Consciousness Sweeps

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Consciousness Sweeps are on and off planet NAA psychotronic warfare technology transmitted through Extremely low frequency (ELF), GWEN, and Radio Waves directed into the planetary body and earth surface in order to influence the Unconscious Mind (1st Chakra), bio-neurological system, and brain waves of the collective race mind of humanity.

Victimizer Collective Archetypes are the main Mind Control archetypes used to influence Victim-Victimizer (VV) programming to control and manipulate the Unconscious Mind of the collective consciousness of human beings on planet earth. These are general fear based levels of transmitting on and off planet NAA technology through Extreme Low Frequency (ELF), GWEN, and radio waves directed into the planetary body and earth surface in order to influence the unconscious mind (1st Chakra), neurological system, and brain of the collective race mind of humanity. This is designed to pulse transmissions of fear based survival consciousness throughout the planet to keep humans polarized in their lower three energy centers known as the Three Layers of Ego. This one of the Controller Programs to disconnect and damage the direct spiritual relationship to the Father principle of God and replace that relationship to the False Alien Gods and their religions. These general ELF pulses that are directed into the planetary body are called Consciousness Sweeps.

Consciousness Sweeps can also be used to trace or monitor levels of frequency waves and insert Mind Slides into general areas to divert the attention of the public from recognizing an event or circumstance, such as UFO sightings.It is a derailing tactic used to divert attention, and thus many times empaths can feel the Black Magic quality of the energetic overlay.

Subconscious Programming

When certain demographic areas are ascending and the frequency is shifting higher, the NAA target these areas through an assortment of Consciousness Sweeps that are designed to incite subconscious fear programming and perpetuate the lowest frequency possible in the area. Pay attention to your triggers of bias or judgment when this is happening, as markers show up in a media frenzy or in polarizing topics. Do your best to remain neutral and not feed into the rhetoric by jumping on the band wagon which is stirring up dark forces or being incited in the Collective Consciousness that exist in the area or in that situation.

This is designed to pulse AI signal transmissions of fear-based survival consciousness throughout the planet to keep humans polarized in their lower three energy centers and in lowest base frequency, which matches the Artificial Red Wave signals that are targeted towards the 1D spectrum. This is one of the Controller Programs to target the subconscious mind and insert programming that rejects any direct spiritual relationship to the God Source, that heatedly rejects ascension and disclosure topics, and moves that conversation towards acceptance of the False Alien Gods and their assorted agendas, like Transhumanism and gender reversal propaganda. Specific ELF pulses target the subconscious mind of the people to insert 1D related survival and victim programming that is directed into the planetary body. This is especially high in academic, educational and medical institutions that teach children and young adults, who are to be the future leaders of tomorrow.[1]

Mind Slide

Mind Slides are Subconscious Programming where a person completely ignores unapproved words, concepts or issues that are labeled as unapproved topics in their subconscious mind, so they cannot see it even if they come face to face with it. This may be bewildering to many Awakening people to recognize that just because you see it and there really cannot see what you are seeing. This is becoming more evident during the shift to the next harmonic producing another stage of bifurcation event. Mind Slides can control perception and this can get surreal when observing this in action. Mind slides are a form of Mind Control and sometimes Consciousness Sweeps are used to erase memories or put in False Memories to control that person’s behaviors. Behaviors are being controlled through controlling the perception and this can be different for every individual. These can be implemented through Radio Waves that form frequencies that transmit patterns into the persons subconscious layers of their bio-energetic field, to get them to reject or accept certain thoughtforms. These hidden technologies can be measured with EMF meters in which an artificial field is actually broadcast around the body part, usually the head and neck area of the targeted person, in these types of mind slide implants. [2]


See Also

Victimizer Targeting Stages

Archontic Deception Behavior


False King of Tyranny

Imposter Spirit

The Predator Mind