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Through the eons of time our Universe has been founded on One Eternal Source whom divided itself into multiple levels through the [[Law of Pair of Opposites]]. The Principle of Gender and the physics governing consciousness units have followed [[Universal Laws]] governing these creations and their perception of evolution throughout “time and space” in many realities. Over many millennia, many vast expressions of Group Entity Forms, such as those in the [[NAA]] in the [[Universal Time Matrix]], sought to create and control their own worlds and replicated these origin codes through Mental Laws they determined to write for themselves in order to control or hold dominion over other beings and other territories.
Through the eons of time our Universe has been founded on One Eternal Source whom divided itself into multiple levels through the [[Law of Pair of Opposites]]. The Principle of Gender and the physics governing consciousness units have followed [[Universal Laws]] governing these creations and their perception of evolution throughout time and space in many realities. Over many millennia, many vast expressions of Group Entity Forms, such as those in the [[NAA]] in the [[Universal Time Matrix]], sought to create and control their own worlds and replicated these origin codes through Mental Laws they determined to write for themselves in order to control or hold dominion over other beings and other territories.

These Mental Laws were [[Holographic Insert|Artificially Bent Light]]matrices through which its “Creator” (or Group Entity Forms) could manipulate its realities to perform controlled actions of behavior in its manifestations. Since it saw its manifested creation as a possession that it had ownership of – like a slave - it felt entitled to manipulate and control life forms to serve its own personal agenda because it believed itself to be superior and elite. The bent light matrices (and the artificial bent light holograms projected into the planetary architecture as [[Alien Machinery]]) were designed ultimately to exempt its creator from the consequence of personal energetic action and dump its energetic responsibility (with the karmic load and [[Miasma]]) onto another. The [[Crucifixion Implants|Crucifixion]] Strategy is an example of an artificially bent light architecture to create the mental archetype and therefore belief system of Salvation as a requirement through “Redemption" in a [[NAA]] fabricated violent religion based on [[Blood Sacrifice]]. This action created intermediaries ('''[[False Gods]]''') that are interfering with a human being’s direct relationship to God Source and enforcing divide and conquer strategy between all of humanity on the planet. The correction of this imbalance is being restored to the planet and therefore humanity at this time in the [[Ascension Cycle]] through the end of [[Consumptive Modeling]] and the reclamation of the [[Diamond Sun Body]]. [August 2011].
These Mental Laws were [[Holographic Insert|Artificially Bent Light]] matrices through which its Creator (or Group Entity Forms) could manipulate its realities to perform controlled actions of behavior in its manifestations. Since it saw its manifested creation as a possession that it had ownership of – like a slave - it felt entitled to manipulate and control life forms to serve its own personal agenda because it believed itself to be superior and elite. The bent light matrices (and the artificial bent light holograms projected into the planetary architecture as [[Alien Machinery]]) were designed ultimately to exempt its creator from the consequence of personal energetic action and dump its energetic responsibility (with the karmic load and [[Miasma]]) onto another. The [[Crucifixion Implants|Crucifixion]] Strategy is an example of an artificially bent light architecture to create the mental archetype and therefore belief system of Salvation as a requirement through Redemption in a [[NAA]] fabricated violent religion based on [[Blood Sacrifice]]. This action created intermediaries ([[False Gods]]) that are interfering with a human being’s direct relationship to God Source and enforcing divide and conquer strategy between all of humanity on the planet. This is called the [[Archontic Deception Strategy]] to shape the predator mind in humanity through promoting [[Archontic Deception Behavior]]s. The correction of this imbalance is being restored to the planet and therefore humanity at this time in the [[Ascension Cycle]] through the end of [[Consumptive Modeling]] and the reclamation of the [[Diamond Sun Body]] through [[Krystal Star]]. [August 2011].

