Khem Codes: Difference between revisions

From Ascension Glossary
(Created page with "The Khem Codes are the esoteric knowledge of alchemical manifestation secrets known by the authentic hidden Ascended Masters such as Guardian Yeshua and Mary Magdalene Sophia, buried in our historical past. The Blue Flame Melchizedeks were protecting the secret knowledge kept underneath the Giza Egyptian Solar Stargate as it is recorded in the Ruby Crystal for the purpose of uniting Twin Flames, it controls or adjusts spiritual alignment with the correct Gender Twins tha...")
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Revision as of 00:16, 17 March 2024

The Khem Codes are the esoteric knowledge of alchemical manifestation secrets known by the authentic hidden Ascended Masters such as Guardian Yeshua and Mary Magdalene Sophia, buried in our historical past. The Blue Flame Melchizedeks were protecting the secret knowledge kept underneath the Giza Egyptian Solar Stargate as it is recorded in the Ruby Crystal for the purpose of uniting Twin Flames, it controls or adjusts spiritual alignment with the correct Gender Twins that exist on multiple timelines. The Blue Flame Melchizedek and Christos Essenes with rod and staff body parts knew their divine counterpart was missing or misaligned from within their crystal lotus body, some went to Egypt to undergo khemetic spiritual rituals in an attempt to ignite their inner crystal heart into twin flames in order to find their gender twin that had been lost during the Eieyani Massacre. This is why the remnants of advanced Atlantian world culture that are visually seen in the Egypt region were known in their earliest history as Khemet, as it was the last stand after the Atlantian flood for the remaining Blue Flame Melchizedek priests and Guardian Essene templars for activating Khem Codes in which to achieve inner hierogamic union and activate the twin flames in the higher heart complex. The Khem Code ignites the inner twin flame inside the crystal lotus-rose heart in which the individual can connect directly with their gender twin flame even when they were not able to be together in the same time and space in the physical or astral layers.

When this higher knowledge of the Tri-Flame of Khemalohatea was lost during the Sumerian-Egypt Invasion, Khem became known as a sun god, alchemically transformed into Osiris through Enki, with his sister counterpart in the role of lunar matrix goddess Isis. It was from this unholy union of NAA red cube and red shielded cloned imposters that they were embodied as the capstone for the 7D inverted Violet Ray for the Saturnian blood cults of the Red Trident, hence the Red Cube Egyptian Pantheon was developed and became the favorite obsession of the luciferian bloodline controllers to manifest their anti-human agendas as they were being protected by these invading alien gods.

Thus, angelic humanity has entered an important milestone for spiritual victory through gender-based corrections with corrected gender twin flame co-creative manifestations, as the current Emerald Guardian hosting for major planetary activations are designed to correct the gender principle distortions in assorted red cube cloned systems that were designed by the NAA to reject, repel and oppose male and female gender merging in the Earth. Current Emerald Guardian Host projects are aligning correct placement on timelines for missing gender twins, and repairing the inner male and inner female energies within the angelic human diamond sun template through the transmission of Khem Codes that are carried in the organic Tri-Flame of Khemalohatea which ignites into twinned crystal lotus heart flames.

The Starborn hierogamic union quadrata activations with gender twins and twin flames grant access into several intermediary portal systems into the Temple of Khemalohatea as created by the Cosmic Christos Emerald Founders, which further ignite the corrected sound templates and musical tone sequences for birthing the Tri-Flame of Khemalohatea into the planet with Gender Twin Flames. These are transmissions sourcing from Universal Solar Rishi-Solar Reisha Ascended Master male and female couplings from the White Diamond Sun and Pink Diamond Sun networks with tri-wave Khemalot-Camelot coding to activate in the crystal core, stargates and Albion Lightbody. These are major developments for progressing natural hierogamic union and gender twin flames as it was originally designed to be for angelic humanity, the natural blending of inner male and inner female polarities for the next stage of reuniting with the physical representation of the gender twin flame union with ongoing corrections for the gender twin matrix.[1]


See Also

Cosmic Father's Ruby Templar

Ruby Rod

Red King

Cosmic Dragon Awakening

Rha God World Creation

Emerald Order

Cosmic Elohei

Pink Diamond Elohei