Dissolving Chakra Membrane: Difference between revisions

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Some of us have noted for many years now our lower energy centers were shifting. Through the reconfiguration of these lower energy centers, known as the 1D-2D-3D Chakras, we could feel their color wave spectrum changing frequency. Some perceive this as embodying higher dimensional chakras with different frequency colors. This usually begins with Aurora coloring, perceiving the re-encryption process in the lower body which is making repairs to the etheric double and lower energy center functioning. The root or perineum area for many Star people is no longer red, but changes to lighter hues of violet, pink and once rolled up to the higher energy centers, it becomes shades of blue-green or light pastels. When we have embodied this frequency change, we do not have survival fears any more. We can clearly see when the False King of Tyranny, from the red wave spectrum, is manipulating victim archetypes in the public to incite fear. This frequency elevation process has been happening for some time, however, it is now happening progressively to more people. The lower Chakras used to be etheric cones that were non-physical membranes, located in the top layer of our Lightbody. The main energy centers are still present, yet are being elevated to run vital forces throughout our lower body glands, organs and meridians. The chakra cones will eventually become absorbed into the higher consciousness aspects of the body and reconfigured completely.

The best way to understand this is that Chakras are an aspect of Consciousness that run a type of software, that is directed from a template held inside a primary planetary body in the Solar System. The lower chakras of humans have been severely abused through negative mind control being directed to harm these chakras and their respective glands from functioning correctly. The Chakra program was running overlays onto the endocrine glands, instead of the endocrine glands being free to function as they were designed. The lower aspects of consciousness related to these Chakra programs are frequencies of survival, fear, instinctual drives, disconnection, sexual and gender confusion, selfishness (STS) and material power. Much of these low frequency programs are amplified from influences sourcing from the planet’s Saturn, Neptune and Mars. When these lower aspects of consciousness programming are not present anymore, within our thoughts or state of being, they cease to exist. When we focus our being on spiritual service and the Love of God, eventually these lower aspects of consciousness are dissolved into higher frequency. Our Lightbody reconfigures itself to reflect the new higher frequencies that we have focused our attention upon, and the new consciousness system is built in the body to house the higher consciousness.

A shift in consciousness creates a shift in the configuration of the energy field, and this always happens before there is visible change made in the physical body. All manifestation is from the state of consciousness directing itself through the energy field (Lightbody), and then into the physical body.

Each Chakra wheel is responsible for interacting with the physical body through the stimulation of the respective endocrine gland and nerve plexus that runs its messaging. Each Chakra generally has had governance over the area of the body where it’s located and runs archetypal programs or patterns of expression. As the false identity programming eventually dissolves, through expanding consciousness, the responsibility of the new functioning is given directly to the endocrine gland, and the body grows new nerve plexus in order to handle the circulation of connections into the bodily systems. This stimulates a reconnection of internal systems to communicate with the body parts, so the body parts can communicate with the expanding consciousness. The endocrine gland becomes awakened with new purpose and new frequency, and with potentially new functions. [1]
