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The covenant with King Solomon (and its Mercy Shield) is being sequentially activated to start the change over from the current infiltrated structure of the Mystery Schools by reprogramming their corrupted horizontal energetic architecture into a spherical system. Those that have been abusing technologies linearly (i.e. Satanism, etc) will not have the same impact with ritual for this reason. The Solomon Shield is a spherical morphogenetic field designed to buffer and realign horizontal timeline networks (and clock shield devices) on the planetary body. A clock shield device is like a combination lock that opens biological clocks (i.e. your perception of biological Age is governed by a clock shield device) and events in time to manifest locally. The Solomon Shield specific function is to override grid damage and cataclysm potentials recorded in the [[Golden Eagle]] networks.
[[File:Solomon.jpg|thumb|Solomon Shield (art by Sequoia)]]

(Ref. LR NL Dec 2011)
The [[Solomon Shield]] is a collective buffer field ([[3-6-9 Rod Repair]]) and horizontal network created for the earth to ensure an alternative evolution timeline during the [[Ascension Plan B]] mission by the [[Guardian Founder Races]]. This helps as companion to anchor the [[Consciousness Corridor]], an array of Guardian Hosted timelines for identifying and locating lost souls, or [[Soul Fragmentation|fragmented souls]] that have been damaged due to [[Alien Machinery]] or that was harvested by the [[NAA]] on planet, in the last cycle.  

