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In a complex system comprising many different parts and layers, however, in the overall process of functioning, some parts in that system will have behaviors that leak energy. No system is completely energy efficient and self-sustainable in the process of running complex systems, and as a result, some energy will be lost through leakages created by the behaviors of certain parts. In the communication process formed between the various parts, a conversion of energy is needed to make inputs convert into outputs, which manifests as an expenditure of energy required to generate that function. The human body is a perfect example of a complex system requiring an energy source, in order to generate the proper functioning required for all of its parts, which make up the entire bodily system. If the body does not get the suitable amount of energy to power up its systems, it’s not going to run efficiently, and eventually the bodily systems will break down.

We can apply this understanding to help us to improve the function of any kind of system, and remember that all systems and communications require energy.

To improve energy management in our life, we will want to know where and from whom the energy is sourcing from and how it circulates. The state of energetic break down is what we can observe as the causal reason behind many behavioral dysfunctions and disease states that are commonly diagnosed in the medical system. We observe the breakdown of human bodily systems, caused from consistent loss of energy over time, which impairs the ability of that person to; create balanced health, increase self-awareness, or further expand into higher consciousness. Thus, propagating a closed energy system that promotes the loss of energy, energy leakages, and energy harvesting from both the earth and humanity, is a strategy implemented by human and non-human Controllers, who carry out the agenda to suppress human consciousness. By promoting a Closed Source system of architecture upon the earth, they are able to siphon or use other peoples energy, and hijack the earth’s energy, which they use to manifest their control agenda and artificial timelines. A closed source system is a type of system, which is unable to receive any new energy source from within or outside of itself. Because all systems require energy, a closed system will turn into a parasitic system that attaches to other living things in order to harvest their energy. However, a closed source system will eventually run out of energy and tend towards Entropy, eventually breaking itself down. Over time, the breakdown of that system leads to the annihilation or destruction of that system, and whatever had created it.

There are various ways the Controllers have programmed closed source systems of architecture into the energetic fields of the earth, in order to manifest an array of Entropic systems, as a strategy for inflicting mind control upon the masses. Once closed source system architecture and Entropy is understood, however, it becomes very clear how to identify the energy signature present, in any kind of operating system, whether biological or structural, when paying attention to the energetic movement and behavior of that system. Energy behavior does not lie, and it can be measured. Energetic behavior will show from where the actual energy is being generated, revealing whether it’s a closed source parasitic system of architecture or an open source self-sustaining architecture. An open source system is able to receive new energy from within and outside of itself. This means that open source systems will be able to continue to run internal and external energy, in order to maintain energetic balance and homeostasis throughout its systems. An Open Source system will be able to replenish lost energy and tend towards maintaining states of Negentropy, which keeps its overall functioning over time, balanced and stable. With an open source system, time is on its side. Eventually, time will reveal the truth of the source of energy it is circulating through its ability to maintain balance and stability of its overall functioning, without using parasitic means to accomplish its purpose. [1]


Systems have many different layers and levels of components designed to work together, with all of these parts having functions that are interdependent. For these systems to function optimally, they must organize, or cohere in such way to interconnect and communicate as an integrated whole. This requires that the systems run on the energy levels required to meet the demands of each of its functioning parts. Each functioning part of a system has a behavior and interrelationship to other parts of that system. How well a part functions, will have an impact on another functioning part in that system. So clearly, if one part is not functioning well, it will impair other parts of that system from functioning well. If the energy of a part is not restored to improve its function, a breakdown of the system will occur.

When a system is comprised of many different parts on which it relies to function overall, each smaller part will function in a specific behavior that operates like an input and output station. This can be understood as the communication level, that is interconnecting the functions between all of the parts. Communications made in systems require a transmission (output) and reception (input) of information in order to share intelligence or generate functions within the parts of the system. If the transmission is made without the ability to receive the information within the system, the functioning for that intelligence transmission is rendered useless. Essentially, this describes the state of the closed source system on the earth grid, operating a one way messaging system. Until very recently, the planet was unable to receive two-way communication exchanges from outside the NAA control fences in our Solar System. All forms of balanced energy communications require two way exchanges, transmission and reception, input and output, in order to create the third aspect or result of that combined energetic process. In order for the functioning parts of an entire system to maintain their relationship together, and to accomplish healthy functioning, they will require the appropriate amount of energy.


See Also