Destroying Integrity of Universal Time Matrix

The serious damage that was made to the instruction sets of Timelines during the Galactic Wars destroyed the original integrity of the Universal Time Matrix. This further led to the exploration of various extradimensional species using artificial technologies and artificial intelligences, in which to generate their phantom creations and inorganic timelines. As these species, many in the NAA and Thoth groups, used artificial technologies to continue to build artificial realities, they needed to build an artificial core manifestation template to maintain support for their artificial creations and related inorganic timelines. This artificial core manifestation template is built on Base 10 Math, and is an intentional distortion of the 12 Tree Grid manifestation template or Kathara Grid that is built on Base 12 Math. This distortion to the natural order compromised the integrity of the Universal Tree of Life core manifestation template, which is the basis of all energy to matter manifestation. This distorted information was aggressively spread on the earth in the Thothian Luciferian teachings during the era of the Atlantian Mystery Schools and was continued throughout the Pythagorean teachings. The Pythagoras Mystery Schools were worshipping the The Sacred Decad (ten) as a mystical symbol, which still greatly influences the pyramidal sects of the secret societies today.

Thus, the Controllers continued to abuse their power on earth by destroying the energetic balance in creation through the abuse of artificial technologies, which are built upon reversal 55 Fibonacci formulas for building morphogenetic structures in Base 10 Math. This is a system that exists outside of Natural Order and Natural Laws, and is entirely artificially driven. Over time this deviation generated massive amounts of destruction across an assortment of timelines, as they continued to experiment on human genetics for cloning purposes, in order to prolong their lifespans. Human DNA contains time codes that are necessary for accessing organic timelines, so by digressing human DNA, there was also a progressive destruction of the integrity of the matrices that project the dimensional timelines. They continued to enforce the elitist belief system that they are immortal creator gods, and vastly superior to the other races. Through the use of base 10 artificial technologies and the Artificial Tree of Life template, they learned how to use mind control programs that infiltrated into the planetary mind. These mind control programs could capture souls and dominate them, while existing in their artificial realities. This was intended to manipulate the Souls of other species to become their consciousness slaves, and they have used these same technological methods of artificial intelligence on other planets.

Base 10, Artificial Tree of Life

During the Atlantian timelines, the distorted core manifestation template of the Artificial Tree of Life, became increasingly popularized. A finite source architecture that promoted anti-life sciences that would be used to generate an assortment of death cults upon the earth. This is this same core architecture that is currently known as the Kabbalah Tree of Life that consists of 10 nodes symbolizing the dimensional spheres.

From the Guardian perspective the Sephiroth, meaning the divine emanations as defined in the 10 attributes of God as described in the Kabbalah Tree of Life, is a part of the esoteric teachings of Judaism that was directly influenced by the NAA groups. The NAA groups promoted this esoteric knowledge to the secret societies in order to hijack human beings’ Collective Consciousness to feed their base 10 architecture in the Artificial Tree of Life, that is an alien machine placed in the planetary field to split off organic timelines and create artificial ones. The use of the Artificial Tree of Life in rituals for Service to Self is common to incite Black Magic in many spiritual disciplines, and this is designed for the purpose of maintaining the artificial timelines and artificial machinery of the base 10 architecture running in the earth fields.[1]


See Also

War Over Timelines

Deviations from Natural Order

Base 12 Math

Base 10 Math

Artificial Timelines versus Organic Timelines