Root Races

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As a part of the human race (and other E.T. races!), we all have contributed and participated in several levels of this planetary experience via experiments in the development of human consciousness at various timeline cycles. In each time cycle, a level of "Root Race" (aka the 12 tribes) had a particular purpose in its exploration of consciousness. Each worked in its own way with the genetic/dna advancement of the human species and its relationship to the school of planet Earth. Each Root Race - as a collective - had a mission to assemble certain DNA strands. Each mission programmed certain experiences designed to clear various distortions (karma) created from other timelines.

Within certain potential timeline cycles, humanity was being "prepared" to achieve greater and greater levels of enlightenment and ultimately become fully connected, powerful Multidimensional God Beings. The divine birthright of the Human Angel was to play in the dualistic worlds of polarity, to experience the lower form worlds of creation, among a litany of other experiences as consciousness experiencing itself in a physical playground. Ultimately, we were to return to Source and assume - with our new, multidimensional maturity - the stewardship of this Planet into Cosmic Citizenship.

As we integrate all these levels of the root race genetic memories, we are called upon to become aware of these core fears that we are processing and healing. These core fears are implanted and anchored in the cellular matrix memory of the planetary bodies; they are being processed through our own bio-energetic and physical selves as we grow through this current evolutionary process.


March 2006 Newsletter "Seed Fears"