Spiritual Ethics of Trust

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Dear Ascending Community,

It has been clear that the spiritual and consciousness communities are extremely challenged with confusion derived from the variety of unchecked and uncleared Negative Ego behaviors when “spiritual” people are speaking in “new age” terms and concepts. These Negative Ego behaviors are usually entwined with low ethical conduct which damages building trust between people in order to communicate transparently and honestly about a variety of topics. This is not a subject that can be addressed lightly and requires deep reflective thought, as well, as a commitment to hold Accountability to circumstances and the GSF Behaviors that each of us choose to demonstrate every day. Trust is everything. Without comprehending the necessity of building trust and consistent trustworthy behaviors, the entire foundation of Ascension community structure will crumble and those of the group that contribute a great amount of time and energy to help create spiritual community, will cease to do so. It is important to understand the “divide and conquer” agendas that operate in unconscious ways that will attack spiritual groups, spiritual communities or compromise relationships that are building trust - as a direct strategy of destroying any kind of group cohesion or organization.

This is why I have spent a lot of time discussing components of the Spiritual Ethics of Trust and how to recognize behaviors and communications that allow trust and the attribute of “trustworthiness” to be modeled and cultivated within spiritual Ascension and related communities, to emphasize our Self-Responsibility in those interactions. ~Lisa Renee, GSF Steward [1]


I AM Accountable towards Others and Speak my Truth Harmlessly. In leadership roles, Accountability is the acknowledgment and assumption of personal responsibility for one’s actions, products, decisions, and policies including the administration, governance, and implementation within the scope of the role or the position of influence and power made over others. Accountability encompasses the ethical conduct necessary to model integrity through being answerable towards the resulting consequences of one’s choices and actions, especially in regard to the impact made upon others, or impact made to a group, organization or impact to planetary resources. Accountability cannot exist without the proper ethical model to understand that being responsible for one’s actions, thoughts and deeds, has consequences that are a result of the decisions that are made. In other words, an absence of accounting for decisions and choices that are being made means, there is an absence of accountability. Without accountability, there can be no integrity or trustworthiness present. This is also an accurate statement when determining the quality that one will experience in their personal life, family dynamics, career and in every social interaction and communication they engage in. This principle is required in both the macrocosm and the microcosm relationships of our life. The importance of committing to personal accountability as a developed character trait and skillset in order to improve one’s life conditions in every possible way, cannot be underestimated. [2]

Strong Moral Character

A Strong Moral Character is the physical foundation required at the base of building a strong spiritual house. In order to hold the spirit of Christos, as in acquiring ethics of spiritual Virtues, the first step is in making sure that the body, the physical self, is grounded in strong moral character. Cornerstones of a Strong Moral Character:

  • Trustworthiness: Be honest • Don’t deceive, cheat, or steal • Be reliable (do what you say you’ll do) • Have the courage to do the right thing • Build a positive reputation to be credible • Be loyal to those who have earned your trust,
  • Respect: Treat others with respect; follow the Golden Rule • Be tolerant and accepting of differences • Use good manners, not bad language • Be considerate of the feelings of others • Don’t threaten, hit or hurt anyone • Deal peacefully with anger, insults, and disagreements,
  • Responsibility: Do what you are responsible for • Persevere (never give up!) • Always do your best • Use self-control • Be self-disciplined • Think before you react and consider the consequences • Be accountable for your words, actions, and attitudes • Set a good example for others,
  • Fairness: Play by the established guidelines • Take turns and share • Be open-minded; listen to others • Don’t take advantage of others • Don’t blame others carelessly • Treat all people fairly,
  • Caring: Be kind • Be compassionate and show you care • Express gratitude • Forgive others • Help people in need,
  • Community: Do your share to make community better • Cooperate • Build trust in community • Stay informed • Follow guidelines when they make sense • Respect authority when it’s earned with trust • Protect those less privileged

When we cultivate our physical self and personality to be disciplined to build a strong moral character, we are building the physical foundation to be strong enough to house the higher attributes of Christ spirit.If our body and mind is morally weak, it is also physically and energetically weak. These physical and energetic weaknesses translate into low moral character in most humans who are not aware of the Archontic Deception Behavior promoted as a value system. Since many humans are not taught to develop strong moral character, the mind and body are increasingly weakened when we are easily made consensual to low morals and low ethical standards. Many people cannot tell the difference between high ethical standard and low ethical standard as they are mind controlled through religion, gurus or other control mechanisms.[3]

