Golden Eagle Grid

Revision as of 23:09, 9 February 2014 by Lisa (talk | contribs) (→‎Seraphim)

GEG - One of the Guardian Planetary Grid Networks defined for advanced HGS session work as: Guardian of Horizontals (Iraq – Air).

Session Focus is horizontal channel openings, mental bodies, working with timelines (past or future identity clearings), Seraphim, Avian or Gold Ray Genetic Healing, Fallen Angelic or Demonic releases, Male Principle healing. Air Element emphasized.


HGS Manual, Page 159


The way to understand this is that this planetary grid is like a conscious living entity. This grid, the Golden Eagle, is literally the projected collective consciousness and blood of the Seraphim. The Seraphim gave their blood, their genetics, their consciousness to us, the human being. And they, in their love, became the guardians of the horizontals for us to reclaim our race back to Unity Field, the Zero Point Field. They are of the Gold Order, one of the threefold flame Founder Rays.

Ascension Library Reference

Quetzalcoatl and Seraphim Lineages

Family of Michael

The Family of Michael are Blue Ray descendants of the First Order Founder Ray. They were a part of the Guardian consciousness holders of the 3-6-9-12 Arc Portal system which has been at war between the many races that want control of this access gate out of the Universal Time Matrix. We could also refer to this gate as the 11:11 Portal or Mother Arc Hubs System. Naturally the agenda was by distorting and torturing Michael consciousness, they could eventually get control of that Arc Portal System or Mother Arc Hubs. The Family of Michael agreed to be a part of the rehabilitation of the Fallen Angelic (Seraphim) races by agreeing to be the support to the Guardian of the Horizontal Grids of this Earth System, known as the Golden Eagle Pylon Grid Network System. The Golden Eagle Grid is about 57% infiltrated into reversal code system ( reversal 10 D Current) as instituted by the NAA Controllers or Reptilian Intruder Races. The major gate of the Golden Eagle stronghold infiltration is the 10th dimensional Gate located in Iran/Iraq. Iran Gate The war, strife and death of many humans in this area of the planet is used to keep the dark energy circulated and in control. The NAA controller agenda of the False King of Tyranny is and always will be “divide and conquer” through the Victim-Victimizer strategy. This area is the most prominent to institute False Michael “sightings” and broadcast usurped channeling into the Golden Eagle Grid Network. It also has circulatory system linked to Giza at the 4D gate level and others.

See Also



Fallen Angelic

Father Arc

Solomon Shield