Whoever controls the Mind controls the body, mind and [[Soul Matrix|Soul]]. The False Gods of the [[NAA]] know this and created [[Alien Implants]] to artificially bend holographic light patterns to [[Mind Control]] the masses into subservient self-enslavement. This would serve the [[NAA]] to shape anti-human value systems which are used to condition humanity to accept [[Archontic Deception Behavior|spiritual abuse]] from the [[Negative Aliens]] and to self enforce their thought systems of hierarchical enslavement, fear, poverty and debt enslavement. This is a divide and conquer [[Archontic Deception Behavior]] strategy of the planet and humanity from the False Gods of the [[NAA]] to enforce enslavement of the resources of planet earth and enslave human beings.
Whoever controls the Mind controls the body, mind and [[Soul Matrix|Soul]]. The False Gods of the [[NAA]] know this and created [[Alien Implants]] to artificially bend holographic light patterns to [[Mind Control]] the masses into subservient self-enslavement. This would serve the [[NAA]] to shape anti-human value systems which are used to condition humanity to accept [[Archontic Deception Behavior|spiritual abuse]] from the [[Negative Aliens]] and to self enforce their thought systems of hierarchical enslavement, fear, poverty and debt enslavement. This is a divide and conquer [[Archontic Deception Behavior]] strategy of the planet and humanity from the False Gods of the [[NAA]] to enforce enslavement of the resources of planet earth and enslave human beings in a body and after death of the body on the [[Astral Plane]].

==Fallen Ones Became Dead Light==
==Fallen Ones Became Dead Light==
Every Entity is bound to a Universal Truth of the [[Law of Cause and Effect]]. Every Entity, human or nonhuman is responsible for its use of Life Force and is accountable for the direction it places upon its own Consciousness Power. At the end of this evolution cycle many Entities are being held accountable, not in judgment but in the energetic physics governing the Natural Laws of Balance. Being artificial realities, the bent light forms eventually die and become calcified with frozen dead light, further damaging and destroying original “living light” creational fields. The more damage created the more distorted and disconnected from the God Source we became. This [[Dead Light]] created problems in the time fields as more and more entities were becoming mentally diseased or dead light (soul-less and fallen) entities. More bent artificial light matrices and “frequency Static [[NET]]s” were designed to move dead fields ([[Phantom Matrix]]) to the backs of humans to carry the weight of the “energetic trash”. Humans were recycled for their use and the Human [[Soul]] became burdened with the enslavement of massive karmic superimposition loaded into this density by various Entities.
Every Entity is bound to a Universal Truth of the [[Law of Cause and Effect]]. Every Entity, human or nonhuman is responsible for its use of Life Force and is accountable for the direction it places upon its own [[Consciousness]] Power. At the end of this evolution cycle many Entities are being held accountable, not in judgment but in the energetic physics governing the Natural Laws of Balance. Being artificial realities, the bent light forms eventually die and become calcified with frozen dead light, further damaging and destroying original living light creational fields. The more damage created the more distorted and disconnected from the God Source we became. This [[Dead Light]] created problems in the time fields as more and more entities were becoming mentally diseased or dead light (soul-less and fallen) entities. More bent artificial light matrices and frequency Static [[NET]]s were designed to move dead fields ([[Phantom Matrix]]) to the backs of humans to carry the weight of the energetic trash. Humans were recycled in reincarnation cycles with their memories erased for the [[NAA]] use and the Human [[Soul]] became burdened with the enslavement of massive karmic superimposition loaded into this density by various Entities.

Because these Entities believe themselves to be Superior as a “God”, using or creating inferior beings to run energetic waste is their inherent design. (We see these beliefs superimposed upon the human pawns that are in positions of power to rule this plane and have lost their identity as a true human.) These Entities became a false albeit perceived “Supreme God” of their own replicated worlds, and energetically enslaved others to serve their continued existence and “rule”. Toxic with the ultimate delusion of the Supreme Ego Arrogance as a self proclaimed “God-King” these entities became the “Fallen Ones” or [[Fallen Angelics]].
Because these Entities in the [[NAA]] believe themselves to be Superior as a God, using or creating inferior beings to run energetic waste is their inherent design. (We see these beliefs superimposed upon the human pawns that are in positions of power to rule this plane and have lost their identity as a true human.) These Entities became a false albeit perceived Supreme God of their own replicated worlds, and energetically enslaved others to serve their continued existence and rule. Toxic with the ultimate delusion of the Supreme Ego Arrogance as a self proclaimed God-King these entities became the Fallen Ones or [[Fallen Angelics]].

