Akhenaton Fall and Murder

Reference from Historical Timeline Trigger Events: 3,300 YA, Akhenaton despises politics, working for human Law of One Ascension timelines, transits out trapped souls, attempts overthrow of Amun Priest’s child and blood sacrifice rituals, 2D underworld portal rips, family murderous plot, character assassination campaign.[1]

Akhenaton Timeline

In the timelines of Egypt, as well as subsequent abuse of Alien Machinery technology to open portals in the 2D Underworld (which created time and space rips), manifested incredible damage to the planet, and her elemental and nature kingdoms. The damage made to the planetary field created multiple problems with human soul fragments, soul inversion, subconscious shadow personalities and NAA alien manipulation of these vulnerabilities.

One of these events was with 18th Dynastic timeline with Akhenaton, embodied as a Sirian Annunaki Templar Guardian, of which the erroneous use of opening portal systems for Ascension occurred while attempting to move out trapped souls from the Atlantian Cataclysm and Lemurian Holocaust periods. This ascension project ended in failure and destroyed his massive life’s work in attempting to recreate Krystic architecture and Law of One principles within Amarna, upon the earth. Upon opening rips in the 2D Underworld, which unleashed harmful forces into the higher frequency planes, it fragmented many souls who were sucked through its black hole. Shortly after this event, he retreated from his rule in pain, and was murdered a heretic King.

HGS Manual

Akhenaton Fall and Murder is listed in the HGS Manual under the Fragments clearing under Fragment Influences (RRO) Historical Timeline Trigger Events. [2]


  1. Historical Timeline Triggers
  2. 2.7 Fragments in HGS Manual: Page 92

See Also

Galactic Wars

Law of One