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Propaganda is directly related to classical conditioning mind control tactics that are used to psychologically and emotionally manipulate people, in order to exert control over them and generally exploit their vulnerabilities. Propaganda is effectively used in a wide range of mass media, including digital media that conveys messages and images that are designed for mind control and Shaping False Narratives. Propaganda can be seen in the aggressive marketing promotions inserted with social engineering methods that are designed to influence the masses to further the anti-human agenda. Through the intentional exploitation of the subconscious impulses, western society’s values are being shaped by the predatory consumerism and Moral Nihilism that is used to promote and spread the death culture worldwide. When we can identify that system of predatorial behavior, which breeds the lowest vibrations of satanic forces that increase human misery, we can see it operating everywhere throughout the control structures and consumer systems in the global marketplace.

False Narratives Create Power Imbalances

Thus, those that are manipulators of false narratives providing disinformation or regularly spinning information towards certain agendas, are also people that fall within the controller archetypes. They can be power hungry individuals, profit motivated salespeople, governmental organizations, non-physical entities or those working in the Power Elite, heading the multinational web of corporations and their many storefronts interconnected with the Controller Pillars of Society. Controllers use propaganda for the purpose of psychological manipulation to deliberately create imbalances of power, in order to exploit their targeted audience and to gain the power needed to get others to enforce their agenda. We are being increasingly exposed to controller archetypes using propaganda messages and images to influence psychological and emotional manipulation tactics, that are sourcing from both human and nonhuman entities with dark agendas.

Controller Culture

As a result of the dominating influence shaped by the NAA’s Controller Culture, many people are conditioned in society and in the workplace to also advance their own purposes and personal gain at virtually any cost to others. Generally, this comes with a desire to gain feelings of power and control over others, which lends to feeling more superior while raising perceptions of self-esteem. The Controller culture rewards people that use Propaganda and Psychological Manipulation to get the advantage over others, which instills extremely negative behaviors, as well as a Lack of Empathy that spills over into their personal life and relationships. This has also been described as the intentional production of Workplace Psychopaths, with the corporate consumer environment rewarding extremely negative and harmful behavior and noting how that behavior influences popular culture.[1]


See Also

Psychological Operations

Mind Control