Genetic Mutation

Revision as of 20:53, 11 September 2016 by Lisa (talk | contribs) (→‎References)

What is transpiring at the physical levels of human bodily evolution, is expanding into new human race DNA configurations or Genetic Mutations, during this timeline. The higher level of DNA becoming activated now through new protein coded genes is unprecedented on the earth plane. Proteins are assembled from amino acids using information encoded in genes. Proteins perform a vast array of functions within our body. This includes catalyzing metabolic reactions, DNA activation and replication, responding to stimuli, and transporting molecules from one location to another. This change impacts the planetary cellular record and further changes the configuration of particle matter composition and how that is arranged in the raw material of the human body. Proteins are the principal performers within the cell, and carry out the duties specified by the information encoded in the genes. Hence, many of us are undergoing drastic changes within our physical body functioning during this phase.

In a few short years, groups will study what is occurring to sections of the population now, with these genetic anomalies that are evolving into the human body. This will provide direct evidence for evolution of the human species, which will become an indisputable fact in the science and spiritual communities. Essentially, what is occurring is the process of Genetic Mutation through protein coded chains which stimulate great evolutionary change over time. These changes impact human DNA which alter consciousness and this greatly impacts the future evolution of humanity.

Changing Context of Evolution

Generally, the term Genetic Mutation has been considered detrimental to the evolution of an organism or species. We must change the context and discussion around Genetic Mutations to open dialogues to better understand how they impact the human race (or other species) in both positive and negative ways. Genetic Mutations are not always harmful. One glaring problem is that some declare genetic changes and activation of dormant DNA impossible beyond a certain point. This is fundamentally wrong and does not fully comprehend the function and purpose of DNA assembly, which is inherently responsible for activating higher consciousness intelligence. We cannot fear evolution and the correct knowledge of how our own body, DNA and consciousness work. Many world religions have used this fear of self-knowledge to control humanity. All evolution and consciousness development of a species is based on genetic changes through DNA Activation, of what was previously nonexistent, undiscovered or dormant. Evolution is change and the primary mechanism behind evolution is activating DNA and thus, activating higher consciousness. The DNA subjected to change determines the nature of the organism, and this change would appear as a Genetic Mutation for those observing it. This is the natural process of ascending human consciousness on the earth, the organic nature of the spirit having a physical experience, and evolving throughout multidimensional reality.

Genetic Mutations are the main area of disagreement in competing theories of humanities origins, evolution and DNA potential. In biology, a mutation is a permanent alteration of the nucleotide sequence of the genome of an organism, virus or DNA. Mutations can occur as a natural process or unnatural process that makes changes to a DNA sequence. For our purposes, the unnatural process of mutation would include exposures to certain artificial intelligence, chemicals, laboratory made viruses, or toxic elements that alter or damage DNA sequences, to repel the spirit. Additionally, our planet has a history with extradimensional species competing to write DNA sequence coding into the planetary mind, Stargates and morphogenetic fields, in order to evolve their preferred bloodlines or tribes, while suppressing the DNA of genetic undesirables. Harmful mutations are designed to reject the original or organic function of the higher DNA sequencing that should function to activate consciousness expansion. Any alteration made in a gene from its natural state may create diseases, distortions and impact the health and development of that species. As an example, splicing the human genome with artificial intelligence machines or animal DNA, promoted in the Transhumanist agenda, is an unnatural mutation that distorts and blocks the higher spiritual consciousness of the human being. This agenda promotes inner disconnection, shuts down the heart complex, trapping the person in a separative reality with destructive consciousness experiences. As we come to understand more about genetic mutations, we must recognize that the natural process of ascending consciousness within a human body is made possible through DNA Activation. This is very positive for evolving the human race to achieve higher consciousness through allowing the natural process of DNA assembly.[1]


See Also
