Spirit of Discipline

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The Spirit of Discipline is one of the seven main spirits of Christ.

Christ Spirit

The Spirit of Discipline is what moves one from confusion to clarity in making accurate assessments in life circumstances in the effective direction and focus of one's personal time and energy. Personal discernment is a skill that is the result of the Spirit of Discipline.

The behavioral imbalances, the Negative Ego mental disease, the broken systems, the disconnected automaton “machine” mentality are apparent in the 3D environment. Without a rudder, without direction, many people feel utter confusion in the midst of accelerating chaotic energies. Finding clarity from within this massive confusion requires awareness of negative patterns and their attachments and then the focused discipline of one's Ego/Personality to clear them from controlling one's behavior into impulsive and destructive actions.

The Spirit of Discipline is the antidote to Gluttony and Waste.

Spirit of Conservation

Conservation - Being able to discern the Right Use of Action – harnesses precious time and life force energies to be more effective and impactful. Cultivate the wisdom in when to engage and learn when not to engage with others or conflicting circumstances. No person needs to justify their existence to another or to care what people think of them. Staying clear of emotional tantrums and dramas and not engaging means you do not feed the drama to escalate into chaos. Dark Forces use drama to instigate schisms and chaos between yourself and others, making us less effective and scattering our energies. Conserving energy means a stronger focus, and one becomes more effective and productive. When we learn this skill, we gain more resources, and connection with our spiritual sources. If we waste time and energy, we reach an energy threshold that cannot be increased, draining us, and therefore dissipates its positive influence. The Spirit of Discipline and the Spirit of Conservation go hand in hand with each serving each other.


The Spirits of Christ are that which attract Virtues which are a form of the bestowal of Divine Grace. Virtues are qualities of goodness which inhabit in the world of forces, as a “spiritual force”. When one builds strength in virtue, one builds strength in the power of our goodness which translates into the power of God Force. We reap the quality of our cultivated virtue in that which brings incredible gifts directly from the God spirit. (These are the Spirits of Christ) [1] [2]

As the Universal Law of Structure states; we can build our house in so that the spirit we design it for can reside. This is what it means to create a House for Christ and to purify ourselves for the Spirit of Christ. The Spirits of Christ requires a House in which to dwell inside our mind and body. As you devote your attention and focus on the quality of the Spirits of Christ, the Houses for Christ grow stronger. Where we focus our energy and attention its energetic form materializes. Thus, greatly increasing one’s relationship to God and experiencing energetic balance which returns us into feelings of self-love, peace and happiness.

The Spirits of Christ

  • Dismantle the House of Gluttony/Waste: Evict the Spirit of Gluttony and Waste and Call in the Spirit of Discipline and Conservation. Ask God to help you build the House of Discipline and Conservation in your mind and body aligned with Christ Spirit.

Discipline the Ego

Since the linear ego mind’s purpose is designed to perceive linear time, as in point A to point B in a straight line, it is very limited in its capacity to access a wide range of possibilities in Consciousness. It will reduce possibilities to limitations of perceptions of time and collective “belief systems” logic. Therefore, this is not desirable when learning to expand consciousness. Ascension topics will challenge the ego belief systems of a closed mind, so attempt to hold an open mind in the spirit of exploration. The spiral Higher Sensory Perception is an aspect of the higher mind, when attuned correctly, will observe and receive information neutrally as “sensations” or direct cognition. The spiral energy of accessing information will allow you to go beyond linear time to access much more information in “no-time”. Spiraling energy is how the energetic bodies and the Universal life force energies move through time and space. As a practice to discipline your ego, learn to refocus negative or judgmental thoughts when you become aware of them as an inner dialogue. As you discipline your Negative Ego from running your life, you will acquire greater skill at HSP and reading energies. Remember the linear thoughts of the ego mind blocks higher sensory perception. Being scared or fearful of the unknown will also block HSP. There is nothing to be afraid of in facing the truth. Refresh your mental discipline tools by reviewing the “Ego DisciplineTechniques” in the ES Core Triad.[3]

See HGS Panel Video on Discipline[4]

Engaged Detachment

In order to develop Self Awareness of being present with the Inner and Outer Dialogues through the Observing Consciousness one will require to develop the Spirit of Discipline. Refocusing mental perception from Negative Thoughts to its Positive Polarity through Unconditional Love and Forgiveness towards the self and others. Note: focusing on positive thoughts to replace negative thoughts are the first stage of egodiscipline, the second stage is applying neutrality or neutral association through sustained focus, as in inner quiet found during meditation. This is because many people in ego behavior misrepresent neutrality as dissociative reaction to external events or others feelings. Disassociation and neutrality is not the same state of consciousness, one is disconnected from circumstances, while the latter is connected through awareness, through observer. This is called engaged detachment.[5]


See Also


GSF Behavior

12 Practices of Self Awareness


Krystic Qualities Article