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Latest revision as of 22:35, 20 February 2020

The Galactic Center of the Milky Way contains a black hole swarm along with many objects in outer space that transmit strong radio waves, including the powerful radio source of Sagittarius A near the location of a supermassive black hole. The Galactic Core is the rotational center of the Milky Way Galaxy and our Solar system is contained within the inner edge of the Orion-Cygnus Arm. However, this is an unnatural configuration that occurred as the result of a partial fall of our Universal Time Matrix, when warring attacks were made from black hole entities. The subsequent invasions from neighboring systems included many of the reptile-insectoid races that waged the Orion genetic wars, as well as the moon chains that followed them to invade the Milky Way system for the purpose of recolonization and siphoning a new energy source.

Sagittarius A-Star contains fallen parts of the Universal Time Matrix that originally sourced from our Kristos home in the seven higher heavens, also known as the Andromedan Galaxy or Messier 31. Before the Universal fall, the Milky Way system was a direct part of the living matrix of the Andromedan system. The splitting apart of the Milky Way system from the Andromedan system resulted in the formation of a Phantom Galaxy centered around an imploded black star and black hole system. Sagittarius A Star was a key transmission point for maintaining the 666 configuration of the Beast Machine that kept the Yahweh matrix and Caduceus network in place within the Metagalactic Core.

Sagittarius A-Star has been producing bright X-ray flares on an increasingly consistent basis with aggressive winds of cosmic rays emitting energy intelligence, ranging from low frequency radio waves to high energy gamma rays. During the Ascension cycle and with recent corrections made to the Metagalactic Core this transmission activity has rapidly increased.

This particular section of the time matrix originally functioned in the eighth dimensional spectrum of the Metatronic Galactic plane and held the 8D stargate that led into the Andromedan system. This stargate became inverted when these sections of the time matrix collapsed and went into increasing stages of magnetic reversal and gravitational field warping. The remnants of this chaotic history from the Galactic Wars in the Orion area are made evident in viewing the spiral arm of the galactic nebula, which is scattered and has multiple breaks of discontinuity as a result of gravitational distortions. The magnetic reversal matrix distortions drag down the creations in the entire Milky Way system, warping the trajectory of the Solar System’s planetary orbit into a destructive event horizon. The damage incurred as the result of warring destruction waged upon the integrity of the time matrix, pulls down the inhabitants to slowly descend into a death spiral that would eventually be consumed in a supermassive black hole, and this would happen over the evolutionary cycles of millions of years.

The separation of the Milky Way system from its Mother Universal Time Matrix located in the Andromedan Galaxy, resulted in the subsequent invasion of our time matrix from an assortment of warring entities that flooded into the Galactic Plane. This invasion originally occurred in the fallen parts of the Metagalactic system that became centered around the black star Abaddon. Abaddon was used to fuse our time matrix into its current unnatural Galactic Core configuration, which further runs a superquantum computing network of the black cube matrix, which projects unnatural portal links from the planets in our Solar System into the neighboring black hole system. This structure is connected to the inorganic four of the Yahweh Matrix and this is the alien architecture that has allowed an access to these invading entities, directly into the planetary logos matrix from the north and south pole. The primary NAA underground bases are in the Antarctica region, to keep a watchful eye on the activity sourcing from the Mother Arc’s 9D stargate.

The Galactic Plane of our Milky Way system became distorted through a blend of damaged energy fields and collapsed time matrices, along with insertions of black hole entity artificial machinery used to hijack the organic base 12 architecture and then bend and twist the time matrices into artificial configurations that could be manipulated and controlled by the NAA. This is the seed of the suffering that humanity has faced in the artificial timeline wars with competing core manifestation templates, one organic, the other artificially generated by the invaders. To maintain the unnatural energy field configurations through magnetic reversals and advanced alien machinery that support the race lines of Black Sun DNA reversal 10 templates, the Flower of Artificial Life manifestation template was generated as the primary holographic architecture inserted in the Galactic Plane.

The Metagalactic Core distortions from the black cube matrix were holding the Artificial Flower of Life geometric template in place, to disrupt and prevent the diagonal grids from functioning in one dimension to another. The Artificial Flower of Life geometry was designed to ripple distortions from the black hole entities artificial 8th Portal throughout the lower dimensional architecture, seeding Metatronic code and 60-degree angular spins. This death technology was designed to collect quantum energy siphoned from these lower creations, where the main loosh collection site returned back into the Metagalactic Core and was utilized to power up the artificial realities and neighboring black hole systems. Further this alien construct was designed to feed energy sources into the many phantom hyperdimensional pockets and hibernation zones where negative entities reside. This is how they colonized the Solar System in order to maintain their existence within these virtual AI timelines, that they have generated for the purpose of conquering earth and propagating their race lines in the Milky Way system.[1]


See Also

Metagalactic Core

Precession of the Equinoxes