==The War Over God==
==The War Over God==
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==Dead Light is the Mental Body Disease==
==Dead Light is the Mental Body Disease==
These replicated artificial worlds and their “fallen one” creators started to deteriorate becoming increasingly distorted and mentally diseased. To prevent the destruction of these mentally projected realities, and therefore aspects of themselves, [[Consumptive Modeling|aggressive vampirism]], [[DNA]] manipulation to mutate [[12 Tree Grid|core manifestation templates]] and the consumption of other entities became the survival tactic. This planet and all life forms on it have been influenced and controlled by these mentally diseased entities which staged invasions of manipulating its “mental laws” to superimpose agendas that feed their artificial systems. Ensouled Humans became the survival mechanism of an energetic source of feeding those entities existing in dead light as [[Archon]] parasites.
These replicated artificial worlds and their fallen one creators started to deteriorate becoming increasingly distorted and mentally diseased. To prevent the destruction of these mentally projected realities, and therefore aspects of themselves, [[Consumptive Modeling|aggressive vampirism]], [[DNA]] manipulation to mutate [[12 Tree Grid|core manifestation templates]] and the consumption of other entities became the survival tactic. This planet and all life forms on it have been influenced and controlled by these mentally diseased entities which staged invasions of manipulating its mental laws to superimpose agendas that feed their artificial systems. Ensouled Humans became the survival mechanism of an energetic source of feeding those entities existing in dead light as [[Archon]] parasites.

The Supreme Arrogance of their “God” delusion is now being revealed into the greatest fear of any Fallen Entity, the total annihilation of their existence. These Entities are being revealed to their Ultimate Truth, that they are not God as they are not of the Eternal Living Light. The Cosmic Rage of this revelation is reverberating throughout the Cosmos and on our planet and is increasingly being played out by unconscious humans. The time has come when the Fallen Ones must submit to the Truth of our Universe, and submit to the Natural Laws of God, The [[Law of One]]. The One God Source is the Only Eternal Living Light. The Only Eternal Living Light capable of form embodiment is the [[Krystal Star]] [[Christos]] Liquid Light. All other forms are not Eternal and can only buy Immortality for a period of time while feeding on another. (This is why this planet is ravaged by vampirism and parasitism.) These diseased minds and those entities infected by these mental bodies are enraged by this revelation beyond any conceivable expression.  
The Supreme Arrogance of their God delusion is now being revealed into the greatest fear of any Fallen Entity, the total annihilation of their existence. These Entities are being revealed to their Ultimate Truth, that they are not God as they are not of the Eternal Living Light. The Cosmic Rage of this revelation is reverberating throughout the Cosmos and on our planet and is increasingly being played out by unconscious humans. The time has come when the Fallen Ones must submit to the Truth of our Universe, and submit to the Natural Laws of God, The [[Law of One]]. The One God Source is the Only Eternal Living Light. The Only Eternal Living Light capable of form embodiment is the [[Krystal Star]] [[Christos]] Liquid Light. All other forms are not Eternal and can only buy Immortality for a period of time while feeding on another. (This is why this planet is ravaged by vampirism and parasitism.) These diseased minds and those entities infected by these mental bodies are enraged by this revelation beyond any conceivable expression.  
<ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/1617-liquid-light-is-freedom?highlight=YToxOntpOjA7czo1OiJmYWxzZSI7fQ== August 2011 Newsletter]</ref>
<ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/1617-liquid-light-is-freedom?highlight=YToxOntpOjA7czo1OiJmYWxzZSI7fQ== August 2011 Newsletter]</ref>

