Silver Hara

From Ascension Glossary


The Silver Hara center is our 9th dimensional Inner Crystal Portal. It is the higher consciousness from our Solar Logos, or Avatar Christ realms, that enters the monadic plane from this area. The Silver Hara body, the Silver Hara center, is located beneath the navel. Again, it's about two inches inwards from the skin, it is our core center of gravity for balancing the human body on the physical plane. So again, think about all the changes happening to the gravitational records. We're undergoing this strange thing that's happening with magnetic field shifting and the way our body reacts or is oriented within the gravitational field. And here's our umbilicus that acts as the center of gravity for our entire physical body when we're anchored on the planet. So sometimes this creates that weird vertigo or disorientation or dizziness. Again, a stomach and a head connection – kind of like a stomach flu – as our core center of gravity is being calibrated and attuned.

Now this is the gateway into the silver cords and the etheric envelope surrounding the planet. The Silver Hara body is the 9th dimensional layer, which also connects in our brain through the thalamus complex, and is important in activating higher brain functioning, expanding the use of our brain receivers. So the Threefold Founder Flame currents the Rainbow Flame of our Founders, creates the silver cord at the 9th Chakra, as well as the, again, Silver Hara. Again, think of the 9th chakra, that's your medulla oblongata, the base of the skull, and there's one a Silver Hara center, which seats the monadic layer. And that's, again, about two fingers beneath your belly button. So think on the relationship of the Silver Hara, the silver wave, the Keriatric matrix that opens into the Crown Chakra vortex connecting our body at the navel and several other places in the body. And then think on the Hara-Krysta Chamber, and how this is made of Silver and Violet frequencies which need to be balanced in us in order to access this Chamber. So the silver cord is what is the sustaining the energies of the soul and spiritual body layers. When this silver cord is damaged or severed in our fieldwork, it has been connected to this false white light in the Astral Plane, which again with the Negative Alien strategy to subvert the potential ascending consciousness blocking the 5th dimensional sphere of the Inner Personal Tree of Life, or Inner Personal Kathara grid. Again, this is also called the false navel, that blockage, right? So they're trying to block us from ascending by creating all this distortion around five, right? The 5th dimension, all the issues we understand about Metatronic Reversal this is all base 10, base 5, types of overlays with the AI to create blockages in this area.

Now there is a natural update happening on the planet for those of us that are ascending and are awake to participate with this which is resetting the umbilicus, resetting the center of gravity and our relationship with the gravitational field, the super magnetism and sound that is coming from the Eiras seeds. These are the sound seeds of the Seven Spirit Suns of Eiyana Eireayanis, our Cosmic Mother.

So the resetting of the umbilicus is realigning corrected silver cord positions, as well as resetting the biological clock shield that is connected to the navel itself. So bring to mind a clock face on your navel…See the clock face with the 12 o'clock as your North position on the top, the 6 o'clock position on the bottom, and think the corrected North-South positioning to the organic Diamond Sun blueprint. Then bring to mind the 3 o'clock and the 9 o'clock position and think “Correct East and Western positioning to the organic Diamond Sun blueprint”. Now, this is a part of one of our tools, the Symmetry Command, is to strengthen the umbilicus center and stabilize core structural alignment of the body. So as you stand up straight, you say the command while breathing deeply and holding your palm over your mid-section. Close your eyes and follow the movement corrections through “Top to bottom, bottom to top, inner to outer, outer to inner, front to back, back to front, left to right and right to left”, while imagining your intention to center and stabilize your umbilicus center and naval body clock for supporting your authentic center of gravity.

Now again, as we work with our core Christos shielding process, it is designed as well to strengthen the inner vertical channel and Hara centers, which maintains the corrected positions of the umbilicus. But with these current planet activations, be aware that the umbilicus default position was collapsed or inverted into a false navel, and with the current stomach and intestinal upsets, be aware that the removal of the false umbilicus architecture and its miasmatic residues are being cleansed within the umbilical cording, and as well encompassing sometimes birth trauma. As well, sometimes we can have installed inserts of an AI umbilicus from negative sexual experiences of Alien Love Bite or false partner setups. The umbilicus connects us to the correct spiritual plane. Again, the correct spirit plane to earthly matter plane alignments with corrected gender principle for the inner state of male and female balance.Transcript by Lolita, Annie and Jackie [1]


  1. [Ascension Class July 2024 - Guardian Projects Update on Current Field Events]

See Also

Six Hara Points

Doradic Shield

Teuric Shield

Horizontal Triad Bodies

Microcosmic Orbit Scanning

Chakra Crystal Keys