Pedophile Agenda: Difference between revisions

From Ascension Glossary
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Revision as of 23:56, 19 August 2018

This brings us to the most important topic of the Pedophile Agenda that is a segment of the mainstreaming of the satanism agenda, occurring more aggressively in the western culture. This ideology is being further reinforced by the primitive beliefs held in third world poverty-stricken populations from war-torn or economically ravaged countries, where murder, rape, child brides and extreme violence are every day normalized events. The most traumatic and damaging event that can happen to the soul of a developing baby or child, is sexual abuse from an adult. This is why sexual abuse of children is the highest priority of those that commit Satanic Ritual Abuse for gaining power and control in the material world, and of those pedophiles that are ultimately being controlled by the NAA to spread acceptance of this depravity. Collecting sexual energy from children is the holy grail of the NAA, and they use this energy in Moloch battery tanks that power up the Black Magic Grids.

The damage made to the 2D energy systems that impact the sexual organs to run reversal energies, generate blockages that prevent biological spiritual ascension, many times preventing Kundalini from opening and moving upwards in the central vertical channel. If the Kundalini energies are opened, many times they are running in reverse, the inner merkaba spiral is descending and feeding into reversal energies in the earth. This is the strategy of the NAA, who are attacking the sexual energies of humanity in order to get as many humans to abuse their sexual energies and run reversal merkaba shields as possible, to feed the Checkerboard Mutation. The first target is the most vulnerable, the children of earth, by making them acceptable sexual objects to be abused and told that this abuse is equated with love.[1]


See Also

Child Sexual Abuse

Human Trafficking