==Hidden ET and Fallen Angelic History==
==Hidden ET and Fallen Angelic History==
Now during the [[Atlantian Cataclysm]] and what is known as the [[Luciferian Rebellion]] about 26,000-30,000 years ago, this is when the planetary star gates, the planetary grids [[Ley Lines]] became controlled by the [[NAA]] Controlling races such as the Reptilians, the [[Annunaki]] , the [[Alpha Draconis/Orion Group]] Draconians. And this [[Golden Eagle Grid]] grid became, during this time, under the control of these beings who used these collective consciousness grids for reversed purposes of malintent designed for the [[NAA]] and the [[False Gods]] which was the opposite from their original purpose. So, in the last 26,000 years, the [[Golden Eagle Grid]] became controlled and was primarily used as a [[Mind Control]] broadcast station, literally, that would send out false information or manipulated information to the mass human population. One purpose in the [[Iran Gate]] is to send out [[False King of Tyranny]] patriarchal domination mind control through the [[ArchAngel Michael Matrix]] collective.  It was sending out information that was about the program that the Annunaki to continue to plummet humanity into false [[Timelines]] of which is one of darkness, enslavement and separation using software called the [[Armageddon Software]], [[Metatronic Reversal]] and [[Victim-Victimizer]].  The [[Golden Eagle Grid]] literally became like a mind control weapon because that is what they have been using it for. It had been reclaimed back a few years ago in terms of the [[Guardian Founder Races]] who are working to rehabilitate the places of the fallen consciousness grids [[Fallen Angelic]] mind matrix and override the patriarchal mind control through the [[Solomon Shield]] and activation of the [[Mother Arc Hubs]]. See [[Ages of Humanity]] and [[Galactic Wars]].
Now during the [[Atlantian Cataclysm]] and what is known as the [[Luciferian Rebellion]] about 26,000-30,000 years ago, this is when the planetary star gates, the planetary grids [[Ley Lines]] became controlled by the [[NAA]] Controlling races such as the Reptilians, the [[Annunaki]] , the [[Alpha Draconis/Orion Group]] Draconians. And this [[Golden Eagle Grid]] grid became, during this time, under the control of these beings who used these collective consciousness grids for reversed purposes of malintent designed for the [[NAA]] and the [[False Gods]] which was the opposite from their original purpose. So, in the last 26,000 years, the [[Golden Eagle Grid]] became controlled and was primarily used as a [[Mind Control]] broadcast station, literally, that would send out false information or manipulated information to the mass human population. One purpose in the [[Iran Gate]] is to send out [[False King of Tyranny]] patriarchal domination mind control through the [[Michael Clones|ArchAngel Michael Matrix]] collective.  It was sending out information that was about the program that the Annunaki to continue to plummet humanity into false [[Timelines]] of which is one of darkness, enslavement and separation using software called the [[Armageddon Software]], [[Metatronic Reversal]] and [[Victim-Victimizer]].  The [[Golden Eagle Grid]] literally became like a mind control weapon because that is what they have been using it for. It had been reclaimed back a few years ago in terms of the [[Guardian Founder Races]] who are working to rehabilitate the places of the fallen consciousness grids [[Fallen Angelic]] mind matrix and override the patriarchal mind control through the [[Solomon Shield]] and activation of the [[Mother Arc Hubs]]. See [[Ages of Humanity]] and [[Galactic Wars]].
==Dismantling Orion Matrix AI==
[[File:Orions-Belt.jpg|thumb|Orion's Belt]]
