Planetary Emancipation Cycle: Difference between revisions

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During the end of 2015, the planetary lightbody began another bifurcation stage in the grid network which initiated an Emancipation Cycle which accelerated the Timeline Wars and the use of artificial intelligence cube technology for gaining territorial control on the planet.

With the return of the Solar Rishi into dimensionalization, there are many Special Operation Teams forming now that are strategically organized to find souls in very fragile states or delicate situations, based upon the level of trauma that has been suffered as a result of repeatedly incarnating on a Prison Planet. The process of liberating earth from being used as a prison colony and Satanic ritual abuse human farming system by the NAA forces, is directly relative to the spiritual ascension cycle and ultimately achieving planetary emancipation. We are enduring the most difficult time cycle of the Planetary Emancipation now, in which we are waiting for critical mass for a Full Disclosure Event to wake up those completely brainwashed by the cabal plandemic death cult, those that are willingly participating in the spread of worldwide genocidal agendas at the behest of Archontic Controllers.[1]

Rainbow Round Tables or Kunda-Ray

Within the energy matrix God source expresses first as sound in the form of the Kunda-Ray living sound field current. From within the Kunda-Ray, the living light rays of the Universal Trinity are formed, what we refer to as the Threefold Founder Flame of the Solar Rishi or Breneau. The Solar Rishi have returned into dimensionalization to directly support the Guardian races with running assorted Kunda-Ray currents into the planetary grid system during the Planetary Emancipation Cycle.

Christos Mission Oraphim

The Oraphim are the original representative Founder Guardian Races specialized Emerald Sun DNA blueprint forms that were used as a prototype body for the 6D Indigo Family of consciousness that source from the Universal Melchizedek Lineages, many of us came to the earth through the Sirius B portal to retrieve the lost or trapped Azurites and recover the cloned identities of the Ascended Masters. The Oraphim are the spiritual parents of the Indigo races working for Planetary Emancipation during the Ascension Cycle.