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[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/1668-pushing-for-timelines?highlight=YToxOntpOjA7czo1OiJheGlvbSI7fQ== May 2012 Newsletter]
[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/1668-pushing-for-timelines?highlight=YToxOntpOjA7czo1OiJheGlvbSI7fQ== May 2012 Newsletter]
==Reconciling Memories in Timelines==
When we realize that the consequences of our actions today were the result of inauthentic decisions made in the past (when we were projecting a mask of deception), that moment of realization can be painful. Every little event is connecting throughout the golden threads woven in the fabric of all time for us to see. Some of us may play out these memories or events consciously or unconsciously. At this time we are being required to Reconcile Ancestral Memories in some kind of format as it surfaces to present us with a task or conflict. Many of us are reconciling the past or future timelines, as well as issues presented at the individual self, the ancestral self, the karmic self, or the collective planetary self and so forth. We may have the “Come to Jesus” moment in our life and be forced to see the pain and harm we have caused (or our ancestors caused) to ourselves and others. We may have allowed another person or thing that we love to have authority in our life direction and recently learned they have misrepresented themselves. No matter how this deception has occurred, if we have based our life on a foundation of self-deception (masking identities) that deception is crumbling away beneath our feet, and this can feel scary. Administering compassion and offering kind understanding to support those in this situation is greatly needed today.
==Dead Light Miasma in Time==
Many of these conflicts and trauma have been carried for eons of time buried in our bodies as Ancestral Memories from other timelines. When these memory traumas remain unseen and unhealed, they turn into dead light (black energy, frozen or static fields). This dead light creates energy blockages and distortion which is also called miasma. (When discussing the reconciliation of ancestral memories it is also referencing the dead energy blockages of recorded ancestral miasma.) This dead light (energy) miasma is recorded in the planetary body as well as our own individual bodies. When we clear miasma and their imprints from our individual body we are helping to clear the larger macrocosm.
==Triune Scale of Particle Based Time==
The first section of the Triune is the Particle Universal Scale of Time. This is the external reality we experience in physical matter on 3D Earth including the nature of timelines that exist at the Particle Universe level. We can call that the particle timelines. The second section of the Triune is the Anti-Particle Universal Scale of Time. This is the Parallel Universe of which contains an antiparticle mirror (or double) of our Particle Universe. The parallel or anti-particle earth holds the exact mirror opposite to the time cycles we have on particle earth. We can call that anti-particle timelines or Parallel Universe timelines. The third section of the Triune is the Universal Inner Worlds Scale of Time or the In-between Spaces. This is the domain of the Inner Worlds which intersect between the Particle Universe and the Anti-Particle Universe. The Universal Inner Worlds Scale of Time holds both the architecture of the particle timelines and anti-particle timelines. This means both timelines can be accessed from the Inner Worlds, such as the Inner Earth Domains. At certain points in the time cycle when merges occur, new architecture can be created which impacts the particle and antiparticle time field. This time is now. (The Inner Worlds are the access key to creating the Universal Ascension timeline known as Ascension Plan B.)
Each section of the Triune of Universes intersects at a 45 degree angle of respective particle spin which moves diagonally. This usually creates a buffer between them which keeps spaces closed off. However, that buffer is dissolving and during this phase the Triune of Universes and their timelines are merging. This creates “entry points” at several layers of the time field or dimensional plane of which can be intersected, for our interest to create Krystal Host handshake hubs in previously closed off spaces. (A handshake hub is a communication link and specific living geometry that connects to the Krystal Host.) This is a phenomenon that only occurs during a certain phase of the timeline within the Ascension Cycle. For those of us as energy gridworkers, this merge provides an advantage to create some vast changes and corrections in the energy architecture which impacts timelines. This is a window of opportunity.
There are interdimensional pillars (spires) placed in the planetary instruction sets which are adjusting our particle timeline to stabilize merge with the other timelines. This timeline “merge” has created access into other realities and allowed access from other realities into our 3D world of matter. This has allowed an access into spaces that were not previously available for both positive and negative entities. Some of these spaces opening contain much higher frequency (with shorter wave lengths) which when exposed to our reality are starting to change the lower atmosphere of Earth.