
Revision as of 22:36, 21 September 2019 by Lisa (talk | contribs) (→‎See Also:)

As the result of the Paliadorian Arc activations, the next stage of the Mother Arc 6D gateway in Uluru has commenced as a direct portal access for the Dragon Luminaries of the Ancient Builder Races to become more present upon the earth. Much of the Dragon Breath amplifiers that are specific Andromedan based frequency rays are being transmitted to support Gridworkers and are sourcing from the extensive ancient interdimensional systems found in the Uluru portal network.

As an example, the Blue Rainbow Suns send the AquaSAreion from their diamond heart tone and the Dragon periwinkle breath to help us direct healing tones into certain blueprints on the earth that involve the natural elemental kingdoms. Uluru is a major power point for the entire Mother Arc Gate system, it opens into another whole Global Network of dormant or inactive ancient interdimensional gateways used by the Dragon Luminaries. These are Krystic hubs connected to the Arc Technologies that were placed on the earth by the true God creators of this system, the Ancient Builder Races.

Uluru is a monument placed there by the Blue Dragon races located in the next Universe, the Seven Higher Heavens of Andromeda. This area as a 6D portal is being primarily utilized to begin to power up the next stage of Arc frequencies for stabilizing the support of all the Arc Gate Systems on the planet, as well as the sophisticated shield system required for the Arc Zone.

Christos Guardians may find themselves in the Uluru Gate to collaborate and communicate with the Mayan and Aboriginal Timekeepers, as this area is a sacred space for dream walking. Dreamwalking is to walk or transport one’s consciousness to observe and heal the patterns and events transpiring in many alternate realities and timelines. To see the nature of the structure of what created them and to partner with God to find and remove reality boxes or dark portals that are used as consciousness traps. Dreamwalking is an altered state of heightened consciousness while in the pure observer state, it can occur while in another timeline, reality or exist outside of time. While in this altered state, we can bring that which was unconscious into our conscious awareness, so we can directly participate with that content while in our higher consciousness. The path of awakening is to bring that which is unconscious into consciousness, in order to heal the darkness or reveal the deception in order to see the greater truth. This is the state of bringing the eternal light to illuminate the shadows of darkness, thereby alchemically transforming its nature to reflect the higher truth, as the light shines upon it.

Uluru’s Mother Gate has access into the beginning and end of creation timelines that are leading back into the zero point or Unity Field, the time before the Fall. The Creatrix Field can be accessed and the artificial timelines leading into phantom spaces can be observed for gridwork projects that result in the correction of AI related code systems used by the NAA. [1]


See Also:

Mother Arc Gates

Mother Arc

Grandmother Turtle Codes