Triad Communication Station
… (the Cosmic Trinity between Melchizedek, Andromedan-Aurora, Sirius) that has an opening through the astral layers. The portal access then moves through to Sirius 6D - Arcturus 7D - Orion 8D (Galactic Core) and finally out of this system entirely. This is the Meta Galactic Layers aligned to the Luminaries of the Next Universe (Krystal Star Communication Networks) - the upcoming Andromeda Activations. This was purposed to rehabilitate and relocate the Lost Souls and Fragments in 4D Astral and to emancipate the consciousness lost in the astral illusions and false matrices.
Morphogentic Fields as Communication Stations
Morphogenetic Fields are comprised by templates of conscious light and sound which serve as the blueprints on which matter and conscious identity will then manifest. This occurs at a microcosmic and macrocosmic level and is a part of the mechanics of all creation. All matter forms and forms of consciousness, including planetary bodies and human bodies, are manifested through these morphogenetic (form-holding) imprints. They exist as a quantity of crystalline (that's why it's also called a crystal body), energetic substance that is composed of specific patterns of frequency. The universe is one massive field of consciousness embracing and containing all other forms where all experiences of reality and manifestation takes place. Layers upon layers of morphogenetic fields exist at every level form has manifested at each dimensional plane.These fields are instruction sets which hold massive amounts of intelligent communication. In working with planetary grid projects and working with my ascension support teams I will be asked to deliver imprints, hold prototypes or review architecture that these instruction sets hold in the morph field at planet or off planet layers. This is another level of the communications and intelligence that I receive in the process of our work and spiritual mission on planet earth at this time.
See Also
Term first found: Page 62, HGS Manual