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Unhealed trauma blockages can lend to the feeling of overwhelming stress in the biology that disconnects us from our soul and spiritual body, filling us with sensations of fear and dread.  Thus, it is important to understand that emotional wounds and related traumas can exert a layer of control over our biology which impacts body language and perceptions of reality, and this also extends to the light body. These same blockages are also spiritual wounds that exert a layer of control over our lightbody functions, damaging and dampening conscious awareness. To be exposed to repeated forms of emotional trauma is used as a method of spiritual warfare, therefore it is wise to remember that the 3D Controller society is a death culture by intentional design for this purpose. Subjecting the masses to repeated emotional traumas as normalized behaviors in society, is an act of mass spiritual warfare that robs many people of their innate capacity to feel safe and abundant while in their body. It interferes with natural embodiment process of receiving signals from the soul and spirit through the fascia network, thus impeding their ability to be fully authentic, relaxed and able to fulfill their life purpose. Pummeling the masses with the frequency of fear, intimidation and victimhood is an effective method of consciousness enslavement used by the NAA and Controllers, aimed at blocking the signals from spirit in favor of generating signals of fear into the fascia.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3533-fascia-crystalline-network Fascia Crystalline Network]</ref>
Unhealed trauma blockages can lend to the feeling of overwhelming stress in the biology that disconnects us from our soul and spiritual body, filling us with sensations of fear and dread.  Thus, it is important to understand that emotional wounds and related traumas can exert a layer of control over our biology which impacts body language and perceptions of reality, and this also extends to the light body. These same blockages are also spiritual wounds that exert a layer of control over our lightbody functions, damaging and dampening conscious awareness. To be exposed to repeated forms of emotional trauma is used as a method of spiritual warfare, therefore it is wise to remember that the 3D Controller society is a death culture by intentional design for this purpose. Subjecting the masses to repeated emotional traumas as normalized behaviors in society, is an act of mass spiritual warfare that robs many people of their innate capacity to feel safe and abundant while in their body. It interferes with natural embodiment process of receiving signals from the soul and spirit through the fascia network, thus impeding their ability to be fully authentic, relaxed and able to fulfill their life purpose. Pummeling the masses with the frequency of fear, intimidation and victimhood is an effective method of consciousness enslavement used by the NAA and Controllers, aimed at blocking the signals from spirit in favor of generating signals of fear into the fascia.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3533-fascia-crystalline-network Fascia Crystalline Network]</ref>
==Acupuncture Meridians and Fascia==
The meridian lines connect into each of the five layers of the [[Radial Body]], and they are interconnected with and can be accessed through acupuncture points that resonate directly with the liquid crystalline matrix of the [[Fascia]] tissue network. In the ancient acupuncture texts that predate the People’s Republic of China, which formed the established standards for current Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the fascia network was understood to be the mediating system of acupuncture practice.
Acupuncture channels are correlated to the fascial planes, and the needling points where all treatment is given are the stimulus to circulate energy signals through the energetic pathways for fascial network stimulation. Through the various methods of finding acupuncture points and meridian line placement on the physical plane, palpation reflects these are typically found in locations where there are greater amounts of connective tissue bundling in the fascial network. All methods of acupuncture needling directly interact with and impact the fascia crystalline network to treat energetic imbalances. Thus, it is best to comprehend that there cannot be rigid uniform standards placed upon practitioners needling positions when interacting with the multidimensional communication network within the human body.

==The Radial Body==
==The Radial Body==
Most are unaware that the extensive connective tissue of the [[Fascia]] network is the manifestation of the pre-matter instruction set of tissue capsules and complex crystalline webbing that make up the multidimensional identity spheres energetic structure of the [[Radial Body]].
Most are unaware that the extensive connective tissue of the [[Fascia]] network is the manifestation of the pre-matter instruction set of tissue capsules and complex crystalline webbing that make up the multidimensional identity spheres energetic structure of the [[Radial Body]].
==Supporting our Fascia==
For many of us, this new cycle of activations impacting the fascia network may lead us to explore an assortment of healthcare practices to enhance the conductivity of our bio-electrical matrix while experiencing physical release and pain relief. Many types of massage, forms of bodywork and fascia tools can be implemented to help break up stagnant patterns or trauma that is recorded in the fascia and energetic body. Acupuncture, Myofascial release, Somatic Experiencing (SE), Tension & Trauma Release Exercises (or TRE), Craniosacral therapy, Sterling Structural Therapy and even dancing, stretching, meditation and using a fascia blaster or foam roller in your living room. In whatever ways we intend to connect with our fascia and open the channels of communication within our liquid crystalline matrix, this helps to increase the coherence and adaptability of our body as it is undergoing tremendous pressure to transform and evolve.
When we look to the physical structure of fascia; collagen, sulfur, cell salts, silica, biotin and pure water hydration are extremely important to keep the tissues supple and lubricated. As the entire fascia system is transforming, it may be beneficial to support your body through additional supplementation. Collagen powders and liquids along with adequate hydration is generally the most important. Especially if you’re over the age of 40 and if there are physical manifestations of muscle loss, connective tissue stiffness, joints popping and cracking, limited flexibility and mobility or pain in any physical movement.

