Violet Ray
The Violet Ray is the 7D current which creates the ultraviolet magnetosphere of earth and holds the magnetic instruction set for the planetary brain, otherwise called the planetary logos. This violet color wave spectrum is transmitted through our crown chakra and seventh dimensional energy centers in our 12 Tree Grid lightbody system. This initiation with the Violet Ray remains dormant until the human being has full integrated and spiritually embodied their Soul Matrix. Since the invasion of the NAA and their implementation of the False Ascension Matrix and Crucifixion Implants, access to the 7th dimensional Chakra Wave Spectrum and ray lightbody integration for planetary Ascension has not been possible for the majority of 3D earth humans. However this is beginning to change during this phase after the Galactic alignment of December 21, 2012.
The 7th dimensional lightbody is the first layer of the Monad matrix which is the second spiritual triad of 7D, 8D and 9D. The Spectrum of Frequency resonance to this layer of the 7th Chakra system and Crown is the Violet Ray.
A cosmic triad of energy has formed with our Sun, Pleiades and the planet Uranus to ignite the new unity consciousness blueprint for the Planetary Logos. Uranus, as per its recent alignment to its astrological influence, is the major planetary body which transmits the qualities of the 7D Violet Ray to the earth.
This is significant to the changes directly related to our personal spiritual centers, our crown 7th Chakra, our third eye 6th Chakra (pineal), our heart 4th Chakra, our physical brain and our vibrational thought forms.
This new solar activity is changing the masculine principle archetypes through the alteration of the Seven Ray particle structure primarily through the reconstitution of the 7th Violet Ray. This modification also directly impacts the elemental particles of matter. This shift is dismantling the masculine archetype of the False King of Tyranny architecture in the planetary logos to be replaced with the Christos mind as directed by the Solar King.
7D is Planetary Logos
The impact of this "invasion" ( NAA) deteriorated the function of our human bodies immunity, glandular and organ system function and blocked the Mother Arc God Aspect from connecting into the Earth Core. It was the groundwork being laid into the planet by the Controllers (Archons) that are referred to as the "Inner Christ" Crucifixion Implants. Our planet and the human race incarnated upon it, were now fully stapled to the earth grid (via Crucifixion Implants on our 7D AxiAtonal Line) unable to achieve organic ascension and liberation from reincarnation. We could not feel our God Source connection any longer, nor our connection to our Mother and female principles of balance. We now begin to change this "crucifixion" event by becoming aware that it happened so we can repair and heal it. This requires that Vatican City reveal to us what has been hidden and become accountable for its actions. This is starting to unravel the healing process and will be a huge Guardian grid repair project in 2011-ongoing. (Note: the Planet Emancipation Gridwork Week 5 and week 7 was relevant to this grid repair)
6D and 7D Wings
These 6th-7th Frequency current runs through our meridians and through Axiatonal Alignment lines which are connected to energetic openings called the WINGS that are located on the top of our shoulders and run down vertically each side of our body. The 6th portal WING is in your Top Shoulder Indent Right Side male, the the 7D portal WING is on the LEFT SHOULDER Indent on the feminine Side. The 6D portal represents (among many other things) the first level of the Twin Flame Merge Sacred Marriage within our bodies that synthesizes the first stage of Divine Union ( the first level of Rod and Staff) within our lightbody's hologram. When we start to build our 6D lightbody, our masculine and feminine energies attempt to merge and synthesize a pathway up our Chakra and up the vertical Hara Line column, connect into the base of the brain and synthesize out of the 6th Chakra at the 3rd eye. When completed we are holding the inner template of the first stages of the divine union and able to outwardly manifest our divine union partnership. The 7D violet ray energies of our left side and feminine body represent our completion and Liberation from the repeated cycles of reincarnation into the lower timelines of the 3D Physical Worlds. (This is the freedom of karma, being freed of Cause and Effect as in the dispensation of the reconfiguration of the Violet Flame) Both of these gender related energy centers work and impact our bodies together. The 7D Portal Wing also represents the Crucified Female Principle of Christ Energy Crucifixion Implants as it has been quite distorted within our personal energy bodies. (We can view this outwardly manifested from our hologram and view the external results of a “crucified” female principle of energy in our world today.) Once we complete the frequency accretion and building of our 7D lightbody we are freed from the 3D reincarnation wheel and have a fully activated into a synthesized and unified chakra column. This is one way to refer to the meaning of a human soul’s process of “planetary Ascension.” These 6D and 7D Ley Lines have been extremely blocked in the planetary grids and have not been activated on our planet or within our human consciousness for eons of time. We will say that there have been extensive frequency fences placed at these levels to purposely thwart the planetary and individual light body accretion and soul completion at these dimensional levels. False Ascension Matrix This way the souls of human consciousness would be stuck in rounds of 3D dimensional reincarnation experiences never getting off the wheel of rebirth, constantly coming back into the lower form worlds of density. Stuck in the reincarnational cycles of density, with a consciousness level of pure identification with its physical matter, it became harder with each evolutionary cycle for the human race to recognize its true nature as a multidimensional and God being.
7D Merge with 15D Father Principle
During this cycle of the bifurcation of time, the Founders have altered the holographic structure of the Universal Tree of Life, and that ray alteration directly impacts our personal Tree of Life. Everything contained as the instruction set is recorded in our personal Tree of Life, which is our spiritual blueprint, our manifested identity, our DNA, our destiny plan. During this recent phase there is a reconfiguration transpiring as the 7D violet ray is undergoing a unification merge with the 15D Ray of Holy Father.
Tree of Life Branches 1st Tree and Root Chakra