Aurora Host Matrix

Revision as of 21:11, 16 March 2014 by Lisa (talk | contribs)

The Aurora Host Matrix is the Aurora Body located beyond the Universal Neutron Window and into the core of the Next Universe, the Seven Higher Heavens, or High Creational Realm. They are families of the Krystal Star, and bring to the earth plane the Aurora Elements which are also called the New Earth Elemental Command.

Re-encryption Project

The Aurora mission is to work with the new elementals for the new earth. These are called the New Earth Elemental Command. This role is to help re-encrypt the human physical body on atomic and subatomic levels because the chemical constituents of our DNA is an elemental base. Our physical body is an elemental body and it’s comprised of these four base level chemical constituents. We can use the four elements to understand the four levels of chemicals that comprise our DNA which is earth/fire/water/air. Our human bodies are not transmuting fast enough the karmic base of Negative Form, the Miasma, that was needed in order to move us through less dense formats in order to handle the accelerated (frequency) energy. This is a primary reason that we are having the Aurora host this planet for the ascension timeline. Now with the re encryption of our particle base, as we are being re encrypted on an atomic level, our particles are being shifted and we are being upgraded into these new re encryption templates and modes to work with the new elemental command. This is to build the physical elemental form and Monadic form of our body back into the organic life force of our divine blueprint, the original human soul, the Christos blueprint a 12 strand DNA silicate matrix. However, this is what the Aurora’s mission is - to build the planetary and individual particle base and re-encrypt us with its new coding.

[Aurora Re-encryption]


HGS Manual: Page 159

Term first found in HGS Manual: Page 105