Universal Tree of Life

Revision as of 11:39, 23 November 2013 by Audrey (talk | contribs)
12 Tree Grid

The structure of the macrocosmic Universal Tree of Life is replicated within the microcosmic personal tree of life, the music of spherical vibrational frequency. Individual human anatomy (physcial, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies) manifest upon and within the multidimensional layers of vibrational frequency as instructed by the core manifestation body template, the Tree of Life. Every aspect of Universal Creation and its life spiral are designed and instructed through these blueprint structures which contain multiple arrangements and layers of vibrational frequency. Learning to travel consciously through the vibrational quality of the Tree of Life, is to travel through the multiple dimensions of time and is the personal pathway to achieve spiritual sovereignty and energetic freedom.


Law of Resonance

Law of Vibration

Term first found in HGS Manual: Page 167