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Persecution Complex has recently presented itself in deeper ways of learning about trauma based fears recorded in the collective fields of humanity,and how this thought-form stems from the crucifixion implants (7D) and salvation ideology mind control (recorded in the planetary brain and magnetosphere, as magnetics shift, this piece is also getting activated in the larger collective earth field) used to influence people's unconscious fears or set them up into role playing archetypes that lead them to the experiences of never ending cycles of the Victim or Victimizer. In observing how the Persecution Complex is used in just about every area of earthly life, in every demographic and structure, to separate and label people based on some kind of social profiling, prejudice and bias, this information is collected to put people in mental boxes that can be a label that is used to sequentially single out a single group for a "flavor of the month" type of public attack, that is designed for VV targeting and is used for public persecution/demonization. It is used to spin mass media perception into sides of favoritism, for public shaming and microscopic scrutiny of any person or group, in order to uphold a hidden agenda, of any person/group who may be a useful scapegoat to create an imagined enemy or threat. Generally that person or group does not follow to the exact degree a certain set of mental beliefs that have been organized into some reality box that the controller uses to hide behind. This is why light-workers and truth seekers are such a convenient scapegoat for persecution tactics, many of us feel this complex very personally. Other times they just attack others for convenience as its a way to create a derail and distract agenda - don't look here, but look at this 'bad person' - 'they are really the source of all of your problems, and why you feel oppressed.' Then the average people get on the bandwagon and believe what is being said, and carry out the persecution agenda of their fellow human/group, usually with no real or truthful information behind their actions.

A good example of creating a reality box of which people are expected to follow, is religion. So somehow when a person does not want another person to have a different religion or spiritual belief system, they are set up to be perceived as a threat and persecuted. Most of the time this is purely imaginary, it is only a perception being used to spin out fear. However, Controllers will aggravate the perception and try to incite conflicts until it does evolve into a real threat, something like ISIL. When people are dehumanized, persecuted, starved, poverty stricken, and uneducated, they will rise up against their oppression in insanity and violence. This manipulation method of divide and conquer is used all the time everywhere, to keep the enemy pattern and war consciousness alive in the human mind, and has been a historical theme of mind control promoted by the NAA for a long while. It is no wonder why this programming has left such deep scars of trauma for the human race, all of us are basically psychologically or emotionally tortured for not adhering with the current consensus group of control, if we step out of line with the predator mind consensus being shaped by the NAA, we are put in the line of fire for VV targeting persecution style.

I feel it is positive to understand how this works, as it is a global problem, every single person may identify with some larger group of which they feel that they may more rightly belong, and that group may have a label, but everyone feels and experiences the exact same VV persecution programming. The mental labels for reality boxes to use forms of persecution or to isolate experiences from others, is never ending. Why is it that people cannot realize every member of the human race feels or has felt the exact same way in some area of their life... persecuted and oppressed? Who is behind the enforcement of rampant persecution and oppression? Why do people self enforce the pattern of their own persecution and oppression? Why would we accept this behavior as okay? This is the face of trauma based mind control, and its ugly.

People mimic what they have learned in the macro of what is expected of them at the social level, self enforcing the same style of persecution of others in their personal life, and repeating the persecution complex dynamic in others, and it spreads like a virus of oppression. Persecution is definitely a mind control manipulation tool to keep the masses of people in line, to keep people obeying the "hidden master" that is shaping the social standards for mass consensus.

I have noticed that the areas of the earth that have older historical landmarks to massive wars that are still visible, say Europe, UK are really damaged with a lot of death, war and killing all have this severe persecution layer, signature of this psychic energy residue running into it. It seems that in order to rightly justify killing other people in the mental belief system that is formed in a human, that person must believe that he has an enemy, and that enemy is a threat to him, and thus that threat must be eliminated, and then its made okay the need to kill people. Religion has been a powerful way to enforce this belief in the masses. So instigating the VV software, in order to keep this twisted war game going, they are running this persecution off the crucifixion energies, so that people will automatically accept attack/killing as okay, because the majority of the human race is under constant stress of feeling persecuted and oppressed by someone or something else. This seed of unconscious trauma goes back to NAA invasion, as that dark force is the true source of why the human race feels this way.he earth that are littered with massive war histories involving mass death and killing based on persecution of a certain ethnic group or any group that they found it convenient to scapegoat in order to gain more power and control, these areas are an epi center of massive psychic residue of persecution running in the grid. If we enter these areas, and they are largely uncleared, the feeling of persecution for the empath will be extremely magnified.

  • North Pacific Ocean, Hawaiian Islands -Lemurian Holocaust
  • Oklahoma, USA - Trail of Tears - Native American Holocaust
  • WW2, Concentration Camps in Europe - Jewish and other groups Holocaust
  • United Kingdom, Florida, Bermuda - Atlantian Holocaust
  • Tomar, Portugal - Convent of Christ - Templar Torture and Crusades
  • Jerusalem, Israel - Assorted holocaust and rampant persecution
  • 7D gridwork, as it runs Crucifixion archetype, implants
  • South Eastern States or Carolinas, USA - Black Slavery related Persecution and Holocaust
  • Balkan, Bosnian Kosovo Wars - Slavic people holocaust

Obviously this is everywhere on the earth where the histories of persecution happened based upon another's perception of people profiled by belief systems that have resulted in holocaust and genocide. One has got to ask the question, why are belief systems so important to the human mind that they are willing to kill and murder for the sake of preserving their beliefs? Persecution has a basis in not letting go of beliefs, being intolerant of others, and seeking to control every person to be an exact reflection of what you want them to be (agree with you), rather than be who they really are. Why are people hell bent to take full control over other people, and for what purpose does this serve?

Hopefully, when we can see the larger picture of events and how a certain Controller program was placed into the planet, such as persecution complex via crucifixion belief systems, in order to incite and maintain a warring society in the mind of humans, then it helps us to source the pain we may be carrying from our own emotional experience with feeling persecuted. This is the same persecution complex that is feeding into the insecurities of the lightworker community and it is important to know that it is a human race problem, no one got away with not experiencing this is some way. If we can see it as a macro problem, we can begin to understand how it works to eliminate its control over our own behavior, and to work on clearing the fears of persecution. Simultaneously, I may be aspiring for a tall order, but I hope that together, we can form a community of loving and caring people, that truly work to become self aware not to feed into persecution programs, knowing that we are all in this together. By sharing our individual feelings authentically, more people can realize they are not alone in this journey, they are not crazy, they are not the only one being persecuted for being authentic, spiritual, awakened, a Starseed, or being who they feel they need to be in the world. This is helping us to generate more tolerance and develop humility in our interactions with each other, which is important to grow the foundation of trust in each other.[1]

  1. [Forum-Lightbearer Persecution Complex]