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==See Also==
==See Also==
[[Radial Body Activation]]

[[NET Mutations]]
[[NET Mutations]]

Latest revision as of 01:36, 3 January 2020

The human body is covered with a complex interconnective structure that forms into the embedded liquid crystalline matrix of the connective tissue network that is called the Fascia. This connective tissue network connects into every major system in the human body and its purpose is to relay sensory information and instruction sets throughout the multiple layers of tissue matrices, connecting internal and outer circuitry into the multidimensional spiritual layers. It is the Fascia Crystalline Network that saturates our cells with multidimensional light and sound, acting as the most important energetic communication system in our physical body. Specifically, the fascial liquid crystalline network connects directly with all of the horizontal triad bodies that make up the entire Radial Body system, and the main 12 meridians that intersect with the 12 axiatonal lines, which further communicate and send messaging into the brain and throughout the nervous system.

Within this complex network of integrated tissues, energy receivers and transmitters, fascia is the intelligent material that exists in between the cells, which covers the cellular tissues and connects those cells to other cells in the entire body. Fascia is primarily made up of a combination of substances which include a variety of proteins, such as collagen fibers and sulfur molecules. These structural proteins are intertwined as fibers that are twisted together into triple helixes that form into a liquid crystalline lattice overlay throughout the entire human body, from head to toe. In a living body, the water content acts as the hydration system for electrical conduction within the collagen fibers that functions as a protective webbing, like a membranous skin barrier that is wrapped around the entire body.

When the crystalline matrix is properly hydrated in the human body, the entire living system is bound within the water molecules and becomes electrified, transmitting energy signals at much faster speeds than the central nervous system. Thus, the fascia network becomes a semiconductor that is conductive to electromagnetism, sparking protons and electrons to help create ions which are intrinsic to the biological ionization process of ascension that generates plasmic light. The biological ionization process is what builds and strengthens the lightbody, preparing the inner dwelling of our consciousness bodies to receive and embody liquid plasmic light.

By understanding the piezoelectric effects of the fascial network, life force energy can be circulated to move through blockages in the meridian system and further support biological ionization. Such as through applying physical pressure to any one focused area, where one is changing the electrical dynamics that exist within the entire structure of the layers of the bodily matrices via the manipulation of the fascia network, which interconnects and activates the energy meridians and then moves that energy current throughout the related internal circuitry. Additionally, the fascia network receives the energetic pulses we receive from the Cosmic Order that has been filtered down as energy transmissions made into the layers of the Radial body, which are then further filtered down to be transmitted into the horizontal triad bodies or dimensionalized shields. The fascia network acts as the capacitor needed to absorb the energetic current when our biology is being subjected to the added exposures of electromagnetic surges and intergalactic plasmas that are currently transmitting during the planetary ascension. It modulates the down stepping of frequency activation in the ways that our physical body can handle or survive, so that we don’t blow our circuits.

Fascia is intelligently designed to integrate all component parts of the human body into a holistic living matrix, it is the primary organ system that is designed to unify all bodily systems in order to synthesize physical functions into achieving energetic balance or homeostasis. When there is an impact made to one smaller section of the fascia, it communicates throughout all of the interconnected structures, thus, the entire living system of the body is affected.

Fascia is the connective tissues crystalline matrix that stores and moves water throughout the body, it functions as the fiber optic network that carries voltage and oscillating frequency throughout the bio-neurological system via its semi conductive properties. Fascia exists in three main layers, the superficial fascia is beneath the skin’s dermal layers, the deeper layers of fascia surround and embed the bones, cartilage, organs and the brain, and the deepest layers are situated in the serous membranes which secrete fluids that fill the body cavities. These bodily fluids are lubricating secretions that come from glands and serous cells which facilitate major bodily functions like digestion, respiration and excretion of metabolic waste. Thus, if the liquid crystalline properties are unable to flow from lack of hydration or trauma blockages, the fascia solidifies and hardens, unable to transmit energetic signals and information, which leads to sensations of physical pain, emotional imbalances and mobility challenges.

