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A predator will identify and engage a victim and work on gaining that person's trust so they can break down defences, manipulate that person until they get whatever it is that they’re after. Sometimes they're paying a lot of attention, they're giving a lot of flattery or ego stroking, seduction, charisma, they're trying to recruit them for something, they're giving them gifts, they're doing [[Gaslighting]] tactics, maybe they're sharing secrets and saying "don't tell anyone" and then also threats. All of this is hallmarks of [[Grooming]]. Grooming is a by-product of the [[Imposter Spirit]], of the [[Satanic]] spirit and [[Luciferian]] spirit so when you see this also in people - ego stroking, flattery, seduction, charisma, secrecy "don't tell so-and-so I told you this..." you know that this is a dark force that is trying to get some traction and this is when you can stop it in it's tracks. When you see somebody playing these [[Emotional Manipulation]] games you can identify it and you can say "I want no part of it. Don't talk to me anymore because I'm not going to listen to this anymore."
A predator will identify and engage a victim and work on gaining that person's trust so they can break down defences, manipulate that person until they get whatever it is that they’re after. Sometimes they're paying a lot of attention, they're giving a lot of flattery or ego stroking, seduction, charisma, they're trying to recruit them for something, they're giving them gifts, they're doing [[Gaslighting]] tactics, maybe they're sharing secrets and saying "don't tell anyone" and then also threats. All of this is hallmarks of [[Grooming]]. Grooming is a by-product of the [[Imposter Spirit]], of the [[Satanic]] spirit and [[Luciferian]] spirit so when you see this also in people - ego stroking, flattery, seduction, charisma, secrecy "don't tell so-and-so I told you this..." you know that this is a dark force that is trying to get some traction and this is when you can stop it in it's tracks. When you see somebody playing these [[Emotional Manipulation]] games you can identify it and you can say "I want no part of it. Don't talk to me anymore because I'm not going to listen to this anymore."
==Lying Techniques==
It is important to be able to identify abusers, liars, predators and [[Psychopathy|psychopaths]] as people traumatized by terrible pain, [[Soul Fragmentation]] and spiritual disconnection. When people are utterly controlled by [[Negative Ego]] dysfunction and have no [[Impulse Control]] and they live in self-deception. A person who is deceiving themselves has no other alternative but to deceive others because they have little to no clarity. See [[Lying Techniques]].