Term first found: Page 162, HGS Manual
This shield network is designed to override the damage created in the 2nd dimension, such as the issues with San Graal [[Stargate]]s ([[Temple Mount]] in Jerusalem, and Sarasota, Florida), the [[2nd Chakra]] Orange wave spectrum, upgrading the [[Rod]] function to elevate into the [[14th Chakra]] Gold Ray, and the support the [[Golden Eagle Grid]] functions for the masculine energetic principle, in both planetary and personal consciousness. Additionally, it serves to repair 1D to 4D,([[False Ascension Matrix]]) to complete an interdimensional resonator tone which can link between the [[Astral Plane]] gates into the [[Mother Arc]] into the earth core, terminating the false white light matrix, which includes the [[False Umbilicus]] and its [[False White Webbing]].
Patriarchal lines descended from the ancient Maji bloodlines of the human known as [[Guardian Yeshua]] (or [[Christos]]) are called the House of David. The House of David rises again guided by [[Krystal Star]] to rehabilitate and unite all of the King David/King Solomon blood lines through the [[Solomon Shield]] in order to bring divine grace and holiness into the males, transforming them from the [[False King of Tyranny]] to Benevolent Kings. As the True King returns to his benevolent power on earth, he applies his 14 D Golden Rod, made from the Golden Shields of Solomon, to anchor the embodiment of the Heavenly [[Father Arc]] [[Diamond Heart]] through him. This anchor protects the earth, as the [[Compassion]]ate action of the Holy Heavenly [[Father Arc]], and seals those areas weakened from the misuse of power, from the [[False King of Tyranny]], the [[NAA]] that promotes continual militarization of the planet in war, killing and destruction. Planetary grid work where the protection of Benevolent Kings is desired, areas where the domination and abuse of male power is blatant, call for the [[Solomon Shield]]. When working with the [[Golden Eagle Grid]], Militarization, or personal male issues, one may desire to call upon the [[Solomon Shield]] as the companion to heal inner and outer male energies into energetic balance. The embodied [[Rod]] in the male principle has upgraded from 2D orange frequency to 14D golden frequency, during this [[Ascension Cycle]]. (Base Tone).<ref>[Page 162, HGS Manual]</ref>
==Guardian Project for Rod Repair==
The Guardian [[Timelines]] Grid Repair and Hosting Project include integrating the [[Solomon Shield]] on our planet which is also designed to support our males to the new consciousness and upgrade the architecture of the horizontal grid and its "Rod" function.
The Shield of Solomon was built from the "House of David" genetic line and is from the Holy Grail male bloodline that has the power to override the previously distorted collective masculine "Rod" consciousness. The distorted male "rod" consciousness has been infected with patriarchal domination stemming from the controllers mind control game of installing the "[[False King of Tyranny]]" as the dominating rulers of this planet. The controllers handpicked the hybridized [[Nephilim]] bloodlines that they could corrupt through the mind control programs in order to carry out their "enslavement through tyranny" agenda. (This does not mean that all [[Nephilim]] bloodlines are corrupted, it means they are hybridized genetic beings that have been perpetrated upon to be recruited as the enforcers of the negative alien agenda [[NAA]].)
The Guardians explain the [[Solomon Shield]] is the consciousness grid technology that is changing the planetary electron spin back to the organic [[12:12 Electrical Christ Male]] pattern. This pattern is only viable in select places on the planet (because of planetary grid damage unable to hold this frequency) and it is the [[Rod and Staff]] couples ([[Hieros Gamos]]) that are locking it down into the planet by merging their combined embodied "unity code" source architecture. Until the planet can hold the new electron spin, these groups are attempting to embody the frequency and its new electron spin pattern in their combined male principle energy. The 12:12 only exists within that [[Unity Field]] architecture field and not within the reversal systems which still are running reversal electron spin rates based on the hijacked code by the controllers. This is also the reason why energetic "interference" has been aggressive for certain [[Rod and Staff]] couples, to prevent them from holding the unified field necessary to bring in the embodied unity source code architecture. That 12 base architecture is coming from the projected mind of God's [[Cosmic Cube Matrix]] of 144,000 archetypes that is being inducted into the third eye. It takes both the male and female genetic equal bodies to hold it, and so both the male and female must merge their [[Monad]]ic energies in combined divine purpose in order to do so.
... with the Guardian Hosting of the [[Solomon Shield]] our masculine principle and its rod function for this planet are changing to be reconfigured beyond the [[Golden Eagle Grid]]  infiltration and its distorted consciousness. This allows our male electron to be reconfigured to the new [[12:12 Electrical Christ Male]] pattern, freeing it from the mind control enslavement technology and the [[Armageddon Software]], [[Military Grey Alien Technology]] war machine promoted by the [[NAA]].<ref>[ November 2010 Newsletter] </ref>
==3-6-9 Rod Repair==
Once the [[Kundalini]] current runs in corrected patterns to build the subharmonic strings in each of the 3-6-9 dimensions, the actual structure of the [[Horizontal Triad Bodies]] can begin to build higher mental bodies and merge into their [[Trinitized Form]]. The corrected mental body patterns rebuilt in each of these higher mind matrices, is also leading to [[Metatronic Bodies]] repair which is a [[Nephilim]] 9D body correction.When these three harmonic triads are corrected throughout the [[Horizontal Triad Bodies]] the [[Lightbody]] structure known as the Masculine [[Rod]] starts to initiate and activate in the [[Lightbody]].
==Mystery Schools==
The covenant with King Solomon (and its Mercy Shield) is being sequentially activated to start the change over from the current infiltrated structure of the Mystery Schools by reprogramming their corrupted horizontal energetic architecture into a spherical system. Those that have been abusing technologies linearly (i.e. Satanism, [[Black Magic]], etc.) will not have the same impact with [[SRA]] ritual for this reason. The [[Solomon Shield]] is a spherical [[Morphogenetic Field]] designed to buffer and realign horizontal timeline networks (and clock shield devices) on the planetary body. A clock shield device is like a combination lock that opens biological clocks (i.e. your perception of biological Age is governed by a clock shield device and [[Sextant Matrix]]) and events in time to manifest locally. The Solomon Shield's specific function is to override grid damage and cataclysm potentials recorded in the [[Golden Eagle]] networks and the [[Seraphim]] lineages of accumulated genetic [[Miasma]] and their [[Negative Form]] bodies, as well as, possibly [[Clones]]. <ref>[ December 2011 Newsletter] </ref>
==Hidden ET and Fallen Angelic History==
Now during the [[Atlantian Cataclysm]] and what is known as the [[Luciferian Rebellion]] about 26,000-30,000 years ago, this is when the planetary star gates, the planetary grids [[Ley Lines]] became controlled by the [[NAA]] Controlling races such as the Reptilians, the [[Annunaki]] , the [[Alpha Draconis/Orion Group]] Draconians. And this [[Golden Eagle Grid]] grid became, during this time, under the control of these beings who used these collective consciousness grids for reversed purposes of malintent designed for the [[NAA]] and the [[False Gods]] which was the opposite from their original purpose.So, in the last 26,000 years, the [[Golden Eagle Grid]] became controlled and was primarily used as a mind control broadcast station, literally, that would send out false information or manipulated information to the mass human population to instill violence and terrorism through the [[Armageddon Software]]. One purpose in the [[Iran Gate]] is to send out [[False King of Tyranny]] patriarchal domination mind control through the [[ArchAngel Michael Matrix]] collective to instigate war, terrorism or cataclysm.  It was sending out violent and destructive thought-forms that was the program that the [[NAA]] uses to continue to plummet humanity into false [[Timelines]] of which is one of darkness, enslavement and separation using software called the [[Armageddon Software]], [[Metatronic Reversal]] and [[Victim-Victimizer]]. Colelctively this is called the [[Archontic Deception Strategy]] which is enfroced by the [[Controller]]s and [[False King of Tyranny]] manipulated by the [[NAA]] off planet. The [[Golden Eagle Grid]] became a mind control weapon because that is what they have been using it for - [[Psycho-Spiritual Warfare]] through militarizing the planet as a war machine. The [[GEG]] has pieces in the process of being reclaimed in terms of the [[Guardian Founder Races]] who are working to rehabilitate the places of the fallen consciousness grids [[Fallen Angelic]] mind matrix to help override the patriarchal [[Mind Control]]. A Guardian project ongoing is the [[Krystal Star]] architecture being built through the [[Solomon Shield]] and activation of the [[Mother Arc Hubs]] throughout the planetary body.
As an Amplifier (Talisman) for HGS session the Solomon Shield is defined as: House of David/Solomon Maji Grid.
==See Also==
[[Phoenix Grid]]
[[Timeline Override]]
[[Magic Cubes]]
Term first found: Page 30, HGS Manual

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