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As we move into the next five years, which are defined as the Morphogenesis stage of the Ascension Cycle, we are encountering drastic geomagnetic recalibration and structural changes within the planetary architecture that begin new stages of higher consciousness coming into physical Embodiment at multiple layers of awareness. As more of the internal circuity between the multidimensional layers of the mind are reconnected, the splits that existed between the mental body layers start to merge and unify, thus potentially shifting the perceptual experiences of each individual, as they begin to embody more unique dimensions of personal consciousness. What happens when the unconscious mind, pain body and astral mind streams start to merge into the conscious mind perceptions of the individual and into the collective consciousness?

Theoretically the result is basic Embodiment that begins the soul integration merge within the expression of the physical vehicle. However, in the next five-year cycle we are about to find out what it looks like at a mass scale. That content which has been existing in the lower collective unconsciousness streams, or consciousness that exists within the state of sleep-stasis, is awakening now and becoming more conscious, surfacing at global levels. The ante has been raised which means all of us have to up our game, as we are being pushed to the next level of our spiritual development, no matter what stage we are in, we must embody. We are adjusting to live in the discomfort of the void, entering the state of no-thing-ness as we are profoundly dropping density, so we can anchor into our new location in the timeline. As a result our biorhythms and life style may change drastically this year. Its Embodiment or bust!

When we integrate and embody more aspects of the multidimensional higher self we also access higher dimensions of consciousness, thus our experience and perception of the physical realm greatly changes. As we acclimate to the current planetary shifts it can feel incredibly disorientating and physically uncomfortable, and at times we may experience great energetic pressure inside the body that may feel overwhelming. The sensations of massive pressure exerted upon the physical body has been described as oscillation to vibration incompatibilities, another ascension symptom. This occurs during the Embodiment process as we endure electromagnetic recalibration between the particle layers of matter vibration and higher frequency oscillations throughout the collective consciousness blueprint levels.

At whatever level of consciousness and personal blueprint we have incarnated with on the earth, every human being is being pushed into the next level of their personal Embodiment process, to fulfill their higher spiritual identity potential. For each person, the Embodiment process is unique, and yet the majority of the collective consciousness on earth is undergoing stages of soul triad merging with relative integration phases to finally embody the soul layers. The pressure to embody will be experienced differently for many 3D people, who may experience it as intense internal anxiety or physical symptoms that can be easily labeled as medical issues, but they are unable to get to the root of the cause. This phase is most difficult for those people that are polarized in their inner masculine, and have shut down sensory feelings which disconnect them from their overall body awareness. The physical body is extremely important during this stage, as what we are here to shift on the earth can only happen while we remain inside an ascending human body.

Many people will be required to effectively slow down and relax, to simplify their lives and just breathe, and even to isolate themselves from others as the pressure to authentically embody the higher self continues. In the first stages towards Embodiment many people must slowdown and conserve in order to release energy blocks in the physical body that have been conditioned from accumulative harmful habits in 3D society, such as patterns of emotional pain or mental anxiety by continually pushing themselves into high stress situations. To successfully undergo embodiment, without making ourselves sick with stress and pressure, we must surrender into relaxation and learn to develop body awareness, to experience the sensations and feelings that happen in the movements of our body.

Embodiment is becoming consciously aware of our own biological patterns, their origins, and opening to the possibilities in how we can work to clear and heal them. What is our body’s wisdom communicating to us now? When we listen to our body’s needs and are willing to develop present moment body awareness, we are opening up our heart in order to register deeply felt sensations and impressions. Body awareness opens up the possibility of direct cellular knowing that relays intelligent information. We are also learning the importance of self-care and self-love as the necessary core components of cultivating higher spiritual and emotional development that finally allow us to experience authentic embodiment.

When we are in the process of Embodiment we are connecting to the most authentic part of ourselves in the moment by allowing the honest observation of sensations, emotions and feelings that are happening in our body without judgment or suppression. When we allow ourselves to embody, we are more available to be fully present with our life experiences, thus we feel more grounded, centered and connected in our life and with others. Our physical body holds the intelligence and feelings that gives us the map to unlock our authentic self by peeling away the layers of painful or negative patterns, if we are willing to observe ourselves and put forth the effort.

This year begins the change in the law of structure in the planetary body which impacts the quality of raw material, the quality of consciousness energy used, along with the quality of intent that is manifested through a human being in the physical realm. This theme explores Embodiment throughout creation, the bringing of pure raw materials, pure consciousness and spirit into matter that has remained protected from artificial intelligence corruption. This year gives us opportunities to explore how these structural changes in energy to matter impact our manifestations, and how our light work projects are being protected from negative attack through the dedicated practice of the Law of One principles.[1]


See Also

Law of Structure

War Over Consciousness