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To begin to connect with and activate our innate Spiritual Immune System, the first step is comprehending everything is conscious energy and intelligent, and nothing that happens is random. As an example, the genetically labbed AI hybrid viral organism has been programmed with a dark intelligence signature that will be attracted to like vibrations of other soft kill methods used as silent weapons, such as AI Signals, Silent Sound Technology, Smartdust and nanotech created with intent to harm. As a result, it can be used as a carrier wave for combining the effects of an assortment of seen and unseen poisons, even used as a carrier for demonic possession to lodge in the lung cavity and astral heart center of the human energy field. The organism was designed to interconnect with several layers of control infrastructures, for the greater purpose of harvesting astral soul energy for the parasites and vampires, as well as to serve the agenda for manifesting the One World Order timeline set into motion by the Black Suns. This cabal group completely owns and directs the anti-human agendas behind the genetic modifications used to destroy organic human DNA in the enforced policies of the World Health Organization, as well as in its tentacles extending into the bio-technology, pharmaceutical and vaccine industry.

Consciousness is spiritual energy which is governed by a personal blueprint and energy signature. Our personal blueprint is our divine plan and will have unique preferences that will inform us through our personal resonances, when exposed to a variety of stimulating forces that influence the consequences we will have when interacting with any of these energetic forces. The energetic exposures will inform our body if its positive or negative for supporting our spiritual purpose at the point when we interact with them. Thus, the interaction may generate the rapid loss of life force energy or it can increase life force circulation that can be further multiplied into greater use of that energy yield, such as through expressed creativity or Cellular Knowing. To regain our health and sanity, we must discern these energetic exposures and the consequences to our personal energy and physical body, and make regular assessments to monitor our state of health and wellbeing. When we discern these differences and then make an effort to only commune with those things that help us to increase energy flow and harmony in our lifestyle, this fortifies our Spiritual Immune System.

Each individual on the path of spiritual development will need to discern between these forces of closed source parasitic Entropy or open sourced Negentropy, and make a committed decision to move towards spiritual purpose and those things that multiply and circulate an abundance of life force energy. The abundant life force energy can be followed through personal resonance of the loving heart-based messages of the spirit, that will guide us to increase our consciousness energy, which also reflects in the personal health, coherence and wellbeing of that individual.

Sometimes those advanced on the spiritual path or with certain skill sets will have specific planetary missions that process and transmute group consciousness miasma, or clear assorted negative forces and destructive timelines. This is a unique path designated for some Starseed people. As an example, currently there are many Starseed people and gridworkers that are clearing planetary miasma from the grids, transiting SRA’d children souls, processing energetic viral loads and this can be utterly physically exhausting to process in a human body. When it is your spiritual purpose and not forced by personal will, then it is not entropic. This purpose is a function of your higher DNA signature. It will manifest as the purpose you have come to the earth for in order to help clear Miasma and to achieve spiritual freedom, as well as complete archetypal patterns during the Ascension Cycle. When a person is spiritually dedicated, they have developed strong spiritual bodies that when resonating in a Group Consciousness creating a unified field, these groups will synchronize together to help harmonize and support the elevation of the earth grid. When this happens naturally, such as the recent project to rescue souls in child bodies that were being caged underground for SRA, this will be deeply known inside of our heart that the project is our personal divine purpose manifesting, so that we can participate with it and fulfill our service mission and spiritual Ascension.

Everything that we are being exposed to has an energetic signature and frequency that impacts our energetic balance and then effects our biological and spiritual immune systems. This means all humans have the ability to amplify, absorb, store and transmit a range of vibrational energies that have an overall effect that is either healthy or unhealthy for the entire body and its immunity. In order to discern the effects and impact of frequency exposures, we have to pay attention to our body and listen to the feelings and impressions it is giving us, which is a message to follow in support of the overall health and immunity of our body. A cleaned up subconscious mind along with a strong Spiritual Immune System helps us to more easily withstand and defend ourselves to overcome psychic attacks, as dark force manipulation and targeted weaponry used on the interdimensional planes can weaken our physical health on the earth plane. In all matters of personal health, wellbeing and spiritual development, first and foremost we should consult with our inner spirit and God source as our true healing physician and request that Gods perfect will be manifested in our lives and within all interactions.

When we apply this comprehension to the current crisis conditions that humanity is facing, we must understand this event is not about a mysterious virus, it is about the orchestration of spiritual warfare being committed on a global scale to target the human lightbody. The trauma-based mind control that is targeting the masses through gaslighting tactics and psychological warfare, is explicitly designed to target the subconscious mind to incite terror and panic through the perception of a random and invisible lethal enemy. It is designed by the Controllers to get people to automatically give up their human rights through the abuse of spiritual principles, in order to get the individual to reject their soul and divinity entirely. To intentionally shut down the transmission of loving interactions and heart-based soul messages between people and the benevolent God forces that are here to help humanity ascend. Humanity is in the midst of a hidden intergalactic conflict over personal sovereignty and spiritual freedom that is becoming increasingly visible through the spiritual warfare that is intentionally designed to attack all aspects of human freedom.

When we begin to perceive ourselves as expressions of consciousness, eternal spiritual beings that hold the potential of unlocking the unlimited reality of our true nature, we begin to reclaim our personal power and transform ourselves to express our real divine purpose, which changes our lives and the world. [1]


See Also


Natural Laws