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Many unconscious human beings totally unaware they are carrying Dead Energy, displaced entities, negative Alien Implants, unaware that they suffering from are Soul Fragmentation and/or soul disconnected and Mind Controlled to limit further consciousness expansion. In other terms, this is enslavement of the person without their consent. If this persists, combined with continued destructive behavior to the self and others that are repeated as life patterns, the person becomes sucked into a density of painfully low self-esteem, phobias, fears and Addictions. Most of the time that will include layers of astral debris, displaced entities, impersonal elemental forces,Miasma and sometimes, includes full demonic possession. ( See Fallen Angelic) Being possessed does not generally mean you are levitating off the bed or acting “demonic”. There is absolutely no shame or guilt applied to this state unless the suffering person applies it from their own state of fragmented confusion. It is through the possession of one’s body of which the suffering and pain is greatly increased, until this possession is removed and cleared from your person. There are a million different variations of possession possible; however, the only possibility to evict these possessions is to get clear within yourself, and learn that you have the power to heal yourself and claim your energetic sovereignty and freedom. The road to sovereignty begins with GSF Behaviors and aligning to the Spirits of Christos. When one learns to create the space inside to communicate clearly and embody one’s spiritual source, one can begin the road to personal freedom and permanent release of suffering.[1]

Negative Disincarnates

People that depart from the physical body without any semblance of developing heart based qualities, or do not have a Lightbody or have not made spiritual connections with their Soul, or they lived on earth with an extremely selfish, negative perspective of life, based only on the material realm, are generally, at death of their body, brought under the hierarchy of control of Negative Disincarnates, also called Imposter Spirits, or Fallen Angelics. Higher level negative energies control lower level negative energies, in the afterlife. This is a form of the Consciousness Traps that are set in the lifetime of that person to prepare them for servitude in the afterlife, as many disincarnates are not even aware that they are being controlled by dark forces, while living or when passed on. They are set up to be put in servitude to dark forces, when their spirit body fragments or vibrates to exist in the phantom realm.

Insanity or Hell Realms

Insanity is a description of the existence of hell realms, and is how to easily recognize possession through satanic (anti-life) behaviors that are controlled by the possessing entity. (The possessing entity can also be hijacking the negative alien body.) The Negative Aliens alien body’s hive mind is controlled by the Satanic “spirit” who is trolling for bodies to experience certain realities.

Entities both human and non-human that possess others bodies are referred to as satanic or anti–life forces, as no other type of light being will choose to possess the body and control the free will of another being. A Christos (life force) being never will take over another’s body or attempt to control any person to propagate destructive acts. However, the Christos being is the only being that can deliver any entity from its satanic bondage back into the heart of the God Source creator, if it is so divinely orchestrated....

Satanic (anti-life) behaviors in humans and non-humans are a result of being soul disconnected, of which as a result they consume and exist on other people’s soul and vital energies. With this clarity there is nothing to fear about deviant behavior when it is understood that these entities are completely disconnected from the eternal soul. Hence their extreme hatred is generated towards people that are fully ensouled or at spiritual stages leading towards the Christos embodiment. The Eternal Soul of Christ is the only way the bondage of servitude to the dark forces is permanently removed. It is for this reason all representations of Christ on earth have been aggressively distorted to grotesque mutations by the Controllers. This has no bearing on what the actual Truth is as the Law is to be revealed in the Eternal Light.[2]

Black Magic

If the person desires to manifest Satanic forces into the material world and into their life, they would use Black Magic or SRA practices to house the demons and the forces that exist in the lowest realms, such as hell realms, underworld or phantom. When creating a black house structure, it is designed to house demonic, satanic and negative entities, usually as a trade exchange for receiving earthly power or material possessions. Demonics or Imposter Spirits will trade knowledge or power in some way in exchange for the person's Soul light or life force energy, or blood or sexual sacrifices, which results in astral bindings, attachment cords, that are connected to these lower spiritual entities that continue to parasitize the human's energy field. When a person becomes in consent with Satanic forces, they are agreeing to be in servitude and binding to the will of these lower primitive forces, which will continue to access energetic bindings of that person throughout the current identity and into the death process. Many people do not realize when they conjure demonics or satanic forces, they invite in Negative Aliens also, who will take advantage of that person through implants, siphoning, and a host of other issues concerning access to their human energy field or Lightbody. When a human is in consent with Satanic forces they lose their spiritual sovereignty, and become in servitude to these forces, in earthly life and death. Once these entities are invited into the human body, they do not want to leave. Over time, they take over the mind and body to increase pain, will trick the person's mind continually with delusions, may haunt and torment the person into black depression, addiction and misery, and they can be hard to get rid of and clear from the body. These types of Black Magic practices easily lead to partial or full possession of the human body from other world spirits, human or non human identities that leech inside the body or stay attached to that person's energy field. Many people on the earth today that are very negative, violent, feel miserable and play out negative emotional dramas repeatedly, are suffering from Soul Fragmentation and have an satanic force attachment(s) or Possession.


See Also:

Possession is Common

Addiction Webbing

Imposter Spirit



Term first found in HGS Manual: Page 42