Personal Christ

From Ascension Glossary
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Cosmic Christos

From the Guardian Perspective, the Personal Christ is defined as the entirety of the Personal Christos identities reunited throughout the simultaneous 12 Planetary Time Cycles in the Triune of Universes. Thus, the term Christ or Christos used in this context is not denoting the individual being referred to as Jesus Christ, as taught through the world religions. Christos extends way beyond all meaning associated with planetary consciousness and actually describes the state of eternal Cosmic Consciousness, the title given to a free Cosmic Citizen. [1]

The word Christ has been distorted in its use on the earth plane intentionally from being integrated into secret societies and Violent Religions manufactured by the NAA to create harm in the human race. We endeavor to use the word Christ, Christos-Sophia, Krystal, Krist and Krystallah interchangeably to return the real meaning and use of these words to denote the consciousness principles of the Law of One, the cosmic structure of creation as they are intended by the Eternal God Source.

There are twelve astrological precessions in the Universal Scale of time, each with 144 Personal Christos identities. Returning back to the twelfth astrological precession, we return to the Founder Cosmic Cube Matrix, to reclaim all of our identities throughout the time cycles. During the Ascension process, we undergo the process of reintegration and uniting all of our identities throughout these simultaneous time cycles, and this collective identity connected to the Godhead is referred to as our Personal Christ.

The Personal Christ identity is reintegrated and embodied within the Krystallah eternal lightbody template in which was reclaimed on planet earth in the cycle of Morphogenesis, or Rise of Paliadorians that began in 2018.

Tri-Matrix of Maharata Solar Logos Mind

The complete tri-matrix identity of the 10D-11D-12D Avatar layers merge into the three levels of frequency of the Universal Christos field, which make up the Krystic Mind, the Buddhic Mind and the Nirvanic Mind. This unified trinity mind matrix is the blueprint record for the Christos Tribal Shield, and is how the entire human race can connect their inner Christos with the Maharata Christos Tribal Shield. To activate the diamond sun template of the human race, the quickest method is through the activation of the Maharata Christos Tribal Shield recorded in the Albion that holds the entire human race divine Christos blueprint, which represents the natural order of each consciousness body as it manifested identities throughout the timelines.[2]

Inner Christos

Inner Christos (art by Sequoia)

The Inner Christos is the personal divine blueprint of the eternal God Source consciousness energy from which all things are manifest and made into being. The Law of One is the law governing the eternal divine blueprint and consciousness energy of the Inner Christos, thus they are interchangeable. To develop the Inner Christos eternal blueprint, we must align and follow the principles of the Natural Laws, the Law of One. The Law of One is based in the true knowing of our highest expression, that our direct relationship with God Source is Love and this pure consciousness is expressed through our Inner Christos or Living God Spirit. The ancient knowledge of the Inner Christos that resides within our original divine blueprint belongs to all people, regardless of their religious affiliation or belief system. This ancient spiritual wisdom of the philosophies of the Law of One was common knowledge to all of humanity until the Luciferian Rebellion. This is when the planet was returned back to the dark ages at the end of the Atlantian Cataclysm, when all of the original spiritual teachings of the Inner Christos were eliminated and falsified.[3]

Krystallah Eternal Lightbody

Krystallah Eternal Light Body

There are three main orb bodies nested within each other that are built on a trinity of triangles that align in the central vertical channel as the new position for the 3rd Sphere, 6th Sphere, 9th Sphere, and then the Personal Christ at the 12th Sphere. These main energy spheres are located on the central column and are merged into a tri-wave neutral charge, or non-polarized energy centers.

Each of the 3-6-9-12 positions connect to a trinity in one built for the Conscious Identity, Soul Triad, Oversoul Triad and the Personal Christ respectively. The base tones and the overtones that make up the left hand female side and the right hand male side of the eternal tree of life, also exist, but the main areas of the eternal light orb body are primarily directed in the male-female merge that occurs in the central vertical channel. It appears that the Personal Christ may choose to run many different rainbow ray assortments through the main vertical channel into the Orb body, but the current observation has been connected to transmissions sourcing from the Aqualasha diamond heart rays from Andromeda.

On either side of the capstone of the Personal Christ, is the Cosmic Mother Aquamarine Ray on the left and the Cosmic Father Emerald Ray on the right, uniting a trinity of triangles that surrounds the body with a shower of oceanic waves of aquamarine and emerald rays. Many loving waves of celebration for our Krystallah families for achieving their new embodiment configuration during the Paliadorian Activation for the diamond sun body in the second harmonic universe. This lightbody configuration is ongoing. It allows more of the human earth family to reclaim their Personal Christ, to build their eternal diamond sun orb body and to continue to have this choice available to them in the future.[4]

Non Polarized Base Shield

The Seven Suns frequencies make up the new base shield template that replace the 3D Grounding Mechanism, that existed in the lower three chakras and in the earth chakra interface. Ultimately this is resetting the lightbody grounding to a Base 360 degrees or Non Polarized Base Shield. The Base 360 Grounding Shield means the center core of the lightbody is stationed in no-time, has Transharmonic ability to enter any timeline from within the center of the 360 degrees. The new non-polarized base shield begins to build the completed Eukachristic Body for the Avatar Christos-Sophia consciousness, which is considered the Stairway to Heaven, the access into the Ascension Earth. Further, this subsequently develops into the Krystallah eternal lightbody, the vehicle for the Omniversal Personal Christ on earth and beyond, in its unified male-female hierogamic expression.[5]


See Also

Rise of Paliadorians

Diamond Sun Paliadorian Activation

Covenant of Paliador

Master Christos Collective