Vector Code
The Guardian term "vector" means a specific "coordinate" in the timeline or a "zone" on the grid network. A vector is a time and space representative as well as a consciousness energetic placement holder on the timeline of a matrice holding cellular "memory" or code. It is also related to the fire letters that activate the codes of our human DNA. What can be energetically released into a vector is crucial in way of timing as it impacts the control of the "clock shield" templates in the blueprint of a dimensional field. That means if the use of a vector placement is changed it will change our personal and larger relationship to time and space, as well as our experience of who we are as a "station of identity". If this is mismanaged in the planetary grid architecture, it is similar as to the creation of an artificial wormhole system or a time rip in the fabric of space/time.
Term first found in HGS Manual: Page 49