Spiritual Ethics of Trust

Trustworthiness is based on ethical principles which include the principle of strong moral character (what we are as persons), and the principle of competence (what we are able to do as persons). You may have faith in the strong moral character of a person, but not in their competence as a leader. You may trust them as a friend, but you may not trust them to provide clear leadership. Alternatively, you may trust their intellectual and technical competence but lack confidence in their ethics and moral character. These are extremely important points of which to consider when making evaluations on ethical conduct and building trust between any person, group, organization, etc. We are not judging any person as good or bad, we are cultivating discernment and determining appropriate level of trust with a person, are they trustworthy as well as ethical? We can accurately assess this if we pay attention to patterns and understand the critical role trustworthiness plays in building trust to make the correct decision for ourselves. I have contemplated this model of ethical conduct and ethical behavior to make the foundation of strong moral character a necessity for group participation in a strong spiritual community, based upon the guiding principles of the Law of One.[4]

Discernment of Behaviors

Discerning balanced behaviors as spiritually healthy behaviors are a maker of trustworthiness and solid and strong moral character. (see GSF Behavior)

Discerning unhealthy behaviors as spiritually abusive behaviors are a marker of untrustworthiness and weak moral character.(see Archontic Deception Behavior)

With this comprehension one can assess trustworthiness in a variety of circumstances, and consciously participate with the inner self to make concrete steps to change weak moral behavior and affirm to replace that behavior with spiritually healthy behavior, to increase inner peace and inner harmony. [5]

Spiritual Maturity

It is important to be able to identify abusers, liars, predators and psychopaths as people traumatized by terrible pain, Soul Fragmentation and spiritual disconnection. These Ego/Personality profiles generally have a severe Lack of Empathy.

Why would we trust resources and give value to the words spoken in the skewed theories of a person/group/family member/organization who is a repeated abuser, liar or predator? This is akin to returning to the same church to listen to sermons where the priest is known to molest altar boys. We have to understand they are very sick, in pain and deeply disturbed, not fit to be leaders, near children, or managing the affairs that impact ANY other human being.

One can never trust a person who is ego fractured, soul fragmented and emotionally infantile no matter how charismatic they are.

A person in this condition needs loving compassionate, non-judgmental spiritual assistance. This is the general profile and definition of a Satanic influenced or possessed being. It is the same to understand a loving mother would never put her child in the care of a known sexual predator, common sense would tell her to not put her child at risk for torture.Unfortunately they are many charismatic liars promoting themselves in positions of authority as well as in the spiritual or consciousness realm through predator-seducer egos and direct Satanic manipulation. These people can “appear” charming on the outside. To be able to see satanic manipulation and its NAA methods of using Archontic Deception Behavior in tricking the masses, you have to understand its ego motivation, strategies and ideological reasons for exploiting humanity. To stop the dark from manipulating your energy and influencing your body, you have to stop it in its tracks and in all ways refuse its authority or control over your being in every way. To stop it one must identify it, locate it, and terminate it from accessing in your mind, emotions, body and spirit. This takes deep conviction and strength to reclaim your spiritual power and reclaim your body in the authority of God or Christ. Otherwise this is the call to Spiritual Maturity. This is each beings responsibility to command the personal space which is designating one’s choice of spiritual-energetic authority. If no choice is made it will be made at one’s consciousness frequency level combined with where one’s genetic ancestry has evolved in this cycle.[6]

Trustworthy Behaviors

God-Sovereign-Free (GSF)

To better identify conduct in people and groups that are representative of Trustworthy Behaviors, we will also need to improve our understanding of the conduct that defines both trustworthy and untrustworthy behaviors. Trustworthy behavior is modeled in the ethical conduct we observe in people with a Strong Moral Character and embody a strong core center that demonstrate Energetic Balance or principles of Coherence.See GSF Behavior.

Untrustworthy Behaviors are modeled as unethical conduct and poor Impulse Control in people with weak moral character and weak center.

This is not to create bias or withdraw one’s love and Compassion towards observing people that exhibit untrustworthy behaviors through weak moral character. When we see untrustworthy behaviors in ourselves we want to apply loving forgiveness as well as commit to heal our weakness through strong character development. As we identify trustworthy attributes inside ourselves we gain immense self-trust which helps us discern the levels of our trust that is appropriate to give to others.

The purpose is to make improved choices about where one chooses to place trust with others and how to build Strong Moral Character and thus, build trustworthy attributes in the self.[7]


See Also

Negative Ego

GSF Behavior

Group Consciousness

Building and Assessing Trust Section of Articles