Pathogen Puller

A Pathogen Puller is a class of energetic implants being sprayed onto the human population for directing covert energy programs with instruction sets for implanting disease vectors into the individual's energy field or Aura, generally found to run throughout the human body's energy meridians, Bio-Neurology and exploiting Family of Origin Miasma patterns. Pathogen Pullers have been observed for over twenty years, and were originally thought to be transmitted by the black operations of the Military Industrial Complex, an operational arm of the SSP's and various NAA controlled sources in the Global Health Mafia, for the purpose of orchestrating the Genetic Modification of Human DNA, generating the toxic conditions for Bio-Neurological Impairment, as well as running assorted live genetic experiments targeting assorted demographic populations for cultivating a variety of disease patterns and behavioral modifications in the human race. A sick and weakened population has a much harder time resisting the invading NAA races tyrannical Divide and Conquer Tactics with Controlled Narratives for perpetuating Problem, Reaction and Solutions that are crafted for mass Mind Control, human enslavement and obeying the controller's authority through false narratives, Propaganda, and assorted methods of crushing dissent through intimidation and threats.


"I want to alert you to the possibility of scanning your body for pathogen pullers that are being sent through frequency following response during sleep or when you are in areas with groups of people like at the grocery store beings exposed maybe to some vaccinated people or assorted ELFs that are coming out of cell phones.Be aware that frequencies are directing a self assembly energetic program into the limbs of the human body where are weaknesses in the aura for that individuals constitution.

So if this resonates with you, I would suggest to please scan your body. Look and sense for anything that does not feel right in your lower limbs. Such as something is painful, stiff, or it feels like there is a blockage, there is dead energy, or there is something not feeling right. Maybe black magic or some kind of pestilence program.

I particularly pulled out a pathogen puller device out of my lower left calf muscle that was near the back of my knee cap that was heavily clocked. And it was actually hard to clear until I used specific wording in order to see the mechanist of the pathogen puller into the left leg.

This things was kind of like a super implant. But what was interesting was that if I used our general language to clear implants, it was not clearing.

But I do suspect it was because I needed to see more detail about this structure is.

Now the word of the term to used that was successful for me was PATHOGEN PULLER DEVICES.

Now when I pulled out he pathogen puller, it was connect to gender reversal programming and anti hierogamic splitter tech, scrambling the ability of my left axitonial lines to receive frequencies from my base shield.So it was attempting to block the energies coming through the receiving end of the left side of my body and it was bumping up against old crucifixion implants residues and traumas.

So it was using the crucifixion trauma imprint to create an instruction in this transmission for synthetic biology to make rubbery clots from the genetic record of my DNA.

So this is something to pay attention to for those of us that this may resonate.

What worked for me was extract pathogen puller devices. So this would be in the themes of what we are talking about here which is extract programs of antichrist programming.

Identify, locate remove and repair clotting mechanisms in the pathogen puller. Extracting hydrogel instruction sets.

Clearing the DNA or genetic record from hydrogel instruction sets.The theme of this structure was sourced to track blood types, sourced to track genetic typing, sourced to track unvaccinated search scan, sourced to track hydrogel polymer morgellons nanotech instruction and some array of synthetic biology.We understand this is the shot, this is the transhuman thing that they are trying to create with the rubbery clots which is kind of like a seed sample of gain of function.

Think of the geneticist using DNA samples rubbery clots of which to expand its gain of function over time in which to use it as a full body with that genetic record.

That is what this thing was.So with this information, I believe that it will, if it's something that you resonate with or feel connected to or you find that this is in your body.It is relatively easy to clear when you know what it is. And the energy signature that it that responded to dismantle it was pathogen puller.

Now some of the residue that it left hurt. My calf was hurting but I needed to detox some of the trauma residues of crucifixion implantation on my left side, most particular my left knee cap.

Now if we look at crucifixion implants and inversions of violet ray and we also connect that to some overlap of healing with Morgan and Merlin corrections.

They design this implant to attach to lower limbs to block incoming solar light and organic Krystic frequencies of the recent corrections and activations. Its connected to the trauma residue to crucifixion implants and reversal violet ray in our history in our body and it has some overlap with Morgana and Merlin corrections impacting what seems to be at this time primarily, left side, lower leg, left knee and into the foot.

Now once you see it you cannot unsee it and then it removes easily. It my case it left a painful residue which was highlighting crucifixion implant trauma that needed to be seen and cleared out of my left leg and knee along with corrections for supporting stomach and spleen connections on my left side related to the spiritualization of my blood and the correction of that relationship to organic earth elements.

With calm and with clarity during your meditation time, if you are guided and this feels resonate for you, please scan your limbs and ask your Christ Self and the Guardian Host Ascension Teams or whoever you feel comfortable to:

Identify, locate, remove and repair pathogen pullers related to hydrogel polymers, morgellons nano technology, synthetic biology clots, and pathogenic substances and organisms that need to be cleared, extracted, removed and detoxified.In addition to clearing it, herbal supplementation can address this as well as sharing the clearing technique because I really felt that this was related to detoxifying in the body meaning that this thing was glommed on toxic residue from the crucifixion implant impacting my left calf and so that is kind of what gave it the magnetism to stick there and what it made it harder to actually release, is I needed to see the mechanism of its function because it was much more than just an “implant.”

I needed to see that what it was doing was sourcing and tracking blood types. It was also sourcing and tracking genetic typing. It was searching and tracking unvaccinated search scan.

So that they are doing right now it to create anything and everything to create a disease vector in the human body that leaves the human body’s immunity vulnerable to some kind of parasitic invasion, GMO invasion because it’s a free for all right now.These SSP’s are in threat and they are just throwing everything and and the kitchen sink at the surface population right now and they want to include as many disease vectors into a human that they can. And so that is what they are doing and that is what this thing was.

This pathogen puller device felt like an attempt to bring in disease vector.

They are just releasing bugs and things that are carrying disease vectors. So I think this is what we are living through at this time to be aware of this and to understand that they are creating pathogen pulse devices.

For those of you who are not familiar with Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea MD, PHD, she haș been the brave soul that has been talking about the synthetic biology proving that unvaccinated blood with a low level electrical current can bring filaments growing rubbery clots.

So this pathogen puller device seems right in alignment to Ana’s investigations in her scientific lab so that may be helpful for forming the words and themes for clearing if you come across this. "

  • end of the transcription[1][2]


  1. <transcript by laurie>
  2. [ES June 2024 Ascension Class]

See Also


Mob Frenzy


Political Correctness

War Over Consciousness