Triple Numbers

Revision as of 00:16, 17 June 2015 by Lisa (talk | contribs)

It is actually both simple and complex when you really start to comprehend the relevancy in numbers, as God is Math! Really, what that means is that in every form of creation, what is behind that form is the Blueprint and DNA code of our consciousness and energetic bodies. The blueprint contains multiple layers of complex sets of geometries that organize the instruction set of our DNA. These geometries form fields of energy that give instructions to arrange frequencies that run current throughout our personal blueprint. Our personal blueprint is the definition of our unique energetic signature that holds the intelligent design of the divine plan, our spiritual purpose and highest expression within the Universe. When we break down the geometries (Platonic Solids) and Light coding even further, we get patterns of numbers and code. These numbers can be arranged to stimulate our consciousness into awakening, as it activates dormant areas of our personal blueprint into higher Expanding Consciousness. This means we start to shift perspective and become more aware of things we never saw before.

So it is very common for people in the Soul awakening stages and undergoing spiritual initiations to notice their perception is shifting and they are able to observe many numerical patterns arranged in their environment. This is when the personal Hologram is shifting, and we can take notice to see the numerical patterns arranged in their master numbers. These numbers relate to consciousness activation in your personal blueprint, and the more you interact and acknowledge these numbers the more often this will occur in the synchronicity of the now moment. This is the best way to help develop higher communication skills, bring your mind into current now presence, because you will start to notice the numbers show up in patterns and they are communicating to you directly. In that moment, one starts to feel more connected, and able to develop a way to translate the numbers into a meaning that we can perceive in that moment, and this begins to develop our direct communication with our higher spiritual selves or ascension guidance teams. This helps to develop Higher Sensory Perception, which is communication with spiritual forces. Many times, it is our guidance teams working to awaken us and gently push us forward so we awaken to “get the message” and learn how to better communicate with our inner spiritual selves and guidance.

All Master Number Codes related to 1-9 are very common in sets of 3, 4, 5 or more.

Usually the first sets of numbers that most people will notice when they start Ascension or spiritual awakening is:

  • 11:11
  • 10:10
  • 12:12
  • Birthdays
  • Important dates in your life/soul stream from current life or other lifetimes

Master Numbers

All Master Number Codes related to 1-9 are very common in sets of triples or more. We start to notice these on digital clocks, computer clocks, public clocks, time pieces. Then it will start showing up on license plates, advertisements, televisions, or whatever device you are looking at. When we pay attention we will see it repeating in cycles, and when we pay attention to what we are doing in that moment, it gives you a lot of clues to what message you are being sent by guidance/consciousness. The goal is to pay attention and journal what feelings, perceptions you are having when you see the numerical pattern or code and connect the larger dots. Each person is unique and the message is FOR YOU and not necessarily will be interpreted the same way by another person. The study of numerological correspondences and your astrological chart can be helpful because all numbers have meanings that are amplified in their frequency when they are tripled. Master number examples:

  • 1:11
  • 2:22
  • 3:33
  • 4:44
  • 5:55

(above seen on clocks)

  • 666
  • 777
  • 888
  • 999

(above seen on license plates or other things in the environment)

DNA or Timeline Cues

Then number patterns may get more complex as they may related to historical events in Timelines that impact global consciousness, or other human DNA “cues” to activate.

  • 1:44
  • 4:20
  • 5:13
  • 5:53
  • 7:11
  • 7:17
  • 8:12
  • 9:11
  • 10:12
  • 12:18
  • 12:21
  • 22:22

When you start to make greater sense of these numbers you will see that they have cohesion and reveal a pattern that is unique to you and your spiritual development. You will start to feel interested to know the birthdate of the people in your life, as you will see that larger Blueprint influence in your personal life design, and that each person in your family or a spouse, friend or partner, will hold a big clue to a larger piece of your Consciousness development. Every being near us and those especially that are close and we form intimate bonds, have a variety of aspects to share with our consciousness such as:

  • What we need to forgive and let go
  • What we chose to learn and master
  • What we must complete and make amends for
  • What self-mastery is required for our larger mission
  • What service we agreed to be part of on earth
  • What career or job best suits our spiritual development
  • How to achieve balance between the earthly realm and the spiritual realm
  • How to be in this world and not corrupted by it
  • What skills and experience we require achieve to spiritual maturity
  • What Star family and larger mission we connect with
  • What timelines do we need to heal and integrate
  • How much love we give and receive for that’s what we take with us[1]


  1. [ES Forum, Triple Numbers]

See Also

Sacred Geometry
