Artificial Tree of Life

From Ascension Glossary
Unified Eternal Consciousness (Christos) vs. Fragmented Finite Consciousness (anti-Christ)

Metatronic Reversals connect to metatronic implants in the shadow body or Negative Form that are designed to reverse and drain life force out of the earth body and the human body. The shadow body or Negative Form must be cleared from the human Lightbody in order to reconnect the ascending potential of the twelfth dimensional template of the human body. This unnatural configuration was built by the NAA via Alien Machinery that uses Artificial intelligence to parasitize the earth's life force to achieve immortality, and this organized Dead Energy structure is referred to as the Tree of Artificial Life, or the Black Tree of Life.

Kabbalah's Artificial Tree of Life

Base 10 Template - Sephiroth

Thus, Judaism's Kabbalah and the Artificial Tree of Life is based on the inverted teachings intentionally given by the Thothian groups to generate reversals in the knowledge given in the original Founder Records, and this is overseen and administered by the Yahweh Collective located on Saturn. The Kabbalah esoteric information was brought through in pieces from distorted Patriarchal Melchizedek intelligence that had been captured and reverse engineered, through their original knowledge of the Universal Tree of Life and the quantum mechanics that are included in the 12 holographic plates of the Emerald Founder Records.[1]

Red Cube Egyptian Pantheon

Tree of Life Blockages (art by Sequoia)

An Artificial Tree of Life was cloned into a sub structure in which this Red Cube Egyptian Pantheon tree is used as the main grid architecture for cloning Serres-Egyptian identities from Tara that are connected to the Azurites on Gaia. These red cube cloned identities are used to power up the black magic money debt enslavement structures put in place by the Orion Group, and used by the cabal bankers to manipulate financial markets and maintain global wealth in the hands of their satanic and luciferian bloodlines. [2]

Clone Warfare Agendas

Foreword Note: Please consider that uncovering many multidimensional layers of complex Alien Machinery used as advanced Mind Control weaponry for perpetuating Clone Warfare, along with the AI hybrid demonic hierarchies managed by the invaders to enslave humanity for the NAA's ongoing invasion of the Solar System, has encompassed many successive missions of multidimensional Guardian teams over several lifetimes to identify and locate the hidden alien infrastructure of artificial red wave and Red Cube transmissions throughout the Planetary Grid Network. Thus, during the Ascension Cycle with the Neutron Window opening, discovering the Red Trident has been ongoing with successive revelations of its AI infrastructure being located for dismantling for the purpose of Correcting Dark Matter from Terraforming Technology, while identifying which of the NAA species are active administrators of Looking Glass, overseeing their cloned AI hybrid armies in the Phantom Matrix areas of the Artificial Tree of Life, which function within the sprawling mass of galactic hierarchies. See Pitfalls of Artificial or Cloned Identities.


The Qlippoth is the Negative Form shell and/ or Imposter Spirit negative force of the Sephiroth), or the Black Tree of Life and sends off the work to the rest of the Qlippoth, gives energy to the Qlippoth, the source of power and its force as in its Miasma, which acts as a generator of the same force. Simply, these are the Dead Light forces of the Shadow Self and their spiritual-energetic qualities that are used to harvest energy by the NAA.

The Adverse Sephiroth or the Qlippoth is the dimensional location that Fallen Angelics hierarchies and the Satanic and Luciferian forces exist. On the path of Ascension our goal is to face the Shadow Self and the demons it associates, and to purify our body and consciousness from its control over us. This is why we must not fear these lower forces, but not give our power to them either, as they are tricksters and deceivers. They are also known as the “Evil Demons of Matter and the Shells of the Dead".

Because the nature of these forces being from the Houses of Ego, when studying the Qlippoth which houses the forces of the anti-Christ, it is imperative to study moral code, humanitarian based ethics, and build a strong foundation for the Spirits of Christ. This builds a strong energy aura, which builds inner spiritual virtues, which in turn build spiritual Lightbody strength. If a person is untrained in clearing the Houses of Ego, to address the anti-life forces without spiritual clarity or discernment of these forces, can harm more than help. Being able to contact these dark forces are not for the spiritual neophite.

Satanic Possession, addiction, attachments and insanity of a weak mind and weak body, can be the result. (See Spiritual Deliverance).

Black Tree of Life, Artificial Tree of Life

Sephiroth Base 10 Tree Overlay

Most people have been continually brainwashed to disregard, ignore and dismiss the energetic reality of massive gestalts of Collective Consciousness and spiritual forces, as there are many different sentient levels of disembodied consciousness that exist as a quality, theme, and vibration of energy. Any of these spiritual forces or actual disembodied consciousnesses, can be conjured or evoked to seek a vibrational match in a human physical vessel to express itself through on the material plane. The trick of these low-level dark spiritual forces is to lie and manipulate the host human’s mind, to believe that these dark forces will actually be beneficial to them. This is a bold-faced lie embedded with Black Magic spell casting that hides the blatant spiritual abuse of a human being.

Conjuring demons and dark forces in ritual comes at a great spiritual-energetic cost, which will require payment, usually in blood or tragic death. The person will be put through a labyrinth of personal pain and agony, as a result of what has been taken over time from the demonic or dark force. The hierarchy of dark forces have many unique vibrations, this can be the accumulated knowledge in a particular subject, and when that knowledge is coveted or glamourized by a human being, it can attract the attachment of such dark forces. Knowledge is power and we all need to develop our inner potentials to actualize our higher purpose, however when people cross the line into an addictive pursuit of mental power and intellectual knowledge above the heart and soul’s Gnosis, it can have negative consequences.