The Fascia is integral for facilitating and maintaining the complex inner circuitry of communication in between the cellular tissues, like cell to cell communication, as well as connecting all of the layers of the living matrix components that exist in the human body. The fascial network helps to facilitate the function of every organ system, maintaining the network of energetic connectivity between all body parts simultaneously, all while providing a lubricating surface for the fiber of every muscle.

The fascia is the major structural component of our internal system, providing the counterbalance to the skeletal system through tensegrity (tensional integrity), it's also a messenger system, a key organ of sensory perception, and is integral for trauma wound healing, inflammation control and pain relief. The fascia network allows bodily structures to be more fluid, allowing for the stretching and compression of the tissues to move in multiple directions without losing their elasticity and strength. However, when the fascia becomes blocked from chronic stress or stagnant from an spiritual wound or external injury, this blockage can ripple out adverse impacts to our health, energy, well-being and mobility, as it effects our entire existence.

The Fascia crystalline network acts as the transport messenger of intelligent information, such as that made from encountering stimulus from the outer world by communicating that data to the inner energetic landscape of the entire human body. The information that is collected from the environmental conditions are sent back into the cells of the human body in order to determine what genes are being transcribed within the cell and what instruction sets are needed for an assortment of functions to optimize the bodily systems. As an example, the cells in the body produce metabolic waste products that require detoxification, and the fascia network delivers the information needed in the cell to cell network to help facilitate the cellular detoxification process and then help to deliver nutrients to where they are most needed. The fascia network performs the same function for releasing and clearing the energetic equivalents of toxins, such as implants, AI signals and energy parasites, which includes the realms of negative entity attachments and alien hybridization overlays. These classifications are considered energetic contaminants that require detoxification from the organic crystalline body and consciousness, which have negative impacts similar to unreleased metabolic waste that become toxic.

Trauma Recorded in the Fascia

We live in a death culture that largely ignores the accumulation of traumatic emotional wounds that form as normal human responses to being repeatedly terrorized, as well as experiencing moments of horror, that we then perceive to be trapped within us.

When chronic stress and trauma remain unchanged, the body manifests this accumulative stress in patterns of tension and blockages that can become locked into the fascia. These patterns of tension start to change and adjust the body language, movements and posture, and over time the mind and emotions will start to align to the same rigidity or binding patterns of the body. The repetitive habits we create in response to ongoing stress patterns tend to get coupled with automatic reactions to certain events or triggers, that can begin to interrupt or block energy flow and cellular communication. Rather than receiving the signals from the soul and spirit, this is when the fascia will begin to solidify and harden into blockages and rigid holding patterns.

Repeated patterns that arise out of the instinctual brain trigger the fight flight freeze mechanism, and when these patterns are repeated in the biology, they set up distortion patterns in the physical body’s movements and posture. If there is a fear signal or pattern operating in the consciousness, it will keep recreating the same patterns in the body. When there are emotional triggers or couplings to what originated in the cellular memory trauma pattern, the neurology continues to receive that signal which fire through neuro-muscular patterns, which can result in a binding pattern that locks down in the fascia.

Emotional pain, physical trauma and traumatic events are stored as blockages in the living matrix of the body, in which the fascia network functions as the cellular communication system, holding the trauma record in the crystalline matrix until that source of pain has been addressed, released or integrated. Traumas are deep energetic wounds often characterized by overwhelm, recorded within the layers of the body that lend to feelings of collapse and helpless resignation, which deeply impact the interconnective functions of the fascial network, impairing its spiritual function. The trauma memories that are recorded in the fascia liquid crystalline network extend into multiple lifetimes, galactic histories and historical timeline records that impact the evolutionary cycle and collective consciousness of the entire human race as experienced throughout the Universal Time Matrix.

