Krystal Star Algorithms

Revision as of 22:40, 15 July 2017 by Lisa (talk | contribs)

Krystal Star Algorithms are sequences of actions and code resetting that is performed on organic consciousness technology, such as the human Lightbody, as well as directed to run on computers and related devices to align that technology with the natural laws of the Universe or the Law of One, that are mathematically aligned to Guardian Host communication links and Krystal star tri-wave architecture. Krystal Star Algorithms are accessed in order to override harmful encryption, dark interference, destroyer coding and can be helpful to reprogram AI, Entropic code, Metatronic Reversals or distortions that have been generally programmed in the 3D reality in the quantum computers, computer programs and technology devices that are used by the general public.

An algorithm is a procedure or formula for solving a problem, based on conductiong a sequence of specified actions. A computer program can be viewed as an elaborate algorithm. In mathematics and computer science, an algorithm usually means a small procedure that solves a recurrent problem.

Consecrate Devices to Spiritual Purpose

Excerpt: To be able to bring this information and content online to the ES community we have to navigate computer and technological equipment and Internet and wireless issues, and everything else. So this process of dedication and understanding what you're interacting with energetically, and what it is dedicated towards is what helps you to deflect dark interference that's coming from the system of energy programmed in the computer or device that you're using. Let's say my laptop was manufactured by Hewlett-Packard, I'm sitting in front of it, it has GSF on it, I have dedicated my computer devices to serve the Christ mission for the service of everything that I do for ES community. This is something that I'm consciously aware of every time I'm on my computer, that this computer is dedicated for that sole purpose. That is it. In my world, in my consciousness, I integrate that into my christ shield. As this becomes second nature to you you're going to notice this is going to deflect a lot of added dark interference because you have this understanding, you are more self-aware when you're engaging with these various organizations or constructs in the 3-D world.

Going beyond that, especially if it's a difficult situation, meaning there is much more interference than normal or you are experiencing some heavy AI Splitter Tech, then you may be guided to link up the Unity Vow hub handshake, recognizing that is a vertical handshake with our Guardian God sovereign free source or run Krystal Star Algorithms through your devices, through your computers, through your phones, whatever you're using. If you're somewhere and you need to clean up the connection or the broadcast - consider not only 12D Shielding the device but also connecting it to Krystal Star Algorithms. Usually what I do is feel rainbow ray current moving into the circuits of the entire device itself and dedicating it to the service of the Christ mission."

"Clearly we want to take care of ourselves, we want to be careful when using our computer or phone, we turn it all the way off and we limit our use time especially when we are getting headaches and it doesn't feel good. Unfortunately it's very sad because we are here to use technology in positive ways and it's a way for us to get the Guardian Host and Krystal Star message out and to include connecting with the global community which we could not do without technology. What we undergo to use technology to run this website, for most of you it would be hard to believe. We have to clear our technology, and we have to run Krystal Star Algorithms through our technology to clear Black Magic, we have to shield our technology constantly just to get it the work okay. Many times things will break down completely and our work is completely lost. After a 12D Shield of the device, than I run some Krystal Star algorithms ad many times the technology will turn back on and it's okay. Learning how to work with technology is something all of us are kind of experimenting and working on at this time. How do we integrate with technology in a positive way and utilize it for our spiritual purpose? We must consecrate and dedicate all of the devices, computers and technology that we must use for the purpose of serving our god self and highest expression, our spiritual mission."[1]


  1. [Transcript - Ascension Q&A December 2016]

See Also

Tri-Wave Influences