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To be sovereign over one's self is to be free of the control or coercion of others. To truly have the freedom to direct one's own life requires an accurate assessment of conditions which affords the right to apply informed consent to our individual decision making. We extend that belief to include freedom of self-determination in the direction of one's consciousness which connects with the Soul, Spirit and the higher Avatar intelligence, the spiritual bodies which form into the powerful forces of protection that form the Spiritual Immune System. Self-Sovereignty is inherently a human right given through God Source and the Universal Laws, expressed through the Law of One which describe these laws that direct the complex quantum mechanics governing the movement of consciousness throughout time and space. Ascension is a simultaneous increase of expanded consciousness that occurs when our spiritual-energetic bodies connect into our physical bodies, and thus when these higher consciousness bodies come online, they activate and amplify our Spiritual Immune System. Our Spiritual Immune System requires personal attention, discernment of forces and proper nourishment in order to function well. It is the same as our physical immune system that requires nutrients and sustenance to be effective at deflecting and neutralizing negative pathogenic forces.

The majority are unaware that all human beings have a Spiritual Immune System as well as a biological immune system, and that these are interdependent systems that function together to protect our living body and consciousness from foreign invaders and negative forces. Our sense of spirituality and how we perceive our relationship to our higher power is directly related to our immune system functioning and its effect upon our health and wellbeing. The development of our Spiritual Immune System enhances our ability to cope with stress, resulting in better health practices, with greater overall contentment with the quality of life we experience. Our health and sanity are connected to educating ourselves about our biological and spiritual immune systems, not about the mass injection of mandated vaccines enforced by those ultimately serving the tyrannical forces of the NAA.

When we activate and connect with our heart presence and inner spirit, exploring what is truly meaningful in our lives, this conscious participation with divinity also greatly protects human beings from the harmful onslaught of dark forces. Whether these forces are seen or unseen, known or unknown, the loving and pure heart that has the faith or direct experience that connects to divinity without intermediary is what protects us. This activates and powers up our inner Spiritual Immune System, repelling the darkest fears and anxieties that cloud our minds with deceptions and lies that are being spread by the Controllers to attempt to force submission and consent to their enslavement agendas. When we are spiritually stronger, we can sense the harmful intent and refuse to submit to immoral laws being put in place by tyrants. During this time of the dark night of the soul which is leading humanity to a global awakening, this is a great opportunity to deeply inquire within and reclaim our inherent divinity.

To activate our Spiritual Immune System and to deflect rampant parasitic energies, knowledge that human beings are multidimensional electromagnetic spiritual beings with a lightbody that explicitly belongs to them, and is enforced in Natural Laws, is critical information at this time. Everything that is inside our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body belongs to us in Natural Law, and there is strong spiritual power activated in where we consciously place our consent or the lack thereof.

Spiritual Immunity Strengthens Physical Immunity

The human lightbody is comprised of multiple interconnected layers of electromagnetic fields of energy that extend all around the physical body like an energy shield covering and protecting all of the layers of the consciousness bodies. When we are meditating and practicing our 12D Shielding, we are placing our attention on our lightbody at the Avatar Christos level which helps strengthen, protect and grow our personal consciousness body, which further generates and energizes the Spiritual Immune System. The quality, color and size of the organic energy aura of a person is directly related to the level of energetic balance that relates to the overall health, bio-neurological functioning and spiritual connection that person has access to in the Natural Laws. A person with a bigger and brighter organic energy aura is more healthy, coherent and balanced, with a strong functioning Spiritual Immune System, that in turn nourishes the cells with vital forces that help to protect, strengthen and heal the physical body from states of dis-ease or dysfunction.

Thus, it is critical to understand that the biological immune system that defends our body from pathogenic invaders and toxins, is directly interrelated to the functions of the Spiritual Immune System which relies on the quality of our lightbody and consciousness development to draw upon for the energy healing resources to sustain optimum health.

Restoring Balanced health

The key to restoring energetic balance and maintaining health for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies is to understand that we must sustain an abundant amount of life force energy to circulate throughout our lightbody anatomy and physical structures in order to nurture our Spiritual Immune System. Both of our immune systems require the circulation of life force energy through the consumption of healthy and pure food, water, breathing fresh air, as well as a maintaining a healthy mental and emotional diet with adequate rest, self-care and time for prayer and meditation. Connecting with our inner spirit and God Source intentionally every day through prayer and meditation strengthens our life force and physical immunity, as well as increases the spiritual strength of our lightbody to withstand an array of challenging situations and pathogenic invaders.

Thus, the most important question for each individual becomes, what activities and interactions with people, places or things in our lifestyle help us to increase the circulation of life force energy and raise overall environmental frequencies into loving and compassionate interactions that support a mutually strong Spiritual Immune System. Focusing upon loving kindness and compassionate interactions nourish and energize ourselves, heal others around us and all of natural life.

Cleaned Up Subconscious Mind

A cleaned up subconscious mind along with a strong Spiritual Immune System helps us to more easily withstand and defend ourselves to overcome psychic attacks, as dark force manipulation and targeted weaponry used on the interdimensional planes can weaken our physical health on the earth plane. In all matters of personal health, wellbeing and spiritual development, first and foremost we should consult with our inner spirit and God source as our true healing physician and request that Gods perfect will be manifested in our lives and within all interactions.[1]


See Also


Natural Laws