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From Ascension Glossary
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In ES community, we describe the higher concept for defining new thoughts and behaviors as based upon practicing the basic principles of the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One. This is because these are the Universal Natural Laws, which define and govern the highest expression of love that is the source of our divinity and inner spirit, the source made possible through the ultimate expression and embodiment of the Krystal Consciousness. When we practice the Law of One guidelines, we automatically access Unity Consciousness, which connects us to Krystal consciousness thus, we become increasingly coherent in all of our systems of energy. Spiritual Ascension is the process of spiritual initiation, where we undergo tests of personal mastery in order to demonstrate our competency level, before we can move on to the next frequency, dimension or consciousness expansion experience. On the Ascension path, we are given a series of life experiences based upon our personal blueprint, designed for higher learning to support reaching our ultimate expression or heroic probability. In the course of our lifetime, our competency level is being tested in order to determine if we are ready to spiritually progress to the next frequency and consciousness level. This is purely an energetic resonance process, devoid of intellect or judgment. We must embody the higher frequencies of aligned resonances, and we can be harmed if exposed too quickly. If we hold unhealed inner violence while we are being exposed to high frequencies in our Lightbody, whatever is hidden in the unconscious will explode to the surface, potentially creating more confusion and trauma for that person who is not prepared for what is occurring.

Comprehending new ways of thinking about our life as a consciousness experience lesson on earth during the Ascension Cycle helps us to assess and recognize that we must have accountability to all of our thoughts, behaviors and life choices. If we are committed to the reeducation process that is required to expand into our highest spiritual consciousness, this path will create important learning opportunities that help us to gain major improvement in our competency levels. As we become more competent and confident in dealing with any kind of life situation, positive or negative, we increase our energetic coherence, which directly impacts our level of access to higher consciousness.

When we are a part of a spiritual community or group consciousness based upon the Law of One, it generally raises the bar for adopting more rigorous ethical standards that help us to gain quicker access to personal spiritual learning that is helpful in the development of the self-mastery process. These rigorous ethical standards are reflected in the needed strengthening of one’s moral character, finding personal accountability towards behavior or actions within that group, contemplating the nature of personal ethics, which all describe personal competency levels. We must decide if the inner resonance is there to commit to the spiritual ascension process, as it will challenge us to develop increased coherence in every interaction we have at every level of our life. This is for our highest good with spiritual evolution in mind, yet it may bring us great challenges so that we can master our fears.

This is where the decision framework comes in for each person. Some people do not value a spiritual platform where unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion and peace are the set goals for achieving coherence, while practicing higher standards of ethical behavior with others. Instead, they may believe that these are the qualities and attributes of weak and ignorant people. Each person must decide if they are willing to be aligned to their purposes of spiritual growth, by accepting the challenges they face which help them to build increasing competencies within themselves. If we refuse to recognize life challenges as lessons and opportunities for spiritual growth, we are missing the most important message.

There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to making decisions in our life or within our spiritual development, it is merely reflected by the state of consciousness we have achieved in that moment. However if we refuse to change, our spiritual growth can be easily stunted and we return back to repeating old and limiting patterns of behavior. Our personal energetic influences will give shape to our motivations, our motivations influence our perceptions, our perceptions influence our belief systems, and these beliefs will influence our actions and choices in life. Thus, this is the time to reflect deeply on knowing our authentic motivations, both hidden and on the surface. As we more deeply reflect on our personal goals and priorities in life, we must find the goals relative to us, and hopefully seek to improve upon them, which is the natural process of consciousness evolution. [1]


See Also

Law of One

Emotional Competence
