Building Crystal Grids

Building Crystal Grids is coded into angelic human DNA from the hidden timelines of the pre-flood advanced civilizations in which using crystal technology to interact with the living intelligence of the planet was common and known. Thus, many children given the freedom to explore crystals may tap into their soul memories and naturally find themselves outlaying their crystals in certain formations. For kids building a crystal grid is an artistic and creative project which should be joyful and fun, relaxed and natural rather than forced. An adult can give them a geometric pattern as a pre-made grid to set an intention and help the child fill in the pattern with their choice of crystal arrangement. This is similar to coloring books, in providing a geometric outline and letting them use crystals and gemstones to place energetic colors and shapes upon the grid pattern.

Four Square Krystallah (by Sequoia)

To start making a crystal grid you will need to choose a flat surface indoors or outdoors that is a safe place to set it up. Decide if you want a specific geometric pattern to follow or to be creative laying the crystals in intuitive freeform. Designate the space and connect with the crystals, feel into where the crystals and rocks would like to be placed and build from there. A popular crystal grid for adults is the six-pointed merkaba star pattern used as a light symbol in the 12D Christos shield, which is inherent in our human lightbody pattern and the natural creation of male-female unified balance. To get started a wonderful mom created some free crystal grid templates for kids that can be downloaded here.

Making a crystal grid is similar to building a mandala wheel or working with crafts to make an individually unique artwork infused with crystalline energies. Once you have the supplies, encourage your child to feel and examine each crystal before deciding where to place it. Then let your child start arranging the crystals into patterns that most appeal to them. Potentially starting in the center of the working space with larger crystals and working outward with various shapes, sizes, and colors of the different crystals, rocks or other items. Thus, adding other natural elements to the crystal grid could include flowers, leaves, twigs, river rocks, wood or other cherished objects that build the intention that connects directly with the children or family as they are making it together.

Each crystal grid could be made weekly in order to dedicate it to expressing positive attributes or Christos qualities, such as setting intentions for the spirits of peace, compassion, patience, healing, protection or whatever is relevant in that moment to promote specific positive energies for that child.

Crystal grids are unlimited in how they can be created with unique intention and divine purpose. They can be simple to set up as an effective energy harmonizing and space clearing tool, or arranged in complex geometric grid patterns that connect with the Earth’s natural ley lines, in which telempathic communication with a range of intelligences is made possible through meditation. Crystal grids create a language of energetic circuitry which sends a vibratory message throughout the grid to interact with the natural kingdoms of the planet. Essentially any species, minerals, plants, trees, animals and other intuitive humans can be telepathically connected to with the pure heart-based intention of building a crystal grid with that purpose. Thus, building a crystal grid can be especially wonderful for exercising the imagination of children and teens which involves mental focus onto the natural kingdoms and consciousness energy. This supports building energetic links and deeper connections with nature, helping to foster a positive mindset that reduces stress and anxiety, while encouraging creativity and imagination.

Many indigenous cultures have understood the energy exchange with the living Earth and have been giving intentional offerings with art, music, celebration rituals for expressing gratitude and appreciation to the natural kingdom since the dawn of time. Thus, crystal grids are excellent for making intentional prayers for requesting support for an array of personal or family issues, as well as making special gifts and offerings to the Earth and any of her species. As an example, trees, rivers, seas, whales and cetaceans have been found to be especially fond of receiving crystal prayer offerings from human beings. Crystal grids are also utilized for formal gridwork sessions to support the anchoring of tri-wave Cosmic Christos frequencies into the planetary grid network, so the creative possibilities with building crystal grids through the unique soul inspirations and intentions are indeed boundless.

This could be a fun family project where parents and children learn about different crystals together, build a family crystal grid with a specific intention and then share experiences they may notice with energetic changes in the household.

Amethyst Crystal

Amethyst Crystal

Some of the most common and easily found crystals that are positive for children include amethyst, aquamarine, quartz, tiger’s eye, carnelian, sodalite and hematite. At this time, for many reasons it is clarified that the favorite crystal for assorted healing and spiritual protection for children of all ages is Amethyst. Amethyst can be paired with other crystals such as selenite and clear quartz for amplifying the clearing out effects of attachments or parasitic energy phenomena.

The Amethyst Order made it clear that through the amethyst crystal family, they can block geopathic stressors, AI transmissions, psychic attack, black magic, energetic disturbances and clear many other negative energies in spaces and places by transforming them into higher spiritual vibrations. Many Amethyst crystals have single points, place the point toward your body to draw in energy and place the point away from your body to draw off energy. Wearing Amethyst pendants over the throat and heart center and sleeping with one under the pillow can clear dream state psychic attacks and nightmares, improving quality of sleep. The more that you love and connect with your crystal, the more potent it will become in supporting you. [1]


See Also

Cleansing and Attunement to Crystals

How Crystals can Support Children

Crystal Body

Crystal Core