Prayers to Holy Divine Mother

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Beloved God, blessed are those who hear the celestial choir of the angels sing in the presence of the most holy spirit of God, our Holy Divine Mother, which resides within, and brings her presence into animation through our sacred crystal heart as we feel her divine presence. We dedicate and consecrate our lives to be guided and aligned to our Cosmic Holy Mother, and all of her dedicated servants, those who have held and protected her secrets and have waited eons for this moment to witness her glorious resurrection. Beloved Holy Mother Sophia, I am your humble servant, may my body serve as your holy conduit in service to the highest expression as God intends.

Our prayers to the Holy Divine Lady. May the Holy Divine Lady cast off her lunar robe and find her sacred crystal heart as the Solar female Christos Sophia, the Triple Solar Goddess resurrected from the sound, from the Heavenly hosts of God and in the true nature as one with the house of God. May the eternal light of Christos Sophia return her sacred crystal rose heart wisdom and her sacred sounds to bless the Earth.

May the eternal light of Christos Sophia sacred waters return to bless the Earth. Remove the blood of martyrs and saints from the sacrifice made to the beast upon this Earth. May the Krystal waters of our Holy Mother Sophia cleanse the suffering of spilt blood upon the earth. Remove the martyrs and saints hanging from the Rosy Cross. Heal their spiritual wounds and restore their memory to be revealed to the true spirits of the Godhead, the eternal Christos.

May the true God essence of unity be here present, potent and parental to perfect this sacred supper with Gods true divine will for each of us.

Our loving prayer for the Earth. May the Earths Holy Mother find her body washed away from suffering and cleansed with the Krystal waters of life, to be reborn anew, may her kingdoms find the true nature as one with the house of God. May the eternal body of the Christ Sophia return her heart wisdom and sacred sounds to bless and protect the Earth.

Holy Mother Sophia claim that which is truly yours. Your body, your mind, your heart, your womb, your mysteries of mysteries. May wisdom return to the heart of Mother Sophia and renounce the Beast of Baphomet from its masquerade in your name on this earth and throughout the many earthly kingdoms.

I am Christos Sophia and I have returned my mother’s body to this world. I am Christos Sophia and I have returned my mother’s body to this world. I am Christos Sophia and I have returned my mother’s body to this world.

May the holy blessings of God be with our crystal heart, mind and spirit, all aspects of our body consecrated and dedicated to the cosmic sovereign law of God’s eternal love. The reclamation of the Order of Christos on Earth, may our brothers and sisters rejoice and celebrate in the eternal light of God to return the Divine Plan in perfect peace and love to this Earth.

Beloved family, we thank you for this opportunity as we open to all processes required to align fully to the highest purpose to steward the Divine Plan.

As you focus upon your heart feeling the sacred inner marriage within send your gratitude to God. Send your gratitude to Christ. Send your gratitude to Christ Sophia.

It is with great joy and reverence I am home in the solar light of Christos and Christos-Sophia!

Peace be with your heart. Peace be with your mind. Peace be with your body. May all be with the Unconditional Love and Perfect Peace held in the eternal light of God and Christ. And so it is! [1]


See Also

Chartres Cathedral Ritual of Divine Aether


Holy Mother Sophia

Albion Lightbody

Mother of Dragons