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<ref>''Men in Japan have it tough. The typical “salary man” is frustrated at work, constantly pushing himself and getting almost no satisfaction from his job. Marriage is a kind of serfdom for women, and men are culturally conditioned to regard women as servants and brood mares, so wives have no emotional outlet. Young girls are encouraged by the intense consumerism to date older men, sell their underwear on the internet and engage in all sorts of prurient behavior because of the need for that new trendy purse. The Yakuza gangsters feed this emotional vacuum with prostitution in a myriad of forms, and there is some indication that incest is a problem under the refined surface of Japanese culture. These three demons: emotionally unsatisfying marriages, grueling and grinding work, and rampant consumerism, combined with the absence of a Judaeo-Christian antipathy towards licentiousness fuels the need for sexually oriented anime, so there is a very grim dark side to anime.''</ref>
[Quote]''Men in Japan have it tough. The typical “salary man” is frustrated at work, constantly pushing himself and getting almost no satisfaction from his job. Marriage is a kind of serfdom for women, and men are culturally conditioned to regard women as servants and brood mares, so wives have no emotional outlet. Young girls are encouraged by the intense consumerism to date older men, sell their underwear on the internet and engage in all sorts of prurient behavior because of the need for that new trendy purse. The Yakuza gangsters feed this emotional vacuum with prostitution in a myriad of forms, and there is some indication that incest is a problem under the refined surface of Japanese culture. These three demons: emotionally unsatisfying marriages, grueling and grinding work, and rampant consumerism, combined with the absence of a Judaeo-Christian antipathy towards licentiousness fuels the need for sexually oriented anime, so there is a very grim dark side to anime.''[/Quote]

==Healing Destructive Archetypes==
==Healing Destructive Archetypes==