When these traumas remain unhealed, they generate blockages and thus can create an assortment of imbalances and oppressions throughout the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual layers. It is entirely possible for an aware person or empath to consciously read and perceive accumulative emotions recorded in the posture and body language of others, as well as gain an informed assessment of the circumstances in which many current events transpire. All emotions, thought perceptions and traumas have a unique energy signature, and by observing body language and listening to the energetic conditions present in the moment, we can receive many impressions about the past experiences that contribute to the current state of consciousness of that individual, place or thing. It is natural for the human biology to interpret these ranges of emotional sensations inside our own body, that help us assess the appropriate actions required when we are aware of the environmental conditions that we are being exposed to in present time. This function is facilitated by the fascia network on the physical plane, while the soul matrix facilitates the higher sensory perception of cellular knowing and relays that energetic intelligence to the physical layers. Thus, when our fascia network is impaired, blocked or suppressed by some form of trauma, it interrupts and interferes with the holistic communication and messaging system of the entire biology and multidimensional consciousness layers.

Unhealed trauma blockages can lend to the feeling of overwhelming stress in the biology that disconnects us from our soul and spiritual body, filling us with sensations of fear and dread. Thus, it is important to understand that emotional wounds and related traumas can exert a layer of control over our biology which impacts body language and perceptions of reality, and this also extends to the light body. These same blockages are also spiritual wounds that exert a layer of control over our lightbody functions, damaging and dampening conscious awareness. To be exposed to repeated forms of emotional trauma is used as a method of spiritual warfare, therefore it is wise to remember that the 3D Controller society is a death culture by intentional design for this purpose. Subjecting the masses to repeated emotional traumas as normalized behaviors in society, is an act of mass spiritual warfare that robs many people of their innate capacity to feel safe and abundant while in their body. It interferes with natural embodiment process of receiving signals from the soul and spirit through the fascia network, thus impeding their ability to be fully authentic, relaxed and able to fulfill their life purpose. Pummeling the masses with the frequency of fear, intimidation and victimhood is an effective method of consciousness enslavement used by the NAA and Controllers, aimed at blocking the signals from spirit in favor of generating signals of fear into the fascia.[1]

Acupuncture Meridians and Fascia

The meridian lines connect into each of the five layers of the Radial Body, and they are interconnected with and can be accessed through acupuncture points that resonate directly with the liquid crystalline matrix of the Fascia tissue network. In the ancient acupuncture texts that predate the People’s Republic of China, which formed the established standards for current Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the fascia network was understood to be the mediating system of acupuncture practice.

Acupuncture channels are correlated to the fascial planes, and the needling points where all treatment is given are the stimulus to circulate energy signals through the energetic pathways for fascial network stimulation. Through the various methods of finding acupuncture points and meridian line placement on the physical plane, palpation reflects these are typically found in locations where there are greater amounts of connective tissue bundling in the fascial network. All methods of acupuncture needling directly interact with and impact the fascia crystalline network to treat energetic imbalances. Thus, it is best to comprehend that there cannot be rigid uniform standards placed upon practitioners needling positions when interacting with the multidimensional communication network within the human body.

The Radial Body

Most are unaware that the extensive connective tissue of the Fascia network is the manifestation of the pre-matter instruction set of tissue capsules and complex crystalline webbing that make up the multidimensional identity spheres energetic structure of the Radial Body.

Supporting our Fascia

For many of us, this new cycle of activations impacting the fascia network may lead us to explore an assortment of healthcare practices to enhance the conductivity of our bio-electrical matrix while experiencing physical release and pain relief. Many types of massage, forms of bodywork and fascia tools can be implemented to help break up stagnant patterns or trauma that is recorded in the fascia and energetic body. Acupuncture, Myofascial release, Somatic Experiencing (SE), Tension & Trauma Release Exercises (or TRE), Craniosacral therapy, Sterling Structural Therapy and even dancing, stretching, meditation and using a fascia blaster or foam roller in your living room. In whatever ways we intend to connect with our fascia and open the channels of communication within our liquid crystalline matrix, this helps to increase the coherence and adaptability of our body as it is undergoing tremendous pressure to transform and evolve.

When we look to the physical structure of fascia; collagen, sulfur, cell salts, silica, biotin and pure water hydration are extremely important to keep the tissues supple and lubricated. As the entire fascia system is transforming, it may be beneficial to support your body through additional supplementation. Collagen powders and liquids along with adequate hydration is generally the most important. Especially if you’re over the age of 40 and if there are physical manifestations of muscle loss, connective tissue stiffness, joints popping and cracking, limited flexibility and mobility or pain in any physical movement.


See Also

Radial Body Activation

NET Mutations