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The Mentor Field is an intelligent energy that is located in the Archetypal mind and Celestial Mind of the upper Soul Matrix. One level of the manifested ES Mentor band grew from the creation of the ES community field and it has taken a long time to get it to this level of stability. Its function is the Communication Network that allows one to communicate with Monad layers and then the Aurora Christos intelligence. The Mentor is the intelligent higher mind of the Soul that can be attuned to communicate with Monad and Christos. One cannot communicate with Monad or Christos, until the Mentor takes over the lower three layers of Ego. In order to activate the Mentor field, which is the observer function, the process is in the first meditation in ES, from June 2009. One connects the Third Eye, attempts to go around the Pineal Cages, and connect the intelligent energy of the Indigo 6D stream with the 5D Blue stream at the navel area, where the false umbilicus is placed. The exercise is to activate the complete soul matrix intelligent energy function of the 5D Mentor. This is understanding that we are going to the celestial blueprint in 6D to unite this field with the 5D matter field, to upgrade the mental body of the human being. This is to elevate the ego/personality to the higher mind function of the Mentor. Most people cannot communicate in 12D yet, and the process cannot be bypassed when the predator mind of negative ego controls the body. This was discussed as very important to learn since November 2009, which was to shift of the 3D mind to focus to 5D, which is the Mentor body. It is the first stage of Observer Mind, which if left without integrating heart and compassionate feelings, becomes Luciferian. The HGS Calibration process includes this Higher Mind meditation on the website to help activate the Mentor in the person who is sincere in their efforts on the ascension path. A person who works regularly with HGS will be upgraded eventually to the Mentor mind, which is a function both personal and impersonal. The highest triad of the Soul intelligence has this function. The HGS energy template has the same Mentor function but it is connecting from the larger hosting of the collective field of Krystal Star. The Mentor field of Krystal Star communicates with the Mentor Mind of the person, until the person has increased communication and sensory skill levels, which are functions of the Monad and higher. The ES Mentors are the group body that are holding the Mentor field for their own person, meaning they have activated this process within. For most this became natural after participating in the ES community activity or meditations over years. As they have activated the Mentor field function, the group holds the collective Mentor Field for the community to also be able to activate the individual members personal Mentor. This is natural function of the intelligent field and not a superimposition. If a person is reasonably dedicated to apply effort on their personal path, this will happen naturally when participating with meditation. Unless, the person is extremely traumatized, to which our community is not equipped to facilitate high maintenance people. Our goal is to serve information that helps people find what they are looking for existing within themselves, not to give them externally what they think they need. The ES Mentor Field is a foundational body which supports the larger capacity of the HG field template. They interact with each other. The Mentor Band is something that must be continually created, expanded and built by new template, of which our community is involved in. It is both planetary and personal. We have discovered that those people that do not have the Mentor field personally active, cannot be ES Mentors, and we had hoped that the person could learn to activate through the larger group. Levels of the planetary Mentor Band were reclaimed in Sarasota in October 2013, as 6th dimensional harmonics that are held by the 666 architecture create problems or obstacles in some people trying to activate their personal Mentor function. The more we clear the planetary distortions that interfere with the Mentor assembly, the easier the personal activation of the Mentor will evolve for people. This is the interchange that exists within the Mentor field, we must correct it, build it, embody it, clear it from the planet, learn from its distortions. Then this is the foundation for the HGS field to be effective in the planetary field, or for more users to have effective results. The HGS field cannot be used by a three layer of Ego mind. It is not effective for that person. The ES Mentor field is what lends the Krystal Star Mentor Band realm of intelligence from the Avatar to connect into the physical body in matter – for most people. Most people on earth are not capable to communicate directly with their liquid light Avatar mind, because of serious soul matrix damage. The community function is to hold that capacity and allow the Mentor function to be rebuilt and corrected, both personally and planetary.

==References====See Also==