Basic Energy Clearing for Children

From Ascension Glossary

Find a comfortable spot, sit down and close your eyes. If you feel like it put your hands in prayer position. Dear God, my Guardian Angel please activate my Golden Angel Halo. Now see a golden ball of light appear on top of your head. The golden ball around your head is about the size of a volleyball. This is your Golden Angel Halo!

Double Diamond Golden Sun

The golden ball is like the Sun, see that it has warm rays of light coming off of it. Sense and feel the warmth of the Sun, like when you are outside and the Sun feels good on your skin. Now we are going to bring a smaller golden ball from the bigger Sun and slowly move it down our body.

Now see the smaller golden sun on top of your head. Now imagine the rays of light dissolving any negative or ugly energies. See the rays of the Sun light dissolve any dark blobs and fill this area of your head with beautiful golden lights. Move the small golden ball of light in between your eyes, just above your nose. Continue to see the rays of light clear away any heavy or dark energies.

Now see the golden sun on top of your throat. Imagine the rays of light dissolving any negative or ugly energies. See the rays of the Sun light dissolve any dark blobs and fill this area of your throat and neck with beautiful golden lights.

Now see the golden sun on top of your heart. Imagine the rays of light dissolving any negative or ugly energies. See the rays of the Sun light dissolve any dark blobs and fill this area of your heart and neck with beautiful golden lights.

Now move the golden sun on top of your belly button. Imagine the rays of light dissolving any negative or ugly energies. See the rays of the Sun light dissolve any dark blobs and fill this area of your belly button with beautiful golden lights.

Now focus on the golden ball at your belly button and see it move down to in-between your knees and then stop at your feet, See the rays of the Sun light dissolve any dark blobs and fill this area with beautiful golden lights. Then intend to send the golden ball down into the Earth.

Guardian Angel please help me balance my energy centers so I am healthy and happy. Thank you, Guardian Angel, I love you.

Note: You can add all the chakra centers or customize this script to include anything that needs clearing by sending a Golden ball to the issue while intending to clear negative or blocked energies.


There are many alternatives available online to help parents teach their children and themselves an assortment of meditation techniques that help them to overcome and neutralize many different kinds of stressors. Meditation themes such as being calm, increasing focus, breathing exercises, feeling empathy and kindness are widely available for all age groups. Teaching children to meditate and develop present moment awareness gives them the advantages of developing many positive traits in their mental and emotional body that will help them immensely throughout their life. Children should not be forced to meditate but given gentle encouragement to do so.

Meditation exercises give children the tools to develop focus, foster self-esteem, boost their confidence helping them to genuinely feel empathy and happiness in their lives. Meditation has an effect on the functioning of the brain and brain waves into more positive states, which all meditators have known for thousands of years, that meditation is positive and healthy for the mind, body and spirit.

Making time to meditate with a household of responsibilities and children can be difficult. No one in the family may be able to meditate on a schedule, but the conversation can be opened to help make meditation and prayer apart of the family dynamic. Parents including their children in some basic breath or mindfulness exercises as a family sharing the experience together may be the best option. Many times, children can more easily meditate than adults, as they have less mental complexity in overthinking the process of meditation. Do not judge or criticize yourself as the parent, the most important thing is not to force the process but let it go and allow it to be simple and free without expectations.

May this offering help parents support their beloved children to become healthier, happier and empathic well-adjusted individuals that actualize their true heart and soul purpose for being on this ascending planet. [1]

More Tips to Help Children Empower Themselves

Sometimes parents and adults that have children or are connected to younger family members, it can be challenging to introduce to them simple concepts that help them learn to empower themselves when they become aware of negative energies or negative entities in their environment. Connecting with God's Natural Laws and the Cosmic Christos Law of One attitudes to connect with the inner spirit self actually has nothing to do with organized religion, dogma or going to church. When introducing teens or young adults to these concepts that help them to develop a connection with their own inner spirit, this may be a supportive guideline to help them with a basic understanding of how to protect themselves from any range of spiritual phenomenon, i.e. psychic attacks, Black Magic, entity Attachments, Negative Disincarnates, and a range of emotional manipulation tactics that commonly source from humans and nonhumans.

1. Protection. Put yourself and Aura in a Diamond White Sphere or Pillar of Light saturating every cell of your Being. (affirm: This is my Protection) See 12D Shield.

2. Command your space. Call in God Power and state your authority over your life and body. ex: "I command my space, body, mind and Spirit as sacred in the name of God Power. (affirm: I own my life and I have dominion here, I am safe!)"

3. Ask. Dear God Power, Please clear all negative burdens, energies, entities out of my life and body. Clear all black magic and all directed harm towards me, now and forever. Feel God Power sweep it out. Sweep now please, Thank you God Power.

4. Exit Portal vortex Set up an exit vortex portal in your room or window, and command they use this to leave your living space and transit away for you. Ask God to help them go. See Shadow Vortex.

5. Say Thank you. Send appreciation to God Power for this release happening. Taking a shower or being in water can also help release negativity especially mixed with salt.

Tip: Saying your commands 3 times gives extra power.

  • " Clear Black Magic, curses, hexes and spells now"
  • " Clear Black Magic, curses, hexes and spells now"
  • " Clear Black Magic, curses, hexes and spells now"

If you become aware of disembodied entities or shadow creatures, don't doubt yourself or be afraid, remember that you have dominion here, and they do not. You can send any fear thoughts through the exit portal too. [2]


See Also

Aurora Crystal Healing Panel

How Crystals can Support Children

Crystal Core

Planetary Logos
