Electric Wars: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 01:46, 14 July 2014

Galactic History Summation of Root Race Seedings SEEDING ONE- The 7D Earth Huge war broke out over this First Root Race Seeding called the Electric Wars, it was a conflict over the dominion of the Earth Realms and Human (Christ) Kingdom. Race War Conflicts ensued over the genetic mutations and DNA damage that was caused by explosions and other races subsequent evolutionary and genetic digression. Elohim and the Founders re-negotiated to ensure that Human species evolution would continue but would be sealed off from the higher realms as to protect the higher dimensions and entities from all of the distortions and genetic mutations that had occurred in the Human Race. Humans would have to clean up their mess to be allowed access to their Cosmic Families again. Our bodies were sealed off and we were separated from our 12 DNA consciousness, and this distortion to us created a separation between our antiparticle and particle selves, meaning we now experienced separation and duality.Many more distortions to Human species Blueprint and consciousness occurred through subsequent seeding and evolutionary rounds. This also meant we would experience separation and awareness of the other aspects of ourselves, including our Lightbody layers. To begin the healing of our fragmentation we would begin by unifying our stations of identity and its layers of consciousness through the time fields (dimensions) During our repeated incarnations we would begin the unification of our consciousness by starting to draw in our Lemurian fragments in through our 2D/2nd Chakra and our Atlantian Fragments through our 3rd Chakra and Conscious Minds. The human 4D Astral Plane body would also draw in 3rd and 4th Root race Fragments, as a part of the separated emotional-soul body that was created from these distortions in our morphogenetic field blueprint from DNA damage. So another task for human race is that we are responsible to collect the fragments of ourselves from the other root race cycles and seedings.

Triune of the Universes

Right now we can access up to the 12th Astrological precession in the Inner Worlds timelines which includes another 288 possible organic Timelines totaling 864 Timelines and ALL of those cellular memories and their DNA Fire Letters. See the Triune of Universes.At certain points in the time cycle when merges occur, new architecture can be created and repaired which impacts the particle and antiparticle time field. This time is now. (The Inner Worlds are the access key to creating the Universal Ascension timeline known as Ascension Plan B.)[1]


See Also

Time Vector Codes

Ages of Humanity

Term first found in HGS Manual: Page 87