Phase Disrupters

Phase disruption refers to interfering with the balance between the standing wave pattern (Scalar Waves) that is naturally organic in the cellular biology, DNA functions and its evolution processes at the quantum energy levels.

If interacting waves meet at a point where they are in anti-phase, then destructive interference will occur. It is common for waves of electromagnetic (light, RF), acoustic (sound) or other energy to become transposed or superimposed in their transmission medium. When that happens, the phase difference determines whether they reinforce or weaken each other or give other types of messaging. This is how the NAA bio neurological Mind Control works on changing the energy patterns of our thoughts or messaging in the auric body - which transmits that data as impulses to our brain receiver.

Anti-Christ Voice Transmissions

This blockage problem in the 8D Rasha Ring included the entire Monadic layer spans of 7D, 8D and 9D which are the sound tones that run in the lithosphere, the geological shelf, earth crust and in assorted major Dragon Nodes. Including the Holy Mountain architecture, in which these subterranean alien machines were transmitting Phase Disruption signals of Goat Mind control with AI generated sound templates with Forked Tongue reversal speech to nullify the interior Rasha Tones of TA-MA-KA.[1]


Energetic Synthesis Forum Phase Disrupter

Term first found in HGS Manual: Page 49

See Also

Phase Differences