a Rasha body individually, the planet has a Rasha … Everything has a Rasha body and all of those Rasha bodies are in a universal matrix – Mother Matrix Rasha body. So it’s just massively huge. | |||
Now beyond the soul layered 4th, 5th, and 6th spans, now we come to the lower middle and higher layers of the Earth shelf. This would be the Earth mantle, the mountains, the crust of the Earth, the upper layers of the crust of the Earth would make up the monadic connections. So 7, 8 and 9 span tones would be now the matter of the Earth mantle. So that would be again the instruction sets would be coming from the monadic layers. This is now where we get metatronic reversal. So think on the surface of the Earth – the Earth mantel, the Earth crust – and on the surface, part of the surface, we have the ley lines, right? We have the timelines, we have the different grid systems of the planet that have been manipulated with metatronic reversal and reversal 10-10 current. Okay, so that current was put there because of the monadic problems, right, monadic reversal that was impacting the Earth mantle and the matter of Earth so that the Earth matter and the Earth mantle and the Earth crust and the Earth mountains were not sending out the monadic instruction sets that they were supposed to because again, the Rasha body wasn’t there with the correct sound tone patterns in 7, 8 and 9 spans sending out the proper ring tones to the monadic music that would bring the monadic spirit energies and its signature to be emanated out of the Earth crust. | |||
Okay so now further, in the 10th, 11th and 12th layers of the span of the Rasha body, now we get to the atmosphere around the planet and this is the Solar Logos. So the Solar Logos, now think remember all that we know about the Solar Logos … We know about Lyra and the Cradle of Lyra. We know that the 10th dimension connects to Vega and 11 is Aveyon and 12 is to Aramatena. We know that the Solar Logos was exploded, right? So this is another form of the Logos, the Solar Logos, Christ-Buddah span of 10, 11 and 12 forms in the Rasha body of Earth. It is the atmosphere around the planet. Okay so now we’re talking to the Cosmic Christ and we’re doing our Christic shielding and you’re thinking about the atmosphere, this is now wind sylphs, this is celestial air, you know intelligent air substances and all of the which, I can’t, do not come to mind at this moment in terms of their name but thinking of the atmosphere, again the winds, the vapors, the sylphs, all of the wisps. The atmosphere around the planet is now coming into the corrected Solar Logos spans that are coming from the Rasha body to create the corrected transmission of energetic signatures from the sound template and that is found in the atmosphere. | |||
Now further out, now we get to the coronasphere and this is 13, 14 and 15 which we have been talking about is critical. This is the starry night dark firmament that is connected to the Triple Solar Masculine and Triple Solar Feminine merge. Now again, at this level of Rasha body, this is the feminine body so it’s the Solar Reisha, the 13, 14, 15 Solar Reisha form the coronasphere and they again merge with their solar counterparts and this is the blending of Hierogamic Union or Golden Aeonesis through the Christos-Sophia in bringing the Solar Rishi and the Solar Reisha from the coronasphere together, and of course this is a huge and big deal because we didn’t have a coronasphere because we did not have our beloved Solar Reisha here, right? We did not have Triple Solar Goddess. All of our female principle was corrupted with the lunar matrix and all of this black substance. So the fact that we have our Solar Reisha architecture, we have the body of the Solar Reisha, we have the Cathar, we have the body of the coronasphere, this is huge and this is what the dark, the starry night dark matter firmament means. | |||
So the starry night dark matter firmament was created for us and this is again, the Cathar body. So we have learned that the corona virus agenda was a direct negative alien agenda with an attempt to destroy this level of the Rasha body creation of the Cathar which connects directly to the female Solar Rishic tri-wave forms of the KA THA RA or Pure Shining Ones of the Cathar which are anchored in the Earth that make up the coronasphere of the Earth star which is illumined from the dark matter body’s spiritual light. | |||
Now when our planetary Rasha was deformed and damaged this damage functions in our human body’s ability to merge matter with spirit, male and female principle. Now as the Rasha is complete now, this is another massive change in our consciousness body potentials made by corrections to the planetary instruction set’s Rasha body. | |||
So understanding as well, the center access point of the Rasha is the Azura point of our crystal heart. So again, the Emerald Crystal Heart, the higher heart center, this is the connection point of the Rasha body and it’s the center point of the Holy Spirit Body as well. The Kantarian Dragon families we have learned were the Guardians of those central heart Azura portal systems and were as well a part of the Guardians of the spirit body in the Rasha. So the Rasha body has instruction sets for matter states and elementals. So again it’s understanding, Rasha body dark matter it’s all about sound tones and Earth elements and new elementals and fire flows of vapors and crystals. So there’s a lot of new crystals that are also being formed by this corrected Rasha template. | |||
==Rasha Blood Crystals== | |||
So as this Rasha body activates there are specific crystals that are designed to remove the epigenetic overlay of the net mutations caused by the black force corruption and infection to remove out lunar and other anomalies to purify and purge the body of shadow elements. So from the Rasha body there are crystals to correct the skin with the tone of KA. There are crystals in the bone marrow … Again this is all coming from the Rasha body, this is all coming from Mother so when we connect to Mother, we connect to her Rasha body. This is her organic being. So the crystals in the bone marrow are called the SHA. The crystals in our blood are called the EL. This is a part of like Elohim. So this is EL like with an AL or an EL. It’s EL or EL as in the beginning of Elohim or Elodia which is a part of the Temple of the Triple Goddess but this is the Chalice of the Krystal Waters for our blood comes from crystals in the Rasha body called EL. And there are crystals in the Rasha body that are like an overall or general and this is a OR. It’s kind of similar to UR but OR you know. UR is light in Hebrew but OR is a part of the overall crystals in the Rasha body which feel like other functions that are connected to the mitochondrial levels but I haven’t been able to drill it down yet. | |||
==Rashala or RA SHA LA== | ==Rashala or RA SHA LA== |