This particular site in [[Orion's Belt]] is the basis of assorted looking glass programs that contain project blue beam and project star beam technologies that were given to the [[Controller]]s on the [[Earth]] surface by the [[Orion Group]] to project extensive holograms of fake alien invasions, nuclear wars or assorted religious icons or spiritual figures into the upper atmosphere, depending on the agenda chosen to mind control the population. Additionally, the [[Solar Rishi]]c imposters stationed in [[Orion's Belt]] were holding an extensive network of 8D artificial wormholes connected into 11D [[Typhon Tunnels]] that were functioning as an artificial umbilicus system or inserted artificial silver cords, which linked into the planet's collective human tribal records and monitored all of the invading races modified gene pools or hybrids, being claimed in ownership by their assigned [[False Gods|False Father Alien Gods]]. <ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3828-orion-s-belt Orion's Belt Feb 2023]</ref>
==Sa'am and TEE Entities==
[[Sa’am]]'s mission was to create a massive antichrist army, [[Enki's Army]], in order to colonize the planet [[Earth]] with hybridized [[Belial Sun]] [[Sirian Annunaki]] genetics which was originally set into motion at the behest of his prime creator, his reptilian father. Who intentionally designed him as a hybrid clone in an artificial womb with his own Royal Dinoid DNA mixed with [[Aquatic Mer Lineages|Mer aquatic genetic material]] harvested from a captured [[Universal Mother of Life]] White Goddess from [[Tiamat]].  Father Dragon Anu presents as the ancient patriarch of what eventually became the major factions of [[Sirian Annunaki]] [[Belial Sun]]s that encompass the current [[Thothian Luciferians|Thothian Luciferian gestalt consciousness]], and his cloned offspring Sa’am-Enki and [[Enlil]]. Collectively referred to as the [[TEE]] entities, they first formed into the unholy alliance of [[Reptile Insectoid Collective|reptile-insectoid spiritually fractured criminal minds]], digressing into psychopathic terrorists running their human slavery enterprises in the solar system where they elevated themselves as the most important key figures behind organized religion as the [[False Gods|False Alien Gods]]. The Belial group collective entity run by the cruel warring patriarch and misogynist Father Anu packaged himself as [[Yahweh]], while another cloned brother [[Enlil]] was masquerading as [[Jehovah]], and together the duo demanded they be worshipped by earthlings under penalty of fire and brimstone. Thus, they ushered in the ongoing [[Archontic Deception Strategy|archontic deception strategies]] intending to orchestrate the complete [[Mind Control]] enslavement of humanity, along with the well thought out plan for the colonization of planet [[Earth]] as their conquered territory and slave farm.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/3865-enki-dna-overlays Enki DNA]]</ref>
==Self Anointed Gods==
When these [[False Gods|False Alien Gods]] waged their [[Luciferian Rebellion]] and subsequent invasion strategies of conquering planet [[Earth]], these self-anointed Gods got to work on devising the various [[Alien Hybridization]] programs filled with genetic experimentation, [[Social Engineering]] and religious mind control methods to generate consciousness slaves on [[Earth]]. The primary life designer for the [[Belial Sun|Belial Group]], Sa’am-Enki began the first of many genetic experiments for cloning and hybridization breeding programs from the large elongated skulls of his future [[Sirian Annunaki]] progeny of [[Nephilim]] with red hair, to the earlier seeding of [[Neanderthals]], which are remnants of his previous [[Sa’am|Enki]] life designs for seeding [[Anti-Christ]] species. The main purpose to seed [[Anti-Christ]] species on the planet is to design them to be the natural enemies of the already existing indigenous population, namely the [[12 Tribes|Essene Christos]] races, in which they would constantly be manipulated to instigate war and [[Genocide|genocidal hatred]] in order to finally destroy all remnants of [[Diamond Sun]] DNA existing within the [[Earth]] population. See [[Sirian Annunaki]]. <ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/3865-enki-dna-overlays Enki DNA]]</ref>

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==See Also==
[[Introducing Cloned Reptilian Hybrid Sa’am]]
[[Negative Aliens]]

[[Patriarchal Vengeful God]]

Term first found in HGS Manual: Page 73
Term first found in HGS Manual: Page 73