Core Soul Protection

Revision as of 21:49, 4 March 2017 by Lisa (talk | contribs)

Core Soul protection and RRO

We Ask our Avatar Selves to return all codes, fire letters, and the jewels, wings, energies and parts of bodies that have been misdirected and return them NOW to the Rightful Owner RRO in the name of Self-Sovereignty herein stated and commanded into presence NOW. We invalidate the beings by commanding a full dissolution and dissolve into the One Source God Source Light through Forgiveness and Forgetfulness. Completely Heal and Seal thepersonal Auric Field from any further intrusion. Return all energies and essences that were in divine right order NOW through the Return to Rightful Owner in God’s Authority. We call back NOW all that is our Self Sovereign god power and right.

Note: One can apply the Core Soul Protection Package to your family of origin or for any beings that you have permission to represent. We can bring those energies of their God Self fully here and now.

Beloveds, we request now the complete removal of all the nephilim reversal programs or lower formed energies and misqualified vibrations. Remove all imbalanced matrices, devices and structures here and now. Further, remove any and all negative entity, negative attachment, negative elemental, negative alien influence, negative karmic implant, negative alien implant, any negative karmic pain traps, any negative manipulation. Please scan and check my bodies for and remove any mind control, mind control booby traps, thought forms, beings, phase disruptors, disease booby traps, holographic inserts, pathogen pullers, or any kind of structure interference draining our energy through “ karmic superimposition” and their enslavement devices or programs that are interfering with my free will of expression and self determination. Clear any ritual, spell, curse or symbol. Clear any negative past life artifact. Clear any and all psychic attack with any frequency of manipulation or interference. Clear related attacks of vampirism or cording and all negative cords. Remove impacts from negative mass consciousness energy or leakages connecting to those particular programs.

Further, for our entire ( ______insert person, family member or group name or business organization) please clear any and all imbalanced or misqualified energies now. We claim the sovereign right and liberation for all persons involved through any timeline or time zone. In the light of God and the Love of Christ we dissolve and clear any and all manipulation, enslavement or interference with any person, place or thing, both human or non human to be removed, cleared and terminated from any involvement. Clearly stated we resign any and all involvement in this matrix, we resolve and resign from this game, fully and completely. We are all free from any entanglement, attachment or disturbance Now and Forever.