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==12 in 1==
==12 in 1==
The Stargates are directed by the planetary [[Lightbody]] of the second layer of the [[Crystal Seals]] Grid in the [[12 Tree Grid]]. They form 12 seals and one to form a energy grid in the the physical realm. A [[Stargate]] is like an energetic program that has 12 Pyramidal Triangles above the One Great Pyramid.
The Stargates are directed by the planetary [[Lightbody]] of the second layer of the [[Crystal Seals]] Grid in the [[12 Tree Grid]]. They form 12 seals and one to form a energy grid in the the physical realm. A [[Stargate]] is like an energetic program that has 12 Pyramidal Triangles above the One Great Pyramid.
==Grail Point and Stargate System==
Planet Earth has a Krystal Body anatomy that holds many energetic constructs, which form into Chakras, Axiatonal Lines, Ley Lines and the many energy vortices that make up the layers of the entire Planetary Auric Body. The fact this planet was originally created from the Diamond Sun architecture, reveals the true creator of this planet and the progenitor of the human species. This remains the truth no matter what extraterrestrial race has planted its flag on the earth surface, claiming the earth as their territory. Starseed gridworkers may sense and work with many of these holographic constructs in the earth grid, which form the basis of understanding the energetic architecture of the earth consciousness body, and how this structure creates the many realities and time fields. The many dimensional layers in the earth’s auric body are the container for entire collective consciousness on planet. These structures hold the content of all of the consciousness that manifest into the many different kingdoms and species that exist on the earth. They hold the point of origination for all of the collective consciousness energy that was originally seeded onto the planet, and entered the material realm from the Grail point. The Grail point is located within the planet’s second dimensional Stargates, with its primary access being within Temple Mount.
The Planetary Chakra system, also called Stargates, acts to step down the higher energies transmitting from the Source field into the Sun, which is then directed into the many Stargates. The Stargates transmit an energetic spectrum of frequencies, moving from the higher to lower dimensions, in order to reach the matter fields and circulate them throughout the planetary grid network. Stargates create spirals of these energies, which are designed on a frequency scale to circulate the God Source energy into reciprocal exchanges with multiple dimensions of creation. The frequency scale of the spirals of energy feed into the manifested realms of space and time, returning back into the center point of the feedback loop, thus, returning to unite with the God Source field. The Planetary Stargate that receives the transmission of the Source field for distribution into the rest of the planetary grid system, is the Grail Point or Grual Point. As many of us may be sensing, the transmission of the intergalactic plasma waves from the Source field into the Grail point and the Planetary Stargates, is greatly accelerating now.
This intensifies higher sensory experiences of multidimensional bleed through, lifting the veil between dimensions, thus, more people are sensing an array of dark and light entities, sensing people that have passed their physical body, but are still existing in other dimensions on the earth plane. Moving forward, more people will have experiences with passed on relatives, people existing in other dimensions, seeing a variety of spiritual entities, orbs, elementals, etc. The intensity of the current shift amplifies an array of multidimensional experiences, and we are the experiencers in the changing of the guard to help the masses know that this is a natural result of Planetary Ascension. We must normalize multidimensional experiences as a healthy perception of reality in a humane society.
The planet’s lowest density dimensional frequency bands and their energy vortices are gradually rolling up and dissolving into the Grail point. As the energetic contents that had existed in the lower three dimensions changes its location and frequency level, it is reconfigured or it is processing through the Grail point. The Grail point in our personal body resonates with the sexual organs and sacral areas, and it holds the unprocessed content of our pain body. Therefore we must address this pain body, in all ways to find unconditional love, healing and forgiveness for the contents of the pain that was recorded there. This is similar to saying this cycle constitutes the separation of the wheat from the chaff, as the debris or lower energetic constructs in our pain body and unconscious mind are being dissolved, then harmonized, and what remains is shifting with us into the next Harmonic Universe.<ref>[ Cause and Effect]</ref>

Term first found in HGS Manual:  Page 67
Term first found in HGS Manual:  Page 67