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[[File:Gtara.jpg|thumb|Green Tara (art by Sequoia)]]
During the May electrical peak cycle in 2021, Guardian teams began rehabilitation on several areas of Asian grids with dragon node intersections. These were operating an inverted closed loop entropic system that appeared as a large reversal force field of heavy magnetic compression on the eastern side of Sri Lanka, that moved in a 45-degree angle and deposited into Goa, India. This ley line was an unnatural superimposed load of collective karmic residue that spanned north into the Ellora Cave system and was filled with alien made demonic bindings connected to an extremely dark shadow miasma deposit. This dark miasma was collected from many Mothers’ of Dragon and Mu’a Solar Melchizedek lineages used in starfire menstrual rituals as blood sacrifices, for the purpose of enslaving the feminine principle on the planet. As this oceanic wave of putrid and vile shadow energies and grotesque creatures were being released and rerouted for transiting, the clearing process popped off the inorganic shield lid of an existing ancient interdimensional portal. Following this portal led into an extensive underground tunnel system, and then there was a massive doorway that opened from inside the damp darkness with a beautiful surge of emerald green light, and low and behold an extremely ancient emerald diamond goddess appeared.
During the May electrical peak cycle in 2021, Guardian teams began rehabilitation on several areas of Asian grids with dragon node intersections. These were operating an inverted closed loop entropic system that appeared as a large reversal force field of heavy magnetic compression on the eastern side of Sri Lanka, that moved in a 45-degree angle and deposited into Goa, India. This ley line was an unnatural superimposed load of collective karmic residue that spanned north into the Ellora Cave system and was filled with alien made demonic bindings connected to an extremely dark shadow miasma deposit. This dark miasma was collected from many Mothers’ of Dragon and Mu’a Solar Melchizedek lineages used in starfire menstrual rituals as blood sacrifices, for the purpose of enslaving the feminine principle on the planet. As this oceanic wave of putrid and vile shadow energies and grotesque creatures were being released and rerouted for transiting, the clearing process popped off the inorganic shield lid of an existing ancient interdimensional portal. Following this portal led into an extensive underground tunnel system, and then there was a massive doorway that opened from inside the damp darkness with a beautiful surge of emerald green light, and low and behold an extremely ancient emerald diamond goddess appeared.