To gain access to this higher knowledge or power, or as a result, many Luciferian and Satanic cult families give up their own children and their children’s children, spilling their blood in ritual in order to gain material pleasures or dark sourced power on the material plane. These rituals are real and have dire consequences, where those addicted to power and greed are selling their soul for temporary gratification, placing themselves in the hands of otherworldly deceivers that intend to inflict agony upon humanity.

The spiritual deceivers can be called by many different names; demons, fallen angelic, jinn, shadow creatures, or actual dark extradimensional (NAA) beings. All of these entities are made up of a raw energy black substance that is organized upon a principle in the law of structure. The law of structure exists in dimensions of time and space, and some of these instruction sets are energy structures that have been co-created between the anti-life spiritual forces and humans on the earth that have embodied these dark forces. This larger organizational structure is called the Black Tree of Life, or Qlippoth. The Black Tree of Life is exploited using alien machinery and artificial intelligence technology to manipulate timelines, and so it is also referred to as the Artificial Tree of Life.

These dark forces have also been proliferated by those who employ black magic rituals with the law of structure contained in the instruction set of the Kabbalistic Sephiroth, in which many satanic organizations have used the 10D base code as their governing principle in casting, conjuring and carrying out rituals. The Kabbalah tree of life represents the distorted 10D base code genetic blueprint of the Black Sun regressive lineages, many entities which source from the Draconian lines, and Refugee Races from the Maldek and Mars wars. Judaism's Kabbalah is based on the teachings given by the Yahweh Collective located on Saturn, which promotes Saturnian Blood Worship at the top levels of its pyramid of power. The Kabbalah brought through pieces of the Universal Melchizedek intelligence through the partial knowledge that was acquired and was held within the architecture of the Universal Tree of Life and the twelve holographic plates containing the language of light, the Universal creator code.

The anti-life forces of Luciferianism and Satanism chose to align only with the principles of Materialism and Negative Ego, primarily following an ideology that glorifies Service to Self, Moral Nihilism, Survival of the Fittest-Strongest, and Eugenics. In order to advance their power and influence over others, they act upon their whims and desires to accumulate a life-style constructed upon instant self-gratification, hedonism and material pleasures. In order to gain this enormous wealth, power and privilege, this encompasses a life-style created upon the Houses of Ego, falsity, Blood Sacrifice of living things, and disdain of their fellow humans and the earth itself. Choosing to believe in their superiority over those they think are weak and stupid, they exist in a Death Culture that enforces Predatorial Parasitism of a living host, which is the planetary soul, and the living soul of earth’s original inhabitants.

From the depths of the darkest underbelly of dead energy and miasmatic sludge, in which a negative form and shadow selves were manifested from the Black Tree of Life or Qlippoth, exist many hierarchies of low-level dark spirits, a sentient layer of collective consciousness that exists in death, shadow and reversals.

Everything is energy and herein is the truth of that dark consciousness which seeks to subjugate humanity into misery, agony and suffering, the darkest black energy aspects which encompass Dead Light, Negative Forms and thus, the World of Lies.[3]

Imposter Elohim Group

Some of the Elohim groups digressed into the control of the alien hybridization agendas with the invading NAA groups of Belial entities and Thothian Luciferians, and became integrated with the fallen AI hybridized entities that serve the Luciferian Covenant. The Elohim references that are made in the Torah, Talmudic literature or in the esoteric Kabbalah teachings in the Jewish religion are sourced from the Fallen Elohim hybrids integrated with Belial and Luciferian factions that gave the Artificial Tree of Life or Base 10 Math Sephiroth teachings to the Semitic races in the Middle East. This was Information Warfare in order to confound original angelic human language, to suppress the solar feminine, and replace the original Cosmic Christos Dragon Teachings that were being protected by the remaining Hyperboreans that came to Earth after the Gaian Wars. The remaining Hyperboreans that came to the planet Earth to serve the Christos Mission are the Celtic-Druid Grail Bloodlines or Celtic Essenes. They were hunted down and massacred by these Fallen Elohim groups in order for them to act as the imposter overlords of the so called chosen people, the "god of Israelites" and to oversee the seeding and indoctrination of this new anti-Christ alien religion. See Celtic Massacres/Druid Sacrifices.

Dismantling Orion Matrix AI

The Orion's Belt alien machinery complex is another Pindar-Thoth-Azazael artificial technology network that was utilizing the Emerald Founder Records and cloned Azurite identities to generate false holograms in the phantom timelines that appear as the original Solar Rishic Founders, similar to the findings during the Thuban reclamation last year. The Emerald Order, Amethyst Order and Gold Order Imposter inorganic consciousness architecture was embedded in Thothian AI systems connected to each star in Orion's Belt, designed to emulate the falsified Threefold Founder Flames of the unified Solar Dragon king body of the Solar Rishi and the Melchizedek lineages. The authentic Solar Rishi sun-star bodies and Melchizedek patriarchal lineages were cloned out in the Artificial Tree of Life phantom timelines and their inverted mirrored holographic imagery was used to place energetic overlays upon power elite identities of the NAA's preferred genetic lineages, that comprise the Luciferian or Satanic alien hybridized bloodlines. [4]

Daath Portal and Grual Points

During the most recent 10:10 window, the base 10 architecture met with a massive cross spiral of Krystic forces that dissolved and annihilated sections of the infrastructure of the AI Signals used for controlling the Golden Eagle Grid. These are the transmissions used to relay reversal 10 patterns that enforce the base 10 mechanics in this reality, along with propping up the Base 10 Artificial Tree of Life. See Base 10 Math and Reversal Networks.


See Also

Base 10 Math

Planetary Miasma

Alien Implants

Imposter Spirit