Emerald Crystal Heart of Éire

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During this stage of the Ascension Cycle, the hidden magical jewel and Dragon Eye of the Cosmic Mother, the Emerald Crystal Heart of Éire, was discovered to be protecting angelic humanity’s evolutionary purpose as recorded in the local planetary grid architecture, confirmed to be installed within the landmass of Ireland. Thus, the landmass of Ireland, formerly called Hibernia and referred to as Éire by the Irish, was specifically chosen by the Cosmic Mother to hide her most sought-after spiritual treasures from the God Worlds. That which was to be embodied by her triple solar sons and daughters, Aryans, as they incarnated into the lands of Éire to be genetically key coded into the landscape, imbued with her sophianic codes and hidden historical records of the Emerald Order, flowing through the sacred trees, grottoes, lush rolling hills and fresh water springs.

The Cosmic Mother placed a complete replica of herself in a Triple Solar White Diamond Elohei dragon body along with her Edenic paradisian codes from the God Worlds designated for the Earth’s Ascension, and concealed them inside the Emerald Crystal Heart of Éire. The lands, natural kingdoms and sacred sites of Ireland would forever hold her consecrated sounds of silver flamed Eiras, sacred musical tones from the God Worlds. One day she would return to Éire and reclaim what is hers from the anti-Christ vandals that invaded our home during the Sumerian-Egypt Invasion many thousands of years ago. The Emerald Crystal Heart of Éire interconnects directly with the Cosmic Emerald Heart principle in our Universe and beyond, where direct communication can be made with the 48D Emerald Order God World Creation.

During the Dark Aeon

During the Dark Aeon after the Luciferian Rebellion, the eternal living light sentience of the Emerald Crystal Heart of Éire and its core heart tone resonance was turned off in the Crystal Core when the alien machinery was embedded throughout the planetary grid system. The NAA invasion further blocked the organic portal systems connected to the constellations and local star holographic maps, so that the planet could not receive organic star system transmissions that linked the star consciousness intelligence streams into the planetary grid. Recent Guardian Host projects reverse engineering more of the stolen architecture of the Cosmic Clock Aeonic Pairs and Emerald Founder body parts connected to the previous timelines of the Celtic-Druid lineages, revealed the extent of the Thoth-Enki-Enlil plunder with Corvidae black magic crow curses used by the invaders to cause spiritual blindness in the Cosmic Dragon Eye principles in the Albion. Thus, with recent events, the Cosmic Mother’s Dragon Eye in Ireland was returned to her upon discovering that her Emerald Crystal and Dragon parts were located at the Teach Cormaic, Hill of Tara.

Thus, the landmass of Éire was known by the Sumerian-Egypt invaders to be the special island designated for the return of the Cosmic Mother and her Edenic blueprint, and that she alone held the purity and beauty of God which held the immense spiritual power of the cosmic holy spirit to ignite and open the contents of the Emerald Crystal Heart of Éire. These sacred lands were once at the center of the most developed Atlantian Mystery Schools headed by compassionate Aryan teachers with generational lineages of ancient Druid wisdom, which was purposed to educate the people that came to Éire from all over the globe, some seeking initiation into the sacred arts and mysteries of spiritual ascension.

A terrible greed and covetous demonic shadow engulfed the Luciferian Annunaki hybrid lines of the Thoth-Enki-Enlil collectives in Nibiru with a furious rage and anger, as they realized there was a colossal power which they could never directly possess, and it existed within the natural qualities of the Holy Mother and the triple solar feminine Mary Sophia’s that embodied her spiritual wisdom. They vowed to gain control over the Mother’s Emerald Crystal along with the landmass of Ireland, in order to claim it as their own beautiful creation while bestowing its magical spiritual qualities amongst themselves. Thus, Éire and her ancient Essene Tribes, many of them from the Celtic-Druid bloodlines, endured the brutal warring regime of genocide and breeding programs assaulting them for many thousands of years, which became a unique miasmatic ancestral curse sourcing from these invasion histories with the Annunaki hybrid Fallen Angelics, that was directly inherited onto the backs of the future offspring of the Irish.

The NAA and specifically Thoth-Enki-Enlil collectives despise the purity of the Holy Mother and have expended tremendous efforts and vast resources in order to capture and distort the sacred ancient knowledge recorded in the powerful Emerald Crystal Heart of Éire. Orchestrating ongoing genocidal agendas to torture and disfigure the Triple Solar Sons and Daughters of Ireland into fractured lights that became mere shadows of their majestic spiritual selves, having been digressed by the NAA’s lunar demonic force subordinates. Further, by employing gaslighting tactics of misdirection from the Church of Rome, in order to prevent them from fulfilling their divine commission to awaken into their solar body and serve the Emerald Order initiation of the sacred landmass of the Cosmic Mother, which bears her holy name Eiras, composed of heavenly harp music from the God Worlds.

Thus, an incredible effort has been made by the NAA with installation of alien machinery filled with mind control sorcery running curses and hexes with AI black magic infrastructure to purposely hide, deceive and bury the most important accurate historical accounts and ancient artifacts located in the entire span of United Kingdom, Scotland and Ireland. Presumably, because what remains of this landmass since the Atlantian Flood holds so much more about our hidden human history than we can ever imagine, including the magical Albion and Emerald Crystal of Éire, which have been revealed to be supremely important in the collective awakening event and planetary ascension.

Thus, as humanity reaches the end of the dark era, the clarion call for the Emerald Crystal Heart of Éire to ignite at the Hill of Tara and fulfill her sacred purpose and spiritual duty for the entire planet is now upon us. Through the paradisian codes of prefall-Earth in her Aurora colors hidden deep within the Éire landscapes, running rainbow silvery currents through the sacred sites and geomantic features, we discover the Holy Mother Sophia’s special gifts hidden there for all of humanity, that carry exceptional spiritual characteristics which differentiate the Emerald Isle from any other landmass in the world.

White Elohei Mother Ériú

White Elohei Mother Ériú was directing the original Tu’Atha to repair, protect and interact with the Albion Lightbody and build out the 45-degree diagonal diamond grids in the region, helping them to transmit their Christos consciousness records into geomantic structures recorded in the land mass with Ériú ’s pure white diamond light. The Holy Mother was utilizing Ériú ’s solar dragon body to supervise and facilitate the divine purpose of the Ireland landmass by preparing its unique grid system in order to initiate the catalyst of the global emerald heart awakening, through the activation of the Emerald Crystal Heart of Éire upon the Hill of Tara, in divine right timing during the Ascension Cycle.

Emerald Crystal Activation at the Hill of Tara

There is a massive Emerald Krystal Cathedral Network with Avalon portals found on several dimensional layers under and above the Hill of Tara, surrounded by about 300 huge posts made from an entire oak forest, the sacred oak of Celt-Druid Aryans. White Dragon Mother Ériú was the original protector of the Emerald Crystal built by the Tu’Atha at Lia Fail for serving the Celtic-Druid lineages in the region, and there was situated an enormous dormant solar dragon body with its underbelly at the center of the land mass in the Hill of Uisneach.

When the Emerald Crystal hidden in Lia fail was activated on 9:9, the Emerald Cathedral opened into the Emerald Tree of Life and this was activated in the grid system in the Hill of Tara, opening up into a sprawling complex of many dimensional floors of an Avalon-esque paradisian world, extending its grounding cord into the Hill of Uisneach acting as the local axis mundi. The Emerald Awakening of the Emerald Crystal began to grow into extensive Sophianic plasma flowering chakras that are interwoven into the diamond heart crystalline grids which awaken the Solar Dragons that direct their consciousness into the collective egregores for the landmass.

The Emerald Crystal network is designed to function as the Cosmic Founder God Source interdimensional communication network of the Elaysian fields of the Cosmic Spirit Body within the planetary grid system. As the Emerald Heart of Earth is revived and linked up with the Cosmic Emerald Heart, it restores the Emerald Sun DNA 48 strand template, which all Indigo Maji Grail lines and Emerald Order representatives can gain access to from within their personal Diamond Sun template.

Hierogamic Marriage at Hill of Tara

During the events of the 9:9 activation of Lia Fail, Guardians opened the fullness of the Cosmic Amoraea Shield in the location of the Hill of Tara, releasing the inversions of current reversal networks of Corvidae Curse by anchoring six (6) pillared solar shield networks of Cosmic Aton linked into the Cosmic Mother’s Elaysian Living Waters to awaken the Emerald Stone of Destiny. The Cosmic Amoraea Shield encompasses the Divine Holy Spirit of Mother and Christ Child, made up of The Six Emerald Crystal Heart Pillars further sourced from the original twelve Reuche Pillars from the God Worlds that generate the Emerald Order Tree of Life.

And thus, Guardians gathered to witness the holy matrimony of the hierogamic union between the Cosmic Mother’s White Queen and Cosmic Father’s Red King as the sacred marriage coupling was made in the throne room of the Hill of Tara complex, returning in the Emerald Diamond Sun template into the planetary grid. Imagine one white queen and red king couple, standing at the altar in front of the Lia Fail, the white queen is wearing a beautiful white lace filigree ornate gown, holding a bouquet of white roses, the red king is wearing a black tux with neck tie embossed with four leaf clovers, with a single red rose in his breast pocket. The Holy Mother Sophia and the Benevolent Christos Solar King pray together as one Emerald Crystal Heart united with God, as one mind united with God, one sacred hierogamic body united with God throughout eternity. Our White Queen and Red King are embodied as the beloved Christos-Sophia embodying the spiritual reclamation of the Emerald Order, as the clarion call is made to the Cosmic Emerald Suns.[1]


See Also



Tuatha Dé Danann


Trinity